Wednesday, April 03, 2024

  • Wednesday, April 03, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations issued a report saying that CAIR had received 8,061 complaints nationwide in 2023, the highest number of complaints CAIR has ever recorded.

So I looked at their methodology. 

Each year, thousands of Americans contact CAIR through a variety of media, including telephone, email, and our online complaint system. When possible, CAIR staff also may also reach out to offer their services to individuals whose incidents were reported in news sources and not directly to CAIR. With each complaint, case intake staffers review preliminary materials and conduct interviews with prospective clients as part of the confidential intake process. These nationwide intake staff will then classify the case using the complaint category definitions provided earlier in this report. Each CAIR office that does intakes then submits their annual totals to the research and advocacy team.

Notice anything missing? CAIR doesn't even pretend to vet the complaints. Anyone can fill out anything in the online form and it gets counted as an incident.

Compare to the ADL's annual report on antisemitic incidents:

 ADL staff verify the credibility of every incident, eliminate duplicates and weed out trolling and spam before including them in the Audit.

CAIR's list includes pretty much anything. If a Muslim man thinks that he is not getting his coffee fast enough because of his religion, that would be a complaint that gets counted. 

Moreover, even if there is good reason for a Muslim to be treated differently because of his or her actions, it gets counted anyway. For example:

Banking-specific discrimination based on perceived identity/social class such as religion, race, ethnicity, or disability. This type of discrimination may result in an individual’s bank account or credit being closed for unexplained reasons. It includes peer-to-peer payment apps such as Venmo, CashApp, and Zelle and money transfer services like Western Union.  
If a bank or payment service refuses to do business with someone, it is because that person violated their policies, not because they are Muslim. They could be sued if it was religious discrimination, and no one wants that.

Or this:
FBI Interrogation: An FBI agent approaches an individual and conducts, or attempts to conduct, an interview. FBI agents commonly approach individuals at work, school, or their home. The individual who has been approached may not know why the FBI is interested in speaking with them.  
There isn't even a hint here that the person's religion has anything to do with the FBUI speaking to them - but CAIR considers this to be a valid complaint and it counts it.

CAIR have 20 categories of complaints. They categorize them but do not even pretend to vet them to see if they are in fact discriminatory.

And the report is largely based on this self-reported, unverified list of over 8,000 "complaints."

One other aspect of this report is worth mentioning. 

It defines "anti-Palestinian racism" as  “a form of anti-Arab racism that silences, excludes, erases, stereotypes, defames or dehumanizes Palestinians or their narratives."  

This means if historians say that the Second Temple was on the Temple Mount before Al Aqsa Mosque was built, they are erasing a Palestinian narrative that the Temples were myths - and that makes them racist. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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