Monday, February 24, 2025

  • Monday, February 24, 2025
  • Elder of Ziyon
This weekend saw at least three separate antisemitic articles in Egyptian media.

At Shorouk News, columnist Imad Al-Din Hussein spins an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that the three simultaneous bus explosions in Israel last week were a false flag meant to give an excuse for Israel to attack the West Bank. The "evidence" is that the only people arrested so far are Jews, and no one was injured.

Al Masry al Youm quotes Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, who says that in Gaza, "the resistance knows very well that the occupation forces are heartless, brutal and usurping, and the Jews believe that they rule the whole world."

Yes, even a billionaire thinks Jews are too powerful.

Rosa el-Youssef Magazine has an article about Coptic beliefs and their supersessionism as decades-old lectures that were recently republished:
In Bishop Youannis’ lecture, he clearly said, “The current Israel has no relation to the Israel mentioned in the Bible, but rather it is Zionist gangs that represent a fascist, racist colonial movement that relies on aggression in its principles and uses violence to achieve its goals.” He explains, “Israel in the Bible has three meanings, the first is the name  given to Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, and the second is a name given to the descendants of Jacob in the Old Testament, and the third is Israel, with its symbolic meaning, referring to the Christian Church, i.e. believers in Christ in the New Testament. Thus, ancient Israel in the Bible is distinguished from today’s racist, terrorist Israel, which has no support in the Bible. ...Christianity teaches that “The descendants of Abraham do not mean the physical descendants, but the spiritual descendants of Abraham, which are all believers in Christ. As for the eternal kingdom of David that they are striving to establish, the Jews understood the king in a literal, material way, while God meant by the kingdom the spiritual kingdom,” Anba Youannis confirms that Israel “has ended as a religion, as Christianity believes that the Torah was an incomplete book that Christianity completed with its teachings and beliefs contained in the New Testament. Accordingly, there is no Judaism as a religion now, and consequently there is no Israel. ...The Jewish nation has ended and no longer exists before God because it is under divine wrath. As long as the Jews are now under God’s wrath and the curse has not ended, they have no recognized entity before God, and all their efforts are nothing but a human attempt destined for certain failure, and God’s wrath will not be turned away from them. unless they realize their mistake and sin in rejecting Christ...
This is mainstream thinking in all Palestinian and Middle East churches, which is one reason Christians in the Middle East don't look at Jews as fellow sufferers under Muslim rule but as worse than their Muslim oppressors. 

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)





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