Showing posts with label Yemen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yemen. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2023

According to Arabic language media, a leader in the Iranian-backed Houthi group in Yemen  called for the murder of members of the Jewish community in Yemen or their subjugation.

Abd al-Rahman al-Ahnoumi, the editor-in-chief of the official Al-Thawra newspaper, which is controlled by the Houthis, said: "The appropriate and legitimate dealings with the Jews of Yemen is that they either die by the sword or become dhimmis to the state."

He also referred to a Jew's criticism of him: "What you expect from them, are the most despicable creatures and the most cursed of people." 

I couldn't find the original tweet, so it might have been deleted. But the antisemitism of the Shiite Houthis is undeniable - after all, their slogan includes "Curse the Jews." 

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The UN's antisemitic Special Rapporteur for Attacking Israel, Francesca Albanese, tweeted this:

The systematic demolition of Palestinian homes, erection of illegal Israeli settlements & systematic denial of building permits for Palestinians amounts to “domicide”. This is nothing but Israel’s attempt to curtail Palestinians’ self-determination & threaten their very existence.   
She links to a report from the viciously anti-Israel Human Rights Council which says:

The international community must take action to stop systematic and deliberate housing demolition and sealing, arbitrary displacement and forced evictions of Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank, UN experts* said today.

In the month of January 2023 alone, Israeli authorities reportedly demolished 132 Palestinian structures across 38 communities in the occupied West Bank, including 34 residential and 15 donor-funded structures. This figure represents a 135 percent increase, compared to the same period in 2022, and includes five punitive demolitions.

“The systematic demolition of Palestinian homes, erection of illegal Israeli settlements and systematic denial of building permits for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank amounts to “domicide”.

Here's the interesting part. The word "domicide" was coined last year by Balakrishnan Rajagopal, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing. 

In his report he defined the term this way:

“The attacking, bombing and shelling of civilian targets, the razing of entire cities and villages – displacing millions into homelessness – have continued unabated despite the development of modern human rights and humanitarian law,” the UN expert said.

While international law outlaws all forms of arbitrary housing destruction, deportation, displacement and forced eviction, the Special Rapporteur noted an alarming continuity of gross violations of the right to adequate housing in times of conflict.

In a path-breaking report, Rajagopal urged States to recognise “domicide” - the systematic or widespread violation of the right to adequate housing – as an international crime of its own standing.

Rajagopal created the term to describe a much bigger issue than just destroying houses here and there. He's discussing the systematic destruction of entire cities and making thousands of people homeless just to hurt people:
“How many more Aleppos, Saanas and Mariupols must we endure? We must not allow those responsible for such egregious crimes to remain in positions of power. They must face international justice,” Rajagopal said.

This scene in Aleppo is what he means by domicide:

In the 17 or so years I've been reading Palestinian media, I have not once seen an article about a homeless Palestinian in the West Bank. 

Those who are building illegal houses in Area C already have houses in Palestinian administered areas. They aren't homeless! They are building these illegal, dangerous shacks in order to grab land from Israel - with European support. It is a purely political move. But they have a place to sleep at night even after Israel demolishes their homes. No one is living in a tent or in a car that I have seen.

This is not at all what Balakrishnan Rajagopal had in mind when he created the term.

Once the UN describes a new crime, the modern antisemites must hijack the term to apply it to Israel, of course, and pretend that Israel's demolishing illegally built houses - which is an obligation under the laws of occupation! - is the worst possible example of this crime.

And, let's face it, saying that Israel is guilty of "domicide" sounds so much more dramatic than "enforcing zoning laws."

By hijacking the issue, the UN's "experts" and Albanese have now cheapened the actual crimes of Syria, Yemen and Russia. Because antisemites insist that Jews are the worst people on Earth. 

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Friday, January 13, 2023

The assertion that Arabs are only anti-Zionist, not antisemitic, often has its challenges.

The leader of the Houthi Ansar Allah movement in Yemen, Abd al-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, gave a speech for the Muslim version of International Women's Day.

Al Houthi said,  "the global Zionist-Jewish lobby seeks by targeting women to target the structure of society and dismantle the bonds of human society and the family," explaining that the demonic, corrupting Jews target women to corrupt them and seeks to turn them into a tool to corrupt society.

And he explained that the Jews seek to spread corruption more than ever before, and they use all means and capabilities for that.

So, anti-Zionist or antisemitic? It's a real conundrum.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

From the December 21, 1947 Palestine Post, a report that the Arab League decided to forcibly conscript Jews or consider them the enemy.

And at the same time, more threats against the Jews of Aden (Yemen) materialized:

"Anti-zionism" or classic antisemitism?

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Sunday, December 11, 2022

Continuing looking at the newspapers from 75 years ago in the wake of the UN Partition vote.

From the Manchester Guardian, December 10, 1947:

From the Palestine Post, December 11, 1947:

Commentary magazine summarized the pogrom in Aden a few months later:

In the riots that broke out suddenly last December 2 after the decision of the United Nations in favor of partition in Palestine, and following an appeal of the Arab League for a three-day strike of protest in all Arab countries, over eighty Jews were killed and as many seriously wounded. Fourteen Jewish houses were burnt to the ground, and many more were looted. Of one hundred and seventy Jewish shops and stores, over a hundred were burnt or looted and the two Jewish schools were burnt out.

It is alleged that the greatest part of the casualties was caused by the military force, the Aden Protectorate Levies, which were called in by the civil authority when the police were unable to deal with the mob. The Aden Levies are composed of Arab tribesmen with British and Arab officers. It was apparently asking too much for them to take firm action against Arab looters attacking Jewish houses and shops. They soon turned to take an active part themselves in the looting and shooting of Jews.

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Field teams of the Yemen Ministry of Industry and Trade in Sanaa closed a shop selling children's pajamas with the Star of David on them on Wednesday.

The Minister of Industry and Trade, Muhammad Sharaf al-Mutahhar, stressed his ministry will not be lenient towards those involved in importing and trading Israeli goods or those bearing symbols of the Israeli enemy.

Al-Mutahar expressed his thanks for citizens who reported this horrendous crime.

Samples of the offensive pajamas were taken and through intensive investigation, the importer was identified.

The Deputy Director of the Industry Office in the Secretariat, Muhammad Sudan, said that the field teams closed the shop of the merchant who imported the awful clothing, stressing that the necessary legal procedures are being completed to refer him to the competent authorities.

The streets of Yemen are safe again. 

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Friday, September 16, 2022

This week was the wedding of the Chabad rabbi of the UAE Levi Duchman to Leah Hadad. Khaleej Times reports:

It was pure joy and excitement in the UAE capital as guests from all around the world attended the first ever wedding of a rabbi in the country.

The rabbi to the UAE, Rabbi Levi Duchman, married Lea Hadad of Brussels, Belgium on Wednesday, September 14, at a magnificent ceremony held at the Hilton Yas Hotel.

1,500 guests from around the world attended the wedding – the largest Jewish event in the Arabian Gulf in recent history – including prominent rabbis and dignitaries. More than 20 ambassadors, including those from Japan, South Korea and Finland, were also in attendance.
Yemen news site 26 September was not happy:
It is a dance of shame about normalization at a huge wedding ceremony for the chief rabbinic in Abu Dhabi, in a new dedication to the shame of publicizing normalization between the Emirates and the Zionist entity 
...Leaked wedding videos showed very intimate relations between the Jewish attendees and Emirati officials.
The event, which coincides with the second anniversary of the Abraham Accords, highlighted the growing openness of Jewish life in the Emirates.

Until 2020, the country's Jewish community preserved the privacy of its traditions and services. But recently, the UAE government has welcomed more public festivities and celebrations.
That's the shame that the wedding viscerally brings up to Yemen. Not the normalization, but Jews publicly celebrating in an Arab country with Muslims.

The caption on this video is "Normalization Dance."

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Haaretz is perplexed:
In addition to dealing with the progress toward a new nuclear agreement with Iran and the talks aimed at preventing a teachers’ strike September 1, Israeli decision makers had another matter to ponder this week. Much time and other resources were devoted to trying to figure out what Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is up to. The answers, so far, have been very partial.

There seems to be no logic to Nasrallah’s frequent threats to strike Israeli drilling platforms in the Mediterranean, risking war, if a final agreement is not reached on the Israel-Lebanon maritime border. Lebanon is in the midst of a severe economic and political crisis, and if war were to break out Hezbollah would likely be widely blamed for embroiling the country in an unnecessary and very costly military adventure.

Nevertheless, throughout the summer Nasrallah has spoken out the dispute over natural-gas drilling rights, growing increasingly extreme in his statements. What’s worrisome, especially to Military Intelligence, is the difficulty of analyzing his views and intentions. Despite the high likelihood of an eventual agreement, with U.S. mediation, there is still genuine apprehension about possible surprises from Hezbollah.
It still amazes me that serious analysts think that Hezbollah leader Nasrallah makes any real decisions on his own. His loyalty is to Iranian leaders, and no one else. The well-being of Lebanon is not one of his goals, it is an impediment to his goals.

Even UNIFIL, which is reluctant to publicly criticize Hezbollah, has called out its increased militarization and violations of the buffer zone in southern Lebanon.

Nasrallah's increasing bellicosity must be seen in context of what is happening with other Iranian proxies. For example, this story today says that Syria asked Iran and its proxies not to conduct attacks against Israel from its territory - which means that Syria is aware of such plans.

Not to mention the Islamic Jihad mini-war earlier in August, which was prompted by an attempt for a major terror attack against Israel. That was all orchestrated by Iran, seemingly against Hamas wishes for stability in Gaza. 

See a pattern?

There was also an intriguing story of a possible Israeli strike at a Houthi camp in Yemen on August 7, during the Gaza fighting, where six Iranian and Lebanese advisers were killed. The Houthis, using Iranian technology, have been increasing their ballistic missile and cruise missile ranges to reach Israel and have directly threatened Israel as well. 

From all indications, Iran is gearing up for a major escalation of fighting against Israel, but it is not ready to directly attack. It wants its proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and seemingly Yemen (maybe even Iraq) to overwhelm Israeli missile defenses with thousands of rockets from all directions. (One must also assume that Iran is working with some Israeli Arabs to create a fifth column of terror attacks within Israel itself in the case of any war.) 

The escalation of threats by Iran and its proxies is almost certainly linked with the nuclear negotiations. The billions of dollars that Iran would gain from an agreement would help fund these proxies, a basic fact that the West is consciously overlooking in its zeal to close out a bad deal with Iran. Iran understands the West much better than the West understands Iran, and the mullahs have already proven that they can gain far more leverage with militancy than with confidence building measures.  

And they know quite well that the West, after finally sighing with relief at an agreement, will not have the will or desire to threaten new sanctions in response to an Iranian-directed proxy war against Israel. 

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

This article was published in August, 1947 in the Edmonton Journal:

Life Of Jews In Arab Lands 
By Gerold Frank 

JERUSALEM - The United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, now deliberating at Geneva, may ponder the true situation of Jews in Arab states—their treatment, discrimination against them, the entire suffocating framework in which the average Jew finds himself. 

Arab spokesmen. seeking to prove the idyllic status of a Jewish minority in the independent Arab Palestine they demand, are always ready to point out the general lack of anti-Jewish laws on the books in the Arab States. But there is a long step between statute and practice. The fact is that the lives of Jews in all Arab states range from generally unenviable to intolerable; from Egypt where the situation of Jews, many of whom are wealthy, is comparatively the best, to Yemen. a backward country where the Jews are the lowest of the low. 

It must be remembered that religion in the Middle East is a much more divisive factor than ,in the West, Religion is the basis of social mores: communities are religious communities. Fear, suspicion and hate have deep roots. Add to this the fact that Jews in Arab lands are mainly in commercial pursuits, vulnerable economically and subject to envy if successful; add also the nationalistic propaganda and anti-Zionist movements, and one better understands the Jewish plight. 

Take the roll-call of countries. 
First, Iraq. Here is the largest Jewish population of any Arab state-130,000 Jews out of 4.000,000 inhabitants. Of the Jewish total, 100,000 live in Bagdad. There were frightful pogroms in Bagdad in June. 1941. The temper of the Iraqi was best expressed by Pedal Jamaili, minister of foreign affairs. who declared, according to the Iraqi Times of March 3, 1946. "The problem of i protecting the Jews of Iraq when disturbances occur in Palestine often is a cause of anxiety and restlessness in Iraq. No Iraq government can for long maintain peace and quiet unless justice is rendered the Arabs of Palestine." This last sentence may not constitute official incitement, but it comes suspiciously close to it. 

Today, Iraq Jews are unable to  leave the country on the grounds that they might go to Palestine. When a Jew can leave—a medical student, for example—he must pay 2,000 dinars ($8.000) as warrant for his return and his passport is stamped "not valid for Palestine." In Iraq. anti-Jewish laws are kept off the records. but Iraq's raw materials are not currently permitted to be exported to Palestine; the government has begun a boycott of the Haifa port by insisting that exporters send their goods to Europe through Beirut. in the Lebanon. There is a campaign of vilification against Jewish merchants, charging they are trying to break the boycott, in league with Jewish colleagues in Palestine. 

In Iraq today there is no Jewish magistrate, and no Jews of any country. including the United States, are granted transit visas. 

Second. Syria. Here are 10,000 Jews-2.500 in Damascus, 7,500 in Aleppo. The Damascus Jews are in a sorry state. Half live on charity funds contributed by Jewish societies. Eighty percent of the Jews are peddlers. 15 percent are in the middle class and five percent, are '"wealthy." There are six Jewish physicians, but no Jewish industrialists, lawyers. architects or other professionals. Discrimination is practiced in many ways. Thousands of Syrians flock to Palestine in times of emergency, but if one Jew is caught on the border, the entire press launches a campaign. Today Syria makes it virtually impossible for Jews to go to Palestine. There are almost no Jewish officials in the Syrian government. Jewish newspapers are not permitted to enter Syria, and when the Syrian press has occasion to speak of Jews it is often derogatory. 

In June. 1946, a regulation was adopted, reading: "Any person who imports. sells. buys or smuggles or tries to smuggle Zionist goods into Syria is liable to life imprisonment or death." In recent elections based on the new constitution, Jews were accorded one parliamentary seat out of 137. At first they refused this, not wishing to have the responsibility. They turned out to be prophetic, for when Jewish Deputy Wahid Mizrachi was elected, he declared he would be faithful to his people and his fatherland. The newspaper Alif Ba of July 15, 1947, demanded, "What people and what fatherland?" 

Third, the Lebanon. Jews from Palestine are not freely allowed Into the Lebanon. Even when the United Nations committee went there, it took official protests to force the Lebanese government to grant visas to a handful of Palestinian Hebrew journalists. The Lebanon today has 6.000 Jews in a population of more than 1,000.000. with the Jews mainly concentrated in Beirut. There is outwardly less discrimination than in other Arab countries because of various population groups such as the Sunnites, Kurds, Armenians and indigenous Christians. The Maronite Patriarch Aridas is a friend of the Jews, Nevertheless. when Jewish students from the United States came to Palestine last year, they were not permitted to disembark at the port of Beirut although other passengers were. Today, large signs on the Palestine-Lebanese border warn against bringing in "Zionist" goods, which means any Jewish-made goods of any kind. 

Fourth, Egypt. There are 70.000 Jews in a population of 17.000,000. Their situation is economically good, but their future is uncertain because of the "Egyptization" of commerce and industry and intensified xenophobia. All accountings of companies, for example, must be written in Arabic, which means that many Jews are replaced. Many Jewish companies are compelled to take Egyptian partners. 

Many Jews do not have Egyptian nationality. This correspondent has seen one Jew proudly unlock a safe and show a certificate of his Egyptian nationality, saying. "This is my most precious possession. very hard to obtain; it is my safeguard for the future." Without this certificate, Jews have no defence against the government. 

There are currently intense nationalistic anti-Jewish campaigns. Only three months ago the newspaper Al Saw. adi denounced Jews in terms reminiscent of Goebbels. 

Fifth. Yemen. Here is an incredible situation for 45 000 Jews in a population of 1,000,000. The treatment of Jews is so bad that even the Arabic paper Aid Ba of Damascus attacked it, pointing out on January 2. 1945, that Jews are not permitted to ride horses—only donkeys: that if a Jew  riding a donkey sees a Moslem ahead of him, he must dismount 30 paces away, wait until the Moslem passes, then mount the donkey again when the Moslem has gone another 30 paces; that a Jew must pass only to the right of a Moslem, and if he does otherwise the Moslem is entitled to force him to return and pass correctly.

Saudi Arabia and Transjordan need no discussion because they have no Jews and no Jews are permitted. 

The things cited here are examples only. but where such things are tolerated, where Jews are continuously and relentlessly held up to ridicule, denounced as dangerous, called a menace to the community and segregated by word, deed and act-in such a framework the life of the average Jew is an endless ordeal of accumulating cruelty and helplessness. (Copyright 1947. Overseas News Agency) 

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Tuesday, August 02, 2022

From Yemen's Saba news site:

The Council of Ministers approves its plan for the [Islamic] year 1444 AH and renews its condemnation of the desecration of the Holy Land by Jews
But it turns out they are really condemning Saudi Arabia, and Jews are an excuse:
The Council of Ministers renewed its condemnation of the Zionist Jews’ violation and desecration of sacred lands and feelings in light of the Saudi regime’s complicity and neglect of sacred things, as part of its continuous approach of neglecting Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the founder’s approval to give it to the Jews, as stated in the historical document that was widely circulated in various media.
I haven't seen this but there must have been some rumor in Yemeni media that Saudi Arabia agreed that Israel should control Al Aqsa.

He pointed out that compromising Islamic sanctities confirms that the Saudi regime is dishonest in managing the holy sites in Makkah and Madinah.. He called on the entire Islamic nation to confront the practices of normalization with the Jews, and allow them to enter the holy lands and sites in Makkah and Madinah, and to roam in such a way that provokes feelings of Muslims.
The Council pointed out that this condemned act by all the sons of the Islamic nation confirms the existence of an aggressive scheme targeting religious sanctities and feelings in Mecca and Medina.
This is about the Israeli reporter who sneaked into Mecca. The consporacy-theory addicted Yemenis are convinced that it was done in collusio with the evilSudis, just to upset Muslims.

It doesn't have to make sense.

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Monday, July 11, 2022

From the International Quran News Agency (Iran):

Yemen’s Defense Minister Nasser al-Atefi said the Zionist regime of Israel is in its worst condition and in a precarious situation.

He made the remark in a visit to a war zone in Ma’rib province, adding that given its shaky condition, Tel Aviv  is seeking to get the support of certain Arab regimes, Al-Mayadeen reported.

He added that the Arab regimes that are part of the Saudi-led coalition launching aggression on Yemen want to get support via normalization of ties with the Israeli regime.

Al-Atefi warned the coalition that if the scope of the aggression, siege and attacks on Yemen intensifies, the Yemeni people will rub their nose in the dirt.
Hey, he's an "expert!"

This is a typical article in Iranian media. Officials predict Israel's demise, just as they have been for decades. And if Israel is allying with Arab countries - it is just proof of how weak it is. (And before that happened, it was proof of how isolated Israel was.)

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Thursday, January 13, 2022

A news site I had not seen before, Al Khanadeq, showed up on my Google News feed. It may be Houthi - it is certainly pro-Iran and pro-Hezbollah and its readership is mostly in Yemen.

Here's the beginning of one article and the accompanying photo:

The Jews saw that the most successful way to beautify the image of the Jew in the eyes of the world is to control the international media. In 1869, the Jewish Rabbi “Rashoron” expressed in his speech in the city of Prague the intensity of the Jews’ interest in the media, saying, “If gold is our first power to control the world, then the press should be our second strength."

In 1897, the first Zionist Congress in the Swiss city of Basel was a dangerous turning point. The participants said that their plan to establish an Israeli state would not succeed if they did not have complete control over the media, especially the press. Today, statistics indicate that 224 newspapers and bulletins are issued by Jewish organizations in America, in addition to forty secret bulletins circulated by Jews only, as well as their complete control over the major media.
I have no idea where this "Rabbi Rasharon" came from. I found that MEMRI had once translated an article from the most popular Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida that had these same paragraphs verbatim, but MEMRI translated the name as "Rabbi Yeshurun" which is almost as unlikely.

This is all stuff that was probably taken directly from a neo-Nazi site, yet the far Left that pretends to hate antisemitism and Nazis never say a word against Arab antisemitism. 

Because they are on the same side.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Someone forgot to tell Jordanian writer Mohamed Fouad Zaid Al-Kilani that he is supposed to substitute "Zionist" for "Jew" in his essays.

Al-Kilani has written extensively for Palestinian, Jordanian and Iraqi media. In today's Kitabat he writes that there really isn't any normalization between Arabs and Israel, because Arabs remain as patriotically antisemitic as they ever were. 

And he is damned proud of it.

 There is much evidence of the fakeness of this normalization. Whether it is through sports, media, education or politics, we find the exact opposite, that Arab peoples refuse to deal in any way with this mortal enemy.

In the matches that were held some time ago in Japan, Arab players refused to play with the Jewish team, despite the sports regulations and the slogan "sports for all."

In the artistic community as well, there are large protests, if any Jew is dealt with, in any artwork, meeting or otherwise, this is rejected by the Arab peoples.

What happened in Iraq recently in terms of a conference of normalization with the Jews, the Iraqi government had an honorable position by bringing the organizers of the meeting of the printers and interrogating them. On the political level, the Arab delegations refuse to sit with this mortal enemy in any conference or gathering in which these Zionists are present.

In terms of education, the Arabs still reject the Israeli presence occupying Palestine, and teach in schools that its only and first enemy is the Jew occupying an Arab country. The idea of ​​many generations is still rooted in rejecting this parasite in the middle of Arab countries. The examples of this are very many, they are countless, so normalization or a meeting here or there is nothing but news in the channels of sedition, and the truth is the exact opposite.
Naked Jew-hate is still prevalent in Arab media, although it now has competition with articles that are sympathetic towards Jews, something that was rare a few years ago. 

Even so, just today we have an article in Al Quds arguing to make the Palestinian cause a more religious war, that says "the imperialist Zionist project employed Talmudicism - which interpreted the Torah according to the hatreds of the diaspora’s psychology - in favor of its colonial and settler tendencies."

A Yemen newspaper rails against Saudi Arabia allowing a rabbi to visit, disgusted that the Jew was "desecrating the country." 

And yet some people keep insisting that there is no Arab antisemitism, and it is all anti-Zionism.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Yemen's Sheikh Abd Al-Azim Al-Huthi has declared that the jihad against the "Houthi infidels", the Shiite sect in Yemen that has been waging a civil war against the government over the past decade, "is better than the jihad against the Jews." because these Shiite rebels "are enemies of Allah and His Messenger"

"It does not make sense to fight the Jews as long as the Houthi group exists," said Sheikh Huthi.

Don't worry - the Houthis won't become Judeophiles any time soon. Their logo says "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Damn the Jews, Power to Islam."

(There are rumors that Tehran instructed the Houthis to get rid of the "Death to America" part of their slogan! The rest of it is OK, though.)

It's so comforting to know that my people are now second in line for slaughter by Yemeni Sunnis. This makes them moderate!

Perhaps the well-known Islamic slogan should be changed to "First the other Friday people, then the Saturday people, and only then the Sunday people."


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