Wednesday, February 12, 2025

From Ian:

Why Jews are fleeing the West
Over time, Jews attitudinal shifts will influence where they settle. According to Pew, 51 per cent of all Jewish immigrants are migrating to Israel. Many other more secular Jews are remaining, but simply melding into the general population and losing their religious identity. Given low birthrates and assimilation even among the large US Jewish community, some pessimistically project America’s Jewish population dropping by a third by the end of the century.

The Jewish diaspora in both America and Britain will become increasingly Orthodox, sustained largely by groups like the ubiquitous Chabad movement. For those who do not want to be led by pious rabbis, Jews will seek their community in places that they consider safe and welcoming.

This used to involve moving from the inner city to the suburbs. But the big move in America now is towards certain regions, primarily in the South, once considered the home of antidiluvian racism and religious prejudice. In the 1930s, 60 per cent of American Jews lived in the north-east. Today the north-east is home to barely 40 per cent while the percentage of Jews living in the South has grown from nine per cent in 1960 to 22 per cent today.

The largest growth has occurred in big metros like Atlanta, Houston, Dallas and Miami. Jews are also thriving in smaller southern cities, which often had small but well-established Jewish communities. Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim in Charleston is the nation’s second-oldest synagogue, and Savannah’s Mickve Israel was founded in 1735, shortly after the city’s founding.

Jews have long been prominent players in places like Charleston. Former police chief Ruben Greenberg, a half-Jewish, half-Black Houstonian, reclaimed the city’s streets during the 1980s. He also humiliated the white nationalists by personally leading the protection of a Ku Klux Klan march in the 1980s, something that was never repeated. Today one feels safer as a Jew in downtown Charleston than in Paris, London or even New York.

Jewish students are also headed south. Most schools ranked safest for Jewish students by the Anti-Defamation League are in the South, while Ivy League colleges and top University of California campuses rank least safe.

This shift in college attendance could accelerate the southward movement, as students often stay close to where they attend school. Already the first- and third-largest Jewish student populations are at the University of Florida and University of Central Florida. These Southern schools, known for viewpoint diversity as well as football and Greek life, are ascendant, attracting ever more students from the West Coast and north-east.

In the wake of the crisis initiated by the 7 October massacre, Jews across the Anglosphere are reassessing their politics and location. The most sustained anti-Semitic tide since the 1930s will continue to inflict both physical and psychological dislocation. But as they have done for millennia, Jews will have to survive and hopefully thrive by adjusting to changing realities.
Izabella Tabarovsky: Canceled ... in Finland
In recent days, two Finnish universities canceled my scheduled appearances on their campuses, turning me briefly into a minor celebrity in the country. Åbo Akademi University, in Turku, barred me from delivering my keynote address at an international conference on antisemitism set to take place on its campus. The University of Helsinki killed what was supposed to be a public talk. The title of both lectures: “From the Cold War to University Campuses Today: The USSR, the Third World, and Contemporary Antizionist Discourse.” The two schools caved to a smear campaign orchestrated by a “pro-Palestinian” Instagram account that weaponized my pro-Israel social media posts for the purpose.

In the U.S., the censorship of “wrong-thinking” speakers, including Jews who hold Zionist beliefs, has become so commonplace that it’s practically a nonevent. But this was Finland’s first major controversy of this kind, and my photo got splashed across the local press. It was also a first for me, forcing me to confront head-on the same cowardice, hypocrisy, and stupidity that the American academy has displayed for years—especially in the wake of Oct. 7.

That the incident took place in Finland was particularly ironic for me, given the topic of my lecture and my background as an ex-Soviet Jew. For former Soviet citizens, Finland is indelibly linked to the history of the Bolshevik revolution. Not only did Lenin spend extended periods of time there, but also he and Stalin first met at a 1905 Bolshevik conference in the Finnish city of Tampere.

During the Cold War, Finland—forced to maneuver to retain its independence in the shadow of the neighboring USSR (see: Finlandization)—adopted a servile stance toward the communist superpower. Criticism of the USSR was taboo and self-censorship was rife—all of which Finnish media helped to enforce. Soviet influence extended to the country’s intellectual, political, and cultural elites. In the 1970s, a scandal broke out when one of Finland’s municipalities successfully inserted materials from the Finnish-Soviet Friendship Society—a branch of the USSR’s global “friendship societies” influence network—as well as from Soviet textbooks into the school curriculum for grades 1-9, teaching Finnish children that there was no pollution in the USSR and that socialist central planning was superior to capitalism.

When Moscow launched its rabid anti-Israel propaganda campaign in 1967 and started building its “Anti-Zionist International,” Finnish intellectuals were drawn in as well. In 1975, Finnish writer Matti Larni, whose book castigating the U.S. made him popular in the USSR, published a piece about Israel in the Literary Newspaper—the Soviet Union’s most influential cultural publication. Larni’s article echoed key Soviet talking points, branding Israel a Jewish supremacist, racist state and depicting Soviet Jewish immigrants in Israel as miserable, regretful traitors longing to return to their Soviet motherland. In 1980, the article was republished in Zionism: Truth and Fiction, a collection edited by Yevgeny Yevseyev—one of the USSR’s most viciously antisemitic ideologues with close ties to the KGB, who played a pivotal role in shaping the key tropes of Soviet “anti-Zionist” ideology.

Another Finnish name appears in the Soviet 1984 propaganda pamphlet Criminal Alliance of Zionism and Nazism. The pamphlet recounts, in English, a press conference staged by the “Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public”—a notorious KGB front designed to vilify Israel and Zionism to foreign audiences under the guise of representing Soviet Jews. The entire event was dedicated to spreading the toxic equation of Zionism with Nazism—a cornerstone of Soviet anti-Israel propaganda—to international audiences. Known as Holocaust inversion, this false equivalence is widely viewed by scholars of antisemitism as a potent tool of incitement against Jews, used by both the far right and the far left. As Deborah Lipstadt has noted, the trope contains a grain of Holocaust denial, exaggerating “by a factor of zillion any wrongdoings Israel might have done,” while simultaneously diminishing, by the same factor, the acts of the Germans. The USSR and its Western enablers—including, it seems, the Finnish ones—played a significant role in embedding this inversion among the global left.

The cancellation of my lectures by the two Finnish universities, then, echoed in a weird way some of their country’s Cold War history. One of my Finnish contacts may have been right when she told me that Finland has yet to fully come to terms with that past.
Court gives Gazans right to settle in UK
Palestinian migrants have been granted the right to live in the UK after applying through a scheme meant for Ukrainian refugees.

A family of six seeking to flee Gaza have been allowed to join their brother in Britain after an immigration judge ruled that the Home Office’s rejection of their application breached their human rights.

The family had made their application through the Ukraine Family Scheme and the decision to accept their case came despite warnings by lawyers for the Home Office that it could open the floodgates to “the admission of all those in conflict zones with family in the UK”.

Chris Philp, the shadow home secretary, said the case showed changes to human rights laws were needed so that Parliament, not judges, controlled who could settle in the UK.

Seth Mandel: Why Anti-Semitism Is Getting Younger
What are some of the visuals and other materials included in the state teachers union’s resource guide? In a section on aid to Israel, there’s a dollar bill folded into the shape of a Star of David. There’s a poster showing a keffiyeh-clad gunman with the phrase “What was taken by force can only be returned by force,” an explicit call for violence against the Jewish state.

“Are you aware of what ‘data and research’ supports the use of this material in Massachusetts classrooms,” Cataldo asked Page, whose rambling response did not address the question.

Another item was a violence-promoting propaganda poster for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terrorist organization. There’s one depicting Jewish aspirations for self-determination as a forked-tongue snake. An Israeli company is blamed for killing thousands of migrants on the U.S. border with Mexico. A workbook for kindergarteners is about Israel’s illegitimacy as a state and the violence of “Zionists,” concluding with an exercise in which the young students are asked to explain how they will “raise funds for the children of Palestine” and what they will chant at a “Palestine protest.”

Cataldo also showed an Instagram post by a member of the MTA’s board of directors that was celebrating Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023 attacks, to which Page said “I’m not going to engage with this.” Both the source of the post and Page’s response are instructive. Throughout the hearing, Page rolls his eyes, refuses to respond, and simply says over and over again that individual teachers know how to present challenging material. Teachers in the hearing room can be heard expressing their support for Page’s snide dismissal of anti-Semitic incitement.

Young children, often in taxpayer-funded government schools, are being fed anti-Semitic propaganda. It is clear that America’s youth are learning what their teachers are instructing. The generation currently being raised on the virtues of violent Jew-hate will grow up to practice it, and unions like the MTA will have primed them to do so.

Vast Majority of American Jews Believe Anti-Israel Campus Protests Are Anti-Semitic, Poll Finds, in Blow to JVP
The vast majority of American Jews believe the anti-Israel movements sweeping college campuses and U.S. cities are anti-Semitic, according to a new poll.

The results stem from a survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and commissioned by the Jewish Majority, a public relations and research organization. They reflect a major divide between the Jewish-American community and anti-Israel groups that claim to represent Jews, such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow.

Seventy percent of American Jews said anti-Zionist movements are anti-Semitic by definition, and 76 percent said the same about the anti-Israel protests at universities, according to the poll.

Jewish Voice for Peace, which calls itself "the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world" and says it opposes Israel "because we love Jews, Jewishness, and Judaism," has driven those campus protests. Its chapter at Columbia University, for example, was suspended in the wake of Oct. 7 for holding an "unauthorized event" that included "threatening rhetoric and intimidation."

Jonathan Schulman, the executive director of the Jewish Majority, said the findings show that the "overwhelming majority of the American Jewish community rejects the assertions of these Jewish anti-Zionist groups." He said his organization is the first to poll Jewish Americans directly on the anti-Zionist movement.

"These very loud groups are saying, ‘As Jews, we believe in X,’ and they’re getting a lot of media attention," Schulman told the Washington Free Beacon. "But we haven’t actually had any polling, so we decided to actually conduct that poll."
AJC poll: American Jews hold negative views over Democratic Party’s handling of antisemitism
A sizable majority of American Jews disapprove of how the Democratic Party is handling antisemitism, according to a new American Jewish Committee survey of Jewish attitudes towards antisemitism. Despite most Jews identifying as Democrats, slightly more viewed the GOP’s handling of antisemitism favorably.

The survey, released on Wednesday and conducted by SSRS between Oct. 8 and Nov. 29, 2024, found broad dissatisfaction in how all institutions were dealing with antisemitism. The poll found 39% of respondents approved of the Democrats’ response to antisemitism, including 41% of Jewish Democrats, while 59% disapproved. Just under half of American Jews (45%) backed the GOP’s handling of antisemitism.

Forty percent approved of the federal government’s response, while 42% approved of Congress’ legislative reaction to the issue.

Over three-quarters of Jewish respondents agreed that antisemitism of all types — from the extreme left, the extreme right and in the name of Islam — were serious threats.

The poll found a national environment where American Jews feel antisemitism is on the rise, though most said they haven’t personally been the victim of an antisemitic attack or harassment. Over half of American Jews (53%) said antisemitism is a “very serious problem” — up 16 points in the last six years. More than half of American Jews (56%) said they have also avoided identifying themselves as Jews publicly — a significant rise since 2022, when 38% said they changed their behavior to keep their identity private.

At the same time, only a minority of the American Jewish community has faced a personal episode of antisemitism. Just under one-quarter of American Jews (24%) said they were the target of an antisemitic remark, an antisemitic attack or vandalism of their personal property — a downtick from the previous year.

Louis Theroux's new BBC documentary on the West Bank raises impartiality fears over wife's anti-Israel views
A new Louis Theroux documentary about settlers in the West Bank has sparked impartiality fears amid concerns the presenter's wife has expressed strong views about Israel.

BBC2 programme, Louis Theroux: The Settlers, will meet the 'large and growing ultra-nationalist community' of Israeli settlers who are based in the area.

The documentary is being made by Theroux's production company Mindhouse, which he co-founded with his wife Nancy Strang and one other person.

But concerns have been raised about the project, due to Ms Strang's publicly held views on Israel and Palestine.

One critic said it was 'astonishing' the BBC had commissioned the programme from a company that was led by someone who had criticised the BBC for being 'too pro-Israel'.

Ms Strang, who is the creative director of Mindhouse, has put her name to statements that are critical of Israel.

It has emerged she was a signatory to a statement by Filmworkers for Palestine, which accuses Israel of 'genocide' in Gaza.

In January, she is shown to have put her name to a 'Palestine coalition statement' condemning police attempts to stop a march protesting at the BBC.

Ms Strang is also named as a signatory on a 'Letter for Gaza' last November, to top BBC bosses, denouncing how broadcasters had covered Gaza and saying it had failed to hold Israel to account.

NSW Health nurses in viral video say they refuse to treat Israeli patients, suggested 'killing them' if they turned up to hospital
Two New South Wales Health nurses have been stood down and a police investigation is underway after a male and female worker spoke about refusing to treat Israelis and suggested they would "kill them" if they turned up to a south-west Sydney hospital.

The two-minute clip was uploaded by a Jewish influencer to TikTok on Wednesday morning which showed the two nurses appearing to be in a hospital setting.

The discussion quickly turns ugly with the man suggesting the influencer will be killed amid the tensions between Israel and Hamas, before a female worker jumps in front of the camera to say "it's Palestine's country, not your country you piece of sh*t".

Further comments from the woman are beeped out, before the Jewish influencer asks a question about Israelis, which prompted the woman to speak up again.

"I won't treat them, I won't treat them. I'll kill them," she said.

Stunned by the response, the influencer questioned if "god forbid" something happened to an Israeli in Australia and they turned up to a hospital, would they kill him.

The man in the NSW Health uniform then added: “You have no idea how many (Israelis) came to this hospital and I sent them to jaheem.”

The influencer is understood to have randomly come across the two health workers on Chatruletka, a video chat room that randomly connects users together.

NSW Premier Chris Minns told 2GB the pair - who were later confirmed to have been employed at Bankstown Hospital in Sydney's south-west - have been stood down.

Erin Molan: 'Sickening': Molan EXPOSES Australian Nurses chilling claims of targeting Jews in Hospital!"
Erin Molan sounds the alarm on a horrifying viral video exposing Australian hospital workers’ chilling claims of targeting Jewish patients. Watch as she unpacks this shocking scandal at Bankstown Hospital, delving into the rise of antisemitism and its dangerous implications. Don’t miss her fearless take on this urgent issue!

Bankstown Hospital nurses caught on video bragging about killing Israeli patients | 7NEWS
Two Bankstown Hospital nurses are at the centre of a major police investigation after appearing on social media bragging about killing Israeli patients.

Avi Yemini: Chilling footage of NSW doctor and nurse claiming to have KILLED Israeli patients
SIGN & SHARE THE PETITION: | Shocking footage has emerged of a Bankstown doctor and his nurse spewing vile antisemitic hatred and making horrifying admissions. In a disturbing online video chat, he told an Israeli man that he has killed Israeli patients and he would do it again.

Sydney nurses identified after being stood down over viral antisemitic video
Two Sydney nurses who were stood down after appearing in a viral antisemitic video have been identified.

Ahmad ‘Rashad’ Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh were stood down from their jobs as nurses at Bankstown Hospital on Wednesday after the video emerged of the pair speaking about refusing to treat, and suggesting killing, Israeli patients.

The two-minute video showed Nadir and Abu Lebdeh in their NSW Health scrubs as they appear to be filming the clip during a night shift at the hospital.

NSW Health Minister Ryan Park said on Wednesday morning an investigation involving the department and NSW Police was underway, with Premier Chris Minns later confirming the workers had been stood down.

Nadir spoke from his Bankstown home on Wednesday, deeming his comments a “joke” and saying he planned to publicly apologise to the Jewish community and those he offended.

“It was a joke, a misunderstanding … I will use social media, anything, to apologise but I need to go and see the detectives first,” he told News Corp.

“The entirety of what happened is just a mistake, ok? But I’m not in the mindset to talk about it right now.”

He said the matter was “serious” for him and “not a small thing”, given the extensive media coverage.

He declined to comment further on his remark that the video was a “mistake”.

“I didn’t mean to offend,” he added.

Nadir is understood to have been born in Afghanistan, immigrating to Australia at 12 years old and becoming at citizen in 2020.

Bankstown Hospital deletes social media photo of pro-Palestine activist after dismissal of two nurses
The Western Sydney Hospital which has been forced to stand down two nurses for threatening to kill Israeli patients in a vile antisemitic video has scrubbed its Instagram of a photo depicting a pro-Palestine activist.

Sky News can reveal that Bankstown Hospital deleted the social media image of a person wearing a shirt which called for Palestine to be free and featured the trademark fist painted in the flag's colours.

A South Western Sydney Local Health District spokesperson told Sky News the image was a breach of policies to not depict political content on social media.

"Online content related to Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital was removed today when it was learned a community member pictured was wearing clothing with political messaging," a spokesperson said.

According to the Medical Board of Australia's Code of Conduct, all doctors have a right to “have and express their personal views and values” but they must consider the effect it can have and the reputation of the profession.

NSW Health's Code of Conduct says staff must not indicate or imply that their views are those of NSW Health, if they make public comment or participate in political activities.

If the antisemitism crisis is not ‘reversed’ it will ‘undermine’ social cohesion
Former ABC director Joe Gersh discusses how antisemitism is going to “undermine” social cohesion in Australia.

“We are in a crisis of antisemitism in this country,” Mr Gersh told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“Which, if not reversed, if not dealt with, is going to undermine the social cohesion of this country.”

Universities toughen penalties against SJP, antisemitic activity on campus
Members of Bowdoin University Students for Justice in Palestine who set up an anti-Israel encampment last week inside the college’s student union building are now facing disciplinary action from the school — including prohibition from attending classes pending permission from the dean’s office.

At Columbia University last month, administrators launched an investigation — together with law enforcement — just hours after anti-Israel demonstrators used cement to clog the sewage system in the School of International and Public Affairs building and sprayed the business school with red paint.

Days before that, Columbia suspended a student who participated in a masked demonstration in which four people barged into a History of Modern Israel class, banged on drums, chanted “free Palestine” and distributed posters to students that read “CRUSH ZIONISM” with a boot over the Star of David.

The University of Michigan announced last week that Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, the campus’ SJP chapter, would be suspended for up to two years. Weeks earlier, George Mason University barred the leaders of its SJP chapter from campus for four years after they were caught vandalizing a university building.

The recent crackdowns on SJP and its affiliated groups — along with other episodes of anti-Israel extremism on campus — are the latest indication that university administrators are approaching antisemitic incidents with a new seriousness since the Trump administration issued executive orders aimed at deterring campus antisemitism.

Several campus leaders welcomed the shift. For too long “there were no consequences,” said Mark Yudof, chair of the Academic Engagement Network and the former president of the University of California system. “The new Trump administration is very serious and I’ve told [certain universities] they are in jeopardy.”

“Many of these campuses are at risk,” Yudof told Jewish Insider. In response, “they are saying SJP can have chapters, but they’re violating rules by preventing people from crossing campus or doing overnight encampments or occupying the library.”
Campus antisemitism crackdown looms in NY as new bills get tough on colleges: ‘Protect our kids’
A package of new bills announced Monday targeting antisemitism on college campuses will make it easier for the state to sue schools that don’t do enough to stomp out hate.

Democratic politicians are looking to adjust the legal standard to make it easier to sue colleges and universities that allow discriminatory harassment to go unchecked — and ensure the schools are complying with civil rights laws.

The first bill, dubbed the ACCESS Act, would bring the legal standard in line with the 2019 rules that allow employees to sue their employer for allowing discriminatory harassment in the workplace.

“The ACCESS Act is intended to push colleges and universities to be more proactive in preventing and responding to incidents of harassment and discrimination — not just antisemitism, which we have seen more and more since the horrific attacks of Oct. 7, but hate and bias of all kinds,” the bill’s Assembly sponsor, Micah Lasher (D-Manhattan), told The Post.

“The state of New York must use every tool at its disposal to protect our kids, and that’s what we are doing with this legislation,” Lasher continued.

The bill is sponsored by state Sen. Leroy Comrie (D-Queens) in the upper chamber.

Another bill, carried by Assembly member Nily Rozic (D-Queens) and state Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky (D-Queens), would require every campus to have a dedicated coordinator to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Rock-Bottom BBC Hits a New Low: On-Air Smears, Israeli President Showdown, and More Apologies
Despite being funded by UK taxpayers via the television licensing fee, the BBC repeatedly refuses to engage with legitimate criticism of its biased Israel coverage—both before and since Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Rather than ensuring accuracy before publication or promptly correcting errors, the BBC resists taking action until it is quite literally forced to—usually after an intense and coordinated backlash makes the misreporting impossible to ignore.

The result? Barely a month goes by without the BBC issuing a public correction and apology—a recurring embarrassment gleefully reported by UK media as yet another example of the broadcaster’s journalistic failures.

And this latest hostage exchange was no exception.

Last Friday, the BBC was once again forced into a public apology after one of its news anchors, Nicky Schiller, referred to the three Israeli hostages as “Israeli prisoners” of Hamas. Hours later, the network issued an on-air correction and apology, calling it a mistake.

But what kind of honest “mistake” is immediately repeated within 24 hours?

The very next day, as the BBC covered the release of the three emaciated hostages—exchanged for 183 Palestinian prisoners—it ran a glaringly misleading strapline across the bottom of its live news coverage: “Concerns over [the] appearance of hostages on both sides.” [Emphasis added]

Let’s set aside the fact that the appearance of three starved, brutalized Israelis sparked far more than mere “concerns”—with their skeletal frames drawing comparisons to Nazi concentration camp survivors. Who at the BBC—whether an editor, subeditor, or journalist—thought this grotesque false equivalence between convicted criminals and innocent hostages was remotely appropriate?

And if anyone still believes these incidents were just “mistakes,” as the BBC insists, or mere sloppiness, fast forward another 12 hours to high-profile BBC anchor Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday morning interview with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

In a brazen display of false equivalence, Kuenssberg used the horrifying condition of the freed Israeli hostages as a springboard to push baseless allegations of abuse in Israeli prisons—a remark Herzog rightly called “outrageous” for its vile moral equivalence.

By now, it’s abundantly clear: this isn’t a string of unfortunate editorial slip-ups.

This is a pattern.

Whether it’s drawing a grotesque equivalence between Israeli hostages and the terrorists who kidnapped them and murdered their families, or describing 9-year-old Emily Hand—who was violently abducted from her kibbutz on October 7—as simply having “gone missing” (as the BBC did on Sunday—and has yet to correct), the BBC has made its position clear.
Politico Publishes Biased Report on Israel’s West Bank Operation
In the wake of the Gaza ceasefire, a new narrative painting Israel as an aggressor is subtly infiltrating mainstream media.

Biased reporters, like Politico’s Dalia Hatuqa, try to depict Israel’s ongoing anti-terrorism operations in the West Bank as a new onslaught against innocent Palestinians.

To that end, any means is justified, including distorted or even made-up terminology, one-sided sources, and omission of crucial facts.

In a recent piece published by the magazine, Hatuqa interviews residents of the Jenin refugee camp who were displaced due to Israel’s operation. The accounts are obviously heartbreaking, and only one paragraph is dedicated to Israel’s stated aim of uprooting murderous Jihadis.

Without any mention of terror casualties on the Israeli side, Hatuqa goes on to platform a Jenin hospital director, as well as Diana Buttu, a former PLO official with a track record of spreading falsehoods about Israel.

And then, attentive readers understand Hatuqa’s trick: her entire piece, including the headline — “The ‘Gaza-ification’ of the West Bank” — is parroting the words of these one-sided sources.

Labour MP leads calls for anti-Israel hate preacher to be banned
The government “will look carefully” into calls from MPs and community leaders to prevent an extremist preacher who has expressed support for Hamas from appearing at a new mosque in Middlesbrough.

MP Luke Myer told the Commons he is “very concerned” about the planned visit by the preacher Mohamed Hoblos to the north-east on February 23 to give a talk at a new mosque in Middlesbrough.

Hoblos has already been banned from Germany and the Netherlands after his record of making hugely inflammatory comments was raised, including claims that last November in a speech at a rally in Sydney, Australia he ridiculed those who call on Muslims to condemn Hamas terror and the massacre of Israelis, stating, “Don’t forget that Israel is the oppressor.”

In a further rant in praise of the people of Gaza, he suggested Palestinian deaths were honorable while Israel victims were sent to “hellfire”.

The Lebanese-born preacher, who lives in Australia has also faced claims he has suggested non-practicing Muslims should be punished.

Last month the government in the Netherlands confirmed they had banned Hoblos from entering the country. “Freedom of expression is a great asset, but there is no place in the Netherlands for people who propagate extremist ideas,” said a minister.

Israel demands Jordanian condemnation over flag-stomping at bar association
The deputy head of the Jordanian Bar Association, Walid al-Adwan, posted a picture on Saturday of himself stepping on the Israeli flag outside the association’s building.

Adwan posted the picture along with the caption, “Completed, based on the resolution of the Bar Association. We are not honored by the presence of this flag in our union... but it must be trampled upon by everyone who enters our union that is against normalization...”

The decision taken by the Bar Association was to go on strike for four hours on Tuesday, during which all legal cases were halted.

Foreign Ministry condemnation
The Israeli Foreign Ministry condemned the post on Wednesday, calling it an act of incitement, “not in keeping with the spirit of the peace agreement between the countries.”

“Israel expects the Jordanian government to condemn the incident and take steps to prevent the recurrence of such acts.”

“The lack of condemnation by the Jordanian authorities of the incident is concerning, as such expressions of hatred may damage relations of trust and cooperation between the countries and may even, as recent incidents on the shared border have demonstrated, lead to violence against Israeli citizens.”

NYPD investigates assault of Jewish girl in Brooklyn
The New York City Police Department is searching for the individual who assaulted a Jewish girl on Sunday afternoon in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., an incident that was caught on security video.

“[A]n 11-year-old female victim, wearing traditional Jewish attire, was approached by an unidentified individual who pulled the victim’s hair and dragged her to the ground,” the police said in a statement. “The individual fled location to parts unknown.”

The girl received minor injuries. According to police, she refused medical attention at the scene.

In the video, an African-American teen wearing a short, gray puffer coat and light-colored hoodie can be seen coming up from behind the girl and grabbing her hair.

The incident is being investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force.
Roger Waters said journalist ‘cheerleading’ genocide, High Court told
The co-founder of rock band Pink Floyd is facing legal action after describing a documentary maker as “cheerleading the genocide of the Palestinian people” in Gaza, the High Court has heard.

Roger Waters is being sued for libel by John Ware over comments made in an episode of the Al Jazeera programme The Stream, in which the musician also described Mr Ware as a “pro-Zionist, pro-genocider”.

The comments, which Mr Ware denies, came in response to a documentary made and presented by the journalist for the campaign group Campaign Against Antisemitism, entitled The Dark Side Of Roger Waters, which sought to “examine the evidence for the charge that Roger Waters is an antisemite”.

At a hearing on Monday, Mrs Justice Eady was asked to decide several preliminary issues in the case, including the “natural and ordinary” meanings of the posts and whether they were statements of fact or opinion.

William Bennett KC, for Mr Ware, said in court that the allegations were “utterly emphatic” and included Mr Waters calling the journalist a “well-known, lying, conniving Zionist mouthpiece”.

In written submissions, he said that Mr Waters accused Mr Ware of “cheerleading the genocide of the Palestinian people like almost more than anyone else on earth”.

He added that Mr Ware’s documentary was not said to have included “anything adverse about the Palestinians which could be interpreted as showing that Mr Ware was in favour of their genocide, a genocide cheerleader and so on”.

He said: “It cannot be said that by reason of the mere fact of Mr Ware’s documentary being mentioned that it can therefore be decided or inferred that he is pro-genocide, a liar and so on.”

In court, he added: “All Mr Ware did was make a documentary about Mr Waters’ alleged antisemitism.

Kanye West sued by Jewish former employee for ‘antisemitic and misogynistic abuse’
A Jewish former employee of Kanye West’s fashion brand Yeezy has filed a lawsuit against the disgrace rapper and the company after allegedly being subjected to a campaign of antisemitic and misogynistic abuse, including direct messages from West that said “Hail Hitler” and “I Am A Nazi.”

The plaintiff, named as “Jane Doe” is suing West, known as Ye, in Los Angeles superior court over allegations of wrongful termination and gender and religious discrimination. Her complaint details a series of alleged incidents between January and June 2024, during which West apparently orchestrated a “calculated campaign to threaten and psychologically torment women and Jewish individuals around him”.

After the employee began working for Yeezy in 2023, West allegedly compared himself to Hitler and threatened her for being Jewish on multiple occasions.

In January 2024, she suggested to a co-worker that West issue a statement condemning Nazism in response to the controversy surrounding his initial cover art for Vultures Vol 1, which resembled a Nazi aesthetic, but when her colleague communicated this message to West, he allegedly replied: “I Am A Nazi”.

In June 2024, West allegedly began to make comments about the employee on account of her Jewish religion, saying: “You what’s left after I said deathcon” [sic], referring to a tweet he posted in 2022, saying: “I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE…”

Also in June, West allegedly texted “Jane Doe” and other Jewish employees: “Welcome to the first day of working for Hitler.” Screenshots of text conversations with West also show the rapper's pattern of alleged harassment and misogynistic abuse. On multiple occasions West seemingly texted Doe: “Hail Hitler”, “Shut the F*** Up B****,” “You Ugly as F***”, “You stupid ass corny b****,” “You Piece of S***,” “You’re trash” “F*** You B****,” “You a 4 after all the make-up,” and “Now sue me you corny ass b****".

The complaint alleges that Doe was fired the day she reported West’s conduct to her supervisor.

According to the complaint, she then agreed to work for Yeezy in 2023 because West had shared a lengthy apology to the Jewish community on his Instagram, in Hebrew, for previous antisemitic remarks, and Doe wanted to give him “the benefit of the doubt.” She was also under the impression that her role would mainly focus on marketing his music, including his new album with Ty Dolla $ign.

AI-generated video featuring Jewish celebs slams Kanye West
An AI-generated video featuring Jewish celebrities calling out rapper Kanye West circulated on social media on Tuesday, two days after the rapper came under fire for a Super Bowl ad directing people to buy white T-shirts with a black swastika.

Over a techno version of “Hava Nagila,” the video features AI-generated deep fakes of some 20 Jewish celebrities, including Adam Sandler, Scarlett Johanson, Steven Spielberg, Drake and Woody Allen. They are all wearing a similar white T-shirt, this time emblazoned with a Hamsa sticking up its middle finger, a Jewish star in the middle and West’s first name right below it.

It ends with Sandler’s deep fake giving the actual middle finger before “Enough Is Enough” appears on the screen.

“It’s time to stop being silent and respond to antisemites like Kanye West in the strongest way possible,” the video creator, Ori Bejerano, an Israeli generative AI expert, wrote on Instagram in Hebrew, according to the New York Post. “We must demand from the social networks to stop giving stage to antisemitism and hatred.”

West recently posted a farewell to X, shortly after a slew of anti-Jewish, racist rants on the platform. These posts included “I’m a Nazi” and “I love Hitler.”

While some have praised the video, many on social media have criticized the stunt for featuring celebrities that they say have been silent on the rise of Jew-hatred since Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7, 2023.

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"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

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