Hatred of Israel is the great moral disorder of our time
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem… (Psalm 137)Arsen Ostrovsky and Amjad Taha: It's Time to Act Against Antisemitic Behavior on Campus
It is the great moral disorder of our time.
Dear Israel is but a spit of earth on a huge globe. Three years after six million Jews were put to torture, humiliation, whippings, rape, medical experiment, starvation, and vile death, was it not surely time — time for all the nations of the Earth who had reached some moral understanding of life and government — to allow Jewish people time to rest, time to mourn, time to see what and who might be left of them.
To find just one period, just one time, just one place where and when they did not have to start up in the middle of the night when unfamiliar sounds disturbed, did not have to hear demagogues howling at them from street corners, or put up with the trendy, ignorant western pseudo-radicals shouting in bullhorns from library steps. To not see their shops and homes targets of mobs and slanders, their synagogues battered.
A time when they might gather on a bit of land where dogs were not set upon them; where children did not mock them; where passerby thugs did not attack their elders in the street; where Jews unique in their sorrow and pain could meet with some of their tormented doubles, if for nothing else but to share laments and profound griefs, generate solace by shared company and memory.
Ah, Jews. Ah, Israel.
Poor Jews. It was not enough that Europe built a hecatomb of your kind because a madman and his mad country hated you. When you were nearly ripped out of history altogether, your spectacular survival over centuries and millennia genuinely threatened, averted as much by the chances of a war in which one side ignored you while the other industrialized your killing.
A guilty world — no, only a part of what should be a guilty world — offered you a spit of land: dust, bush, waterless (the former B.C. cabinet minister was correct in her description). I believe it’s called a desert.
It was “presented” as the homeland for Jews in 1947. For (wrung with accents of burning pity whenever the word was said in this context) the “survivors.”
This was when “survivors” meant people — men, women, children, infants — who had been rounded up, packed into railway cars, families ripped asunder, thrown into hideous camps with sadistic guards and vicious dogs, worked to death, starved, and for days, weeks or (some few) for years, spat upon, beaten, treated like less than dogs — hollowed out from torture, starvation and hopelessness.
To still be breathing after that! That’s a survivor.
(One of the heresies of our careless times is how we have let moralizing idiots, fat and comfortable woke types, haul out this word — “survivor” — to describe their own ignorant obsessions, their hypertrophic sense of privilege, to claim our attention.)
When universities continue to permit anti-Jewish hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism; indulge hate groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and cannot even answer whether calling for genocide against Jews is against university policy, what did they think was going to happen?Andrew Neil: Anti-Semitic campus know-nothings aren't pro-Palestine... they're pro-WAR! And, in their stupidity, they're making the strongest case yet for Israel's survival
In a statement ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover, President Joe Biden said "this blatant antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous—and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country."
Condemnations of the protests and expressions of solidarity with Jewish students are certainly welcome, and in fact necessary, but in the absence of urgent action, they are hollow and meaningless.
The following, therefore, is a 10-point action plan to restore order and protect Jewish students:
1. These ugly scenes must be labeled not as peaceful protests, but as pro-Hamas demonstrations by antisemites.
2. Universities need to call in the police to remove these rioters and anarchists from their encampments on campuses. If the police won't, then the National Guard should be called in.
3. Leaders must speak to Jewish students who are scared to enter campus, listen to them, and provide all the support they need.
4. Students found in breach of school policy must be punished, including with expulsion, and banning of their registered student organizations, while foreign students found in violation should have their visas revoked and be deported.
5. Lecturers, professors, and staff found taking part should also be disciplined.
6. Do not cancel in-person classes. That would be cowering before the bullies and haters, putting students who want to learn at a disadvantage. If universities and teachers take appropriate disciplinary measures and security precautions, there should be no need to resort to virtual classes.
7. Follow the money to find out who is funding these protests and protesters. Qatar, for example, has poured billions of dollars into Ivy League universities, buying up schools, chairs, and fellowships.
8. Initiate an avalanche of lawsuits and Title VI claims. Jewish students are not powerless and universities that receive federal funding are prohibited under the Civil Rights Act from discriminating against students on the basis of race or national identity, or allowing a hostile environment to form.
9. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, the most widely endorsed definition of Jew-hatred in all its manifestations, must be adopted and applied by every university. The IHRA definition has already been adopted by more than 40 countries, thousands of civil society organizations and has received bi-partisan support in the United States.
10. And lastly, Congress must immediately pass legislation rescinding federal funding from any university that does not take satisfactory action against this tidal wave of antisemitism or fails to protect Jewish students from discrimination or harassment.
We are at an inflection point where universities must decide whether they want to remain respected places of higher learning for all or become no-go zones for Jewish students. The decision is theirs.
Nobody is wondering that now as, even in America, radical Muslim leaders call for the destruction of Israel, backed by students at the nation's most elite universities and therefore those possibly (and frighteningly) running the country in the years to come.
America's Muslim population can only grow while Jews will become an ever smaller percentage of the total population.
Violent Islamism has a strong footing in many Western democracies these days and its influence is likely to grow stronger. Suddenly that Jewish homeland looks more necessary than ever.
This sorry tale still has some way to run. The pro-Hamas protestors have strong allies on the Left of the Democratic Party. They will be out in force come the Democratic convention in Chicago this August.
Chicago, of course, was the scene of the most violent Democratic convention ever in 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War, when Mayor Daley's somewhat robust police force clashed with radical demonstrators trying to disrupt the convention.
I don't say we're in for a repeat as bad as that but it will not be pretty on the streets of the Windy City this summer.
The President, for today's protestors, is 'Genocide Joe'. They will be out to pressure the Democrats into ending their support for Israel the way they wanted the party to end its support for the Vietnam War all these years ago.
Vietnam involved the conscription of hundreds of thousands of young American men to fight a massive war on the other side of the world, which eventually cost over 55,000 American lives. That gave the protests a special edge and relevance. Israel involves none of that, which is why it does not have the same piquancy for most folks.
But pro-Palestinian sentiments are the coming force in the Democratic Party, with all the attendant anti-Semitism we are currently witnessing.
There can be no compromise with such forces, whatever the superficial attractions of winning the youth vote by pandering to know-nothing students. We shall see if Biden is up to the challenge and stands firm in his resolve to support Israel.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The West's pathetic appeasement of Islamist extremists: For 33 years, my friend Salman Rushdie has shown incredible bravery. But the denial and delusion of Western apologists has only allowed fundamentalism to flourish
All this has been further fuelled by mass immigration on an unprecedented scale, transforming the demography of European societies and accelerating the Islamification of Britain and the continent.Could the Columbia Campus wars over Israel now tear British universities apart?
The impact of this appeasement can be seen in the recent poll by the Henry Jackson anti-extremism think tank which found that 52 per cent of British Muslims want to make it a criminal offence to show an image of the Prophet Mohammed, while a third openly support the introduction of sharia law.
It would have been unthinkable in the Britain of only a few years ago that a teacher in Batley, West Yorkshire, would have to go into hiding in fear of his life because a mob of theocratic fascists objected to his teaching materials for a religious studies lesson, but such sectarianism is now common.
The teacher in question, a well-regarded professional, had discussed with his pupils the appalling Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris in 2015, when 12 people were shot dead by terrorists after the satirical magazine had published a cartoon of Muhammed.
For a few days, a wave of outrage swept across the West, epitomised by the slogan Je Suis Charlie but it was a sentimental spasm that soon passed. Nor was the Batley teacher given the backing he deserved from his school, the local council, the police or even his trade union.
The Batley saga epitomises our topsy-turvy times, in which Muslim campaigners simultaneously pose as oppressed victims while stoking a climate of fear and intimidation. In advancing their cause, grievances are listed with a menacing side-order of blackmail.
It takes the guts of someone like Katharine Birbalsingh, the outstanding head of the Michaela school in West London, to stand up to the zealots, as she bravely did recently when she refused to create a special prayer room on the premises because it would shatter the secular ethos that has been essential to the school’s success.
But such toughness is rare. Many civic leaders take the line of least resistance, as occurred in a shameful incident in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, where a 14-year-old autistic boy was hauled before an ugly kangaroo court made up of local Muslim activists to be interrogated about his alleged mishandling of a copy of the Koran.
Incredibly, instead of shutting down this farce, West Yorkshire Police had an officer present to add an official gloss to the proceedings. Depressingly, I fear there will be more of this nonsense when Labour comes to power under Sir Keir Starmer. Throughout Europe, socialists have proved natural allies of the militants, partly because they both subscribe to the narrative of ethnic minority victimhood.
Moreover, Starmer’s party has long been reliant on the electoral support of Muslims, 70 per cent of whom are estimated to vote Labour. So we can expect more grants to Muslim community groups, more special treatment masquerading as positive action, more legislation on ‘Islamophobia’, and more gesture politics like this from the heart of England.
While hundreds of thousands of brave women in Iran protest against the Islamic head-covering, in Labour-run Sandwell in the West Midlands a huge, brutalist sculpture has gone up of a Muslim woman in traditional dress. ‘The strength of the hijab’ is the title of this piece of theocratic propaganda which should have no place in Britain.
Rushdie himself said recently: ‘We live in a moment, I think, at which freedom of expression and freedom to publish has not in my lifetime been under such threat in the countries of the West.’
He is right. It is a profoundly depressing thought that no mainstream publisher would touch The Satanic Verses today.
You can see why some students feel that the situation isn’t too far from an incident in which saw three Ivy League presidents tell a congressional inquiry that calls for the genocide of Jewish people wouldn’t necessarily violate each university’s code of conduct but would depend on context.Ruthie Blum: Shai Davidai’s war on campus antisemitism
To many, it feels a stark contrast with prevailing campus culture which sees trigger warnings attached to everything from Shakespeare to discussions about old age. To coin a sadly well-worn phrase: to many students, it feels that Jewish people don’t count.
Dr David Hirsh is a sociologist who has been studying as well as experiencing the new antisemitism for two decades and runs the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism. He says we could easily see a Columbia-style situation replicated here in the next few weeks.
“What we are seeing on campuses today is nothing new, but there is just more of it and it feels like it is a discourse which has become completely normalised with more and more sit-ins and ‘occupations’ for Palestine,” he says.
“The genocide allegation posits Jews as the new Nazis and the Nazis were the worst people in the world; this new antisemitism not only allows people to hate the overwhelming majority of Jews, but says they are right to do it.”
Due to his battle for the past six months against campus antisemitism—unleashed in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel—Columbia University business school assistant professor Shai Davidai has become an Internet sensation.When it comes to Jew hatred, the Liberals are paralyzed
His impassioned, unscripted speeches on the premises of the Ivy League institution in upper Manhattan have gone viral since they first emerged, less than a week after Hamas terrorists perpetrated the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust. The latest example is a clip of his confrontation on Monday morning with Columbia Chief Operating Officer Cas Holloway, who denied him access to the main campus.
When Davidai arrived to hold a peaceful sit-in and discovered that his ID card had been deactivated, he berated Holloway for preventing Jews from entering an area where pro-Hamas demonstrators were welcome to hold a protest. He then addressed the COO on X.
“Cas, you’re a really great guy,” he wrote. “[But] I am still trying to understand how you could … keep a straight face when you capitulated to the pro-Hamas mob … I think I know how. You were just doing your job. … Look, I get it. You’re scared. You are worried about how the pro-Hamas extremists (and the brainwashed cult they’ve amassed) will react if you try to disperse them. … The problem is that you are not alone. There are thousands of administrators like you all over U.S. campuses who are also scared. … Like you, they are just doing their jobs. And there were millions of Germans like you in the 1930s. Good Germans, upstanding Germans, who were just doing their jobs. Who do you think ran the universities of Berlin and Munich and Heidelberg and Frankfurt in the 1930s? Who helped the Hitler Youth check out books by Jewish authors to burn outside of campus? Administrators. Just like you…”
It takes guts these days for an academic to entertain an independent thought, let alone shout it from the rooftops when his tenure isn’t yet secured. But this is only part of the reason that Davidai’s courage is worthy of note.
More remarkable about his unabashed campaign to defend Jews from Hamas lies is his background. The 40-year-old native Israeli—like his spouse, with whom he moved to the United States in 2010—is on the far-left.
That was at least better than Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland who, when accurately asked by a reporter:We are the West’s last generation before the new Dark Age begins
“Over the weekend, protesters in Ottawa were heard chanting among other things ‘long live Oct. 7’ and ‘Oct. 7 is proof that we are almost free’, is this hate speech?”, responded: “I wasn’t in Ottawa over the weekend and I’m not aware of those specific reports and so it would be just wrong of me to comment on something that I am not specifically aware of,” before adding antisemitism and Islamophobia are on the rise.
Later, having seen the video, Freeland said on X: “I can only express shock and disgust at the antisemitism and glorification of terrorism that occurred on Parliament Hill. This hate speech has no place in Canada. None.”
This is a microcosm of how the Liberals are so politically conflicted on the wave of anti-Semitism that has swept across Canada since Oct. 7, that they are incapable of providing the moral leadership necessary to address it.
They know this is the worst outbreak of Jew hatred since the 1930s, but they also know there are far more Muslims in Canada than Jews, whose political support they covet.
So they instinctively equate antisemitism with Islamophobia, instead of dealing with the reality that while both are evil and both have increased since Oct. 7, the unprecedented targeting of Canada’s Jewish community has been different in both kind and degree.
While the Ottawa police service’s hate crimes unit has announced an investigation into comments made at the Ottawa demonstration, the larger issue is that Jew hatred has already been normalized across Canada.
What happened in Ottawa over the weekend is far more than “problematic” in the context of the reality that for months Jewish gathering places have been firebombed, Jewish day schools shot at, Jewish-owned businesses torched and vandalized, Swastikas painted on synagogues and homes, Jewish university students threatened and Jewish communities, described as “Zionist-infested” areas, targeted.
The Liberals know this but they’re politically paralyzed when it comes to countering it.
The hypocrisy is unconscionable. The woke ideology is incompatible with the preservation of the West – and yet it is this philosophy that we are allowing universities to indoctrinate our children with.An open letter to the Columbia University Gaza war protesters from a pro-Palestinian activist in Israel
Wokery has made massive progress in Britain, and there have been some horrible demonstrations of it on UK campuses. With the exception of the excellent University of Buckingham, where pluralism reigns, every other university in the UK employs almost exclusively Left-wing academics, a bias that wasn’t anything like as pronounced even 25 years ago.
We have some safeguards: opposition to critical race theory and gender ideology are protected philosophical beliefs under the Equality Act. The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act is one of the few genuinely good Tory reforms of the past 14 years. Arif Ahmed, the inaugural director for freedom of speech and academic freedom, has said that calls for genocide, or speech that incites violence, will not be protected “under any circumstances”, but that he will defend genuine plurality of opinion when the new regime begins in August.
Yet this isn’t enough. In 1581, Oxford University decided that no student would be allowed to matriculate unless they swore oaths to the Queen and the Church of England. It took until the 1871 Universities Tests Act to liberate Catholics, Jews and others to study, graduate and work at Oxford, Cambridge and Durham.
In 2024, Left-wing ideology is the new secular religion. Do we need another Universities Test Act? How do we drastically increase the percentage of non-Left-wing academics? Is the answer to launch new non-woke institutions, like the University of Austin? Or to terminate all subsidies on non-scientific subjects that are more prone to politicisation? In the US, the Ivy League will be hit by multi-billion dollar lawsuits for discrimination. Some are targeting their huge endowments, arguing that this is the time for a new Dissolution of the Monasteries.
Whichever way we go, we cannot grant the Left a permanent monopoly on universities. The West has no future if our youth are taught to hate our civilisation.
As a graduate of Columbia College (Class of 1991) and a peace activist who lives in Israel, I am watching videos and reports from my alma mater’s campus and wondering what I would have done if I were a student there now.UNRWA and neutrality: It couldn’t be further from the truth
I am an activist and have been all my life. I believe strongly in the ability of grassroots movements and peaceful protest to change the world.
When I first moved to Israel, my activism was focused on feminism and religious pluralism. Today, however, I strongly believe the most pressing issue in Israel-Palestine today is solving the conflict.
Since well before the current extremist right-wing Israeli government was elected, I have been demonstrating against the occupation (later also the Nation-State Law declaring Israel officially a Jewish state) and working for Jewish-Palestinian partnership within Israel’s borders. My debut novel, “Hope Valley,” is about the friendship between a Palestinian Israeli woman and a Jewish Israeli woman in the Galilee.
I am a very active member of Standing Together, a movement of Palestinian-Israelis and Jewish-Israelis working in complete partnership towards an end to the occupation, Palestinian self-determination and a more equal, just and peaceful society within Israel. I am involved in a variety of groups and organizations committed to a vision of peace, justice and equality for all people on the land from the “River to the Sea.”
I remain active in these groups even after Hamas’ brutal attack on Oct. 7. I am even out on the streets now calling for a mutual ceasefire and a return of all the hostages (many of whom it seems are tragically no longer alive), as well as for the resignation of government officials and early elections.
And so, if I were studying at Columbia today, I would ask myself: Should I join your protests? After all, I, too, am pro-Palestinian.
But I am also pro-Jew.
And when you chant, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution!” and “From the Sea to the River, Palestine will live forever!” you are not calling, as I and my Palestinian-Israeli friends are, for peace, justice and equality for all humans within those borders. You are calling for the violent destruction of the country where we live, and the murder of its citizens — including the Palestinian ones. As we saw on Oct. 7, Hamas has no more sympathy for other-than-Jewish Israelis — not even for Muslim ones — than it does for Jewish Israelis.
This past week, Israelis and Jews worldwide have been absorbed in contemplating how to celebrate Passover, which typically rejoices in the freeing of Jews from the shackles of slavery in ancient Egypt.Protesters block Ayalon Highway, demanding elections and hostage deal
In dire reality, 133 hostages taken from Israel remain in the shackles of Hamas for over 200 days.
Also during this holiday period, an Independent Review Group on UNRWA, appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in early February 2024, submitted a 54-page report with its findings.
Assessing UNRWA's adherence to neutrality
The review group was tasked with assessing UNRWA’s adherence to principles of neutrality. Led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, it commissioned three organizations (from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway) to extensively analyze the UN agency.
The report’s research methodology was comprised of field visits to UNRWA headquarters and interviews with more than 200 people from 47 countries and organizations.
While much of the public discourse vis-à-vis the report centers on Israel’s failure to equip the review group with evidence regarding the involvement of UNRWA employees with Hamas, which Israel publicly denies, perpetuating this conversation misses the very important claims made by the report regarding UNRWA’s neutrality – or lack thereof.
The review group outlines no fewer than 50 policy recommendations that UNRWA should implement to strengthen its neutrality. The mere number is enough to signal that there is much work to be done on UNRWA’s end.
Thousands gathered across the country to protest for the release of hostages in Gaza and for the declaration of elections on Saturday night. In Tel Aviv, protesters blocked the Ayalon Highway and seven protesters were arrested.
Demonstrators gathered in Jerusalem and on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv. Demonstrators also gathered in Haifa as well as other parts of the country.
Protesters carried posters of hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, calling for his immediate release. Earlier this week, a video was released by Hamas showing Hersh alive.
While at Begin Gate, Stav Arnon, from the women's protest for the return of the hostages, condemned the government for prioritizing the war over the release of their family members.
Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv filled with tens of thousands of protestors calling for elections now and the release of the hostages. (credit: @sha_b_p)
She especially called out Ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, "The responsibility is in your hands. Get out of this damned government immediately! You normalize the abnormal. You said you were there to return the captives, but you didn't live up to your promise, the hostages are still there. The time has come - choose which side you are on."
The ICJ did not assert that there was a plausible case that Israel is committing genocide. Neither did it hear evidence on, nor did it consider, that question.
— David Hirsh (@DavidHirsh) April 27, 2024
It ruled that Palestinians are protected by the Geocide Convention and that SA has the standing to bring this case. https://t.co/1MqUEWFWYB
If the ICC acts against Israel's leaders, branding them as war criminals it will:
— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) April 27, 2024
1 - Guarantee Israel fights to victory on all fronts, because f#ck it. We have nothing to lose.
2 - Ends all chance of Saudi-Israeli normalization.
3 - Means no hostages for terrorists deal.
Israel warns Hamas: Accept hostage deal, or we’ll enter Rafah
Israel warned Hamas it will carry out a major military operation unless the terror group accepts a deal on the table for the release of some, but not all, of the remaining 133 hostages.
“If there is a deal, we will suspend the operation,” Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Channel 12 as the IDF continued its preparations for the operation and Egypt renewed its push to secure a hostage deal after weeks in which it seemed that such efforts had hit a dead end.
“The release of the hostages is a deep priority for us,” Katz stressed. He spoke after an Egyptian delegation was in Israel on Friday for talks with Israel on the possibility of a new deal.
“If there is an option to make a deal, we will do it,” he said, although he stressed that this would not impact the overall goal of the war, which was to destroy Hamas.
Hamas considers Israel's official response
Hamas said it had received on Saturday Israel's official response to its latest ceasefire proposal and will study it before submitting its reply, the group's deputy Gaza chief said in a statement.
"Hamas has received today the official response of the Zionist occupation to the proposal presented to the Egyptian and the Qatari mediators on April 13," Khalil Al-Hayya, who is currently based in Qatar, said in a statement published by the group.
At issue has been the potential of the release of some 20 to 40 of the hostage — women, the elderly, and the informed — in exchange for a pause to the war, which in the past has been described as lasting six weeks. Israel would also be expected to release Palestinian security prisoners and terrorists held in its jails.
Hamas has insisted that it wants a permanent end to the war. Mediators have looked to move the issue forward without immediately addressing that point, as Israel has insisted that Hamas can no longer remain in Gaza and it must complete its military operation to destroy it.
The Israeli military says that a short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructures in the area of Markaba, as well as an additional Hezbollah military infrastructure in the area of Srebbine in southern Lebanon. pic.twitter.com/sAhpkXRG6u
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) April 27, 2024
Reports of a rocket barrage in northern Israel a short time ago. pic.twitter.com/QriadI08BB
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) April 27, 2024
Up close documentation of Hezbollah rockets striking the Upper Galilee tonight. pic.twitter.com/BHu3rrD9xZ
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) April 27, 2024
UK Looking to Deploy British Soldiers to Deliver Aid to Gaza via Biden’s Floating Pier, BBC Reports
The United Kingdom is considering deploying British troops to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip following the construction of an offshore floating pier by the United States military, the BBC has claimed.The Israel Guys: HAMAS Attacks U.S. Pier Building Effort in GAZA, and Tragic Attack in ISRAEL
A report from Britain’s public broadcaster, citing unnamed government sources, the UK is making plans to send soldiers to drive aid trucks from the soon-to-be-completed pier to a floating causeway to the shores of Gaza.
While the BBC noted that no final decision had been made, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yet to give his approval, the report came after a senior military official from the United States said that there would be no American “boots on the ground” and that a so far unnamed third-party country will supply the manpower to drive the trucks and deliver the aid.
“We have a third party who will be driving the trucks down the pier,” the U.S. military official said. “Just a point of emphasis, there will be no US military boots on the ground. So, a third party is driving those trucks.”
The UK has already been deeply involved in the project, with the Royal Navy providing a ship that will help house American military personnel working on the construction of the pier and the UK Hydrographic Office giving analysis of the Gaza shoreline to help plan its construction.
Additionally, British military officials have also been tasked with assisting in the screening of aid packages in Florida and Cyprus before them being sent to Gaza.
Although the floating pier is yet to be completed, the Biden administration is hoping that the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) operation will begin delivering aid to the region as soon as early May, with up to 150 trucks per day coming via the sea route. This is on top of the 220 trucks full of aid being delivered daily by land into Gaza.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has vowed to provide “security and logistics support for the JLOTS initiative… to enhance the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip”.
However, with British troops potentially manning the frontline of the effort, they may be more susceptible to attacks from the Islamist Hamas terrorists that control the area.
Hamas attacks the site where US troops are building a pier to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza, we’ll get into the details and implications on that. Also an 18 year old girl was seriously wounded after a stabbing attack in Ramle, and we get into a miraculous escape in Jerusalem from earlier on this week.
The Israeli military says that in the past few weeks, preparations have been underway to set up the floating pier and organize the space for receiving humanitarian aid in Gaza. pic.twitter.com/BdrPFVwlLM
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) April 27, 2024
— David Collier (@mishtal) April 27, 2024
*COUGH* https://t.co/8h697G2q8i pic.twitter.com/jLlRmoWEVb
Houthis in Yemen claim they shot down an American MQ-9 drone last week over Saada Governorate. pic.twitter.com/9MSaB8YDCz
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) April 27, 2024
What I learned about keeping a clean home from the Hamas massacre ruins
In the aftermath of the Oct. 7 devastation, there lies a profound lesson about the essence of home and the resilience of its inhabitants. My recent trip to Kfar Aza, a small community in southern Israel, revealed the aftermath of the destruction and the deeply personal stories embedded within the remnants of shattered homes. Amid the rubble, I found a poignant revelation about the balance between infusing one’s home with personality while keeping clutter at bay.
Kfar Aza, like many nearby areas, has faced numerous challenges due to its location near unstable borders. What struck me most during my visit wasn’t just the physical damage but the poignant reminders of lives shattered seen in the personal items strewn amid the ruins. Walking through the streets, I noticed belongings like toys, photos, and books, each telling a story of the lives once lived there.
Despite the destruction, there was a strong sense of humanity, resilience, and hope amid the chaos. In those moments, I couldn’t help but reflect on the concept of home and what truly makes a meaningful one.
What makes a home meaningful
Our homes are more than just structures; they are reflections of our identities, storehouses of our memories, and expressions of our personalities. Yet, there is a delicate balance between infusing our spaces with character and succumbing to the tyranny of clutter. Despite the conflict’s toll, each home I visited in Kfar Aza carried a distinct sense of authenticity and individuality. Each carefully selected item spoke volumes about the people who once lived there, serving as a reminder that our living spaces should reflect our essence rather than being cluttered with needless belongings.
In today’s world, where consumerism often guides our decisions and clutter threatens to engulf our living spaces, we are bombarded with messages encouraging us to acquire more, upgrade constantly, and keep up with ever-changing trends. However, amid this barrage of information, we risk losing sight of what truly matters – the essence of what makes a house a home.
A home should be filled with personality, not with material abundance. It should be a space curated intentionally, where each item serves a purpose and carries meaning. It’s about surrounding ourselves with things that bring us joy, inspire us, and reflect our values and experiences.
Leaving Kfar Aza, touched by the strength of its residents and the stories in its wreckage, I gained a deeper respect for the importance of home. It’s where we find comfort in life’s challenges, where our true selves are safe, and where our impact lasts even after we’re gone.
29 weeks.
— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) April 27, 2024
That’s the amount of time that Kfir Bibas has been held captive by Hamas terrorists.
There is nothing heroic about kidnapping a baby and his family from their home and holding them hostage in a dark tunnel.
It’s pure evil. #LetThemGoNow pic.twitter.com/Ifilh5ItHg
Hamas publishes video of hostages Omri Miran and Keith Siegel
Hamas published on Saturday a video of the hostages Keith Siegel (64) and Omri Miran (47).
The two hostages say the video was filmed two days ago. They also talk about not being able to celebrate Passover this year.
They also say that they saw the demonstrations in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and called on the demonstrators to continue the protest.
Protestors in Tel Aviv called on the government to find alternative solutions, insisting that military pressure would not lead to the release of the hostages. "This concept has failed," demonstrators chanted in Tel Aviv on Saturday after the video's release.
Keith was abducted from his home in Kfar Aza together with his partner Aviva, who was released during the ceasefire in November.
Omri was abducted from his home in Nahal Oz in front of his family. His wife, Lishay Lavi, managed to tell him before he was abducted, "I love you, we are waiting for you, don't be a hero."
As soon as he was taken by the terrorists, his two-year-old daughter Roni tried to run after him and shouted, "I want my dad!"
Danny Miran, Omri's father, told KAN, "I am moved to tears; these are tears of happiness. I saw his beard. We promised that we would shave the beard together when he returned. I am crying all over. I am moved and crying to recognize my son. I haven't seen the video, just a picture of it. I hope they send it to me soon. This is what kills me - this is how a country behaves?"
His father added, "I am not interested, Rafah if they bring all the hostages home immediately, and it doesn't matter how they do it."
Danny also told N12 "He looks just as I thought he would: with a beard. He must not have brushed his teeth since the catastrophe. It is immensely painful. Physically, he looks excellent; I just hope that, mentally, he is still in good condition."
His brother, Nadav, told Walla, "It's exciting to see this picture. I'm glad he's alive, and I hope to see him home as soon as possible. He seems fine to me. Going out to fight Rafah will bring them faster. Less talk, more action."
The Miran and Siegel families have given permission to share this video of Keith and Omri which was released by the jihadi death cult psychopaths holding them hostage.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 27, 2024
Keith and Omri – two Israeli fathers abducted from their homes on October 7 – need to come home now… pic.twitter.com/VVh68UGVVZ
The family of hostage Keith Siegel - who was seen in a propaganda clip released today by Hamas - shared this video.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 27, 2024
Ilan Siegel: "Seeing my father today only emphasizes to all of us how much we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. I demand that the… pic.twitter.com/oB1JT7JQmB
The damage of October 7th spans far beyond the physical. I had the opportunity to speak with Maj (Res). Dr. R., about her experience in the front lines and how it impacted her as a woman. In awe of the strength and resilience of Israeli women. pic.twitter.com/7YFpijq2Pt
— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) April 27, 2024
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) April 27, 2024
Hamas has released a propaganda video featuring proof of life of two hostages: Keith Siegel, who is also a US citizen, and Omri Miran.
For those of you in the United States, you may have seen Omri’s brother-in-law @MosheELavi on TV advocating for his release. pic.twitter.com/4HduaZVduT
Why won’t the students protesting at Science Po Paris honor the memory of Omri Ram, an alum of their school who was killed at Nova on October 7th?
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) April 27, 2024
Any movement unwilling to honor ALL victims of this conflict is moving us farther from peace. pic.twitter.com/xhMrOw2Kfi
Ben Shapiro: This Guy Is EVERYTHING Wrong With Generation Z
One of the Columbia protest organizers makes clear just how much he hates Jews; USC cancels its commencement out of fear of protesters; and the Supreme Court considers whether Donald Trump has presidential immunity.
Mark Levin: We have Hitler Youth on our college campuses
Putting aside the comically absurd portrayal of the Islamic Republic as an innocent bystander here, Iranian propaganda wants the world to believe that it was an embassy or a consulate which #Israel struck in Syria. But it wasn't. https://t.co/DFkB92nTPm
— Jason Brodsky (@JasonMBrodsky) April 26, 2024
Pro-Palestine protesters removed by police from Nancy Pelosi speech at Oxford Union
Police were forced to remove two pro-Palestine protesters from the Oxford Union on Thursday after they hijacked a speech by Nancy Pelosi, the former US speaker of the House.Moment pro-Gaza students harass Jacob
The pair of students waved Palestinian flags as they disrupted her address at the debating society shortly after 6pm.
The protesters were swiftly removed by Thames Valley Police and escorted out as the crowd inside the chamber applauded.
“The suffering of Gaza must stop,” Mrs Pelosi told the chamber.
“We want peace on both sides. Both sides must agree to it.”
The protesters wore T-shirts with the logo from Youth Demand, the Just Stop Oil-linked activist group which spray-painted the Labour party’s head office in central London with red paint earlier this month in protest against the war in Gaza.
Sharing a video for the protest on social media, Youth Demand said that “genocide-backing” Mrs Pelosi was “not welcome” at Oxford.
“Warmongers like Nancy Pelosi are not welcome on University campuses,” the activist group said.
“When children are being murdered, and hospitals are being bombed, we will not sit down and be quiet whilst these people are given platforms.
“We must stand up and take action, because we aren’t f---ing around anymore. Whilst Pelosi was inside, students of the University made their voices heard.”
The Democrat was visiting the university to attend events at the Oxford Union and OxfordSpeaks, an international relations society.
Earlier, a crowd of approximately 250 students had protested outside the Union, chanting “Israel is a terrorist state”, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, and “London to Gaza, long live the intifada”.
Rees-Mogg hurling vicious foul-mouthed abuse as they surround his car while waving Palestinian flags after he gives speech at Cardiff UniversityPro-Palestine students and activists harassed Jacob Rees-Mogg and hurled foul-mouthed abuse at him after speaking at Cardiff University.
Cardiff University's Conservative Society hosted the Tory MP on Friday for a speech.
But shocking footage posted on X/Twitter shows him being escorted by eight security guards to a campus vehicle as students surrounded him shouting shouting 'Tory c**t', 'shame on you' and 'Free Palestine' and waving Palestinian flags.
The students and activists, who were banging drums and shaking tambourines, were calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and shouted 'shame on you'.
Two people even attempted to get closer to the vehicle carrying the North East Somerset MP before being dragged backed back by security staff.
The protest was organised by Welsh Underground Network and Cardiff Communists, who claimed Mr Rees-Mogg was a 'zionist'.
They said: 'Mogg, and his ilk, are never welcome in Wales. No zionist politician should be able to walk our streets in peace, they shouldn't be able to open their mouths without being shouted down.'
Conservative Party Chairman Richard Holden, branded the protesters 'morons' and said: 'How silly of these morons - whatever they think their cause is, they do it a disservice I'm sure will have taken it in his stride but no elected politician should have to put up with this shrill intimidatory idiocy.'
This is why our democracy is at threat in the UK and it’s down to the Mayor and our Met Police emboldening this Islamist mob, letting their violence and aggression go unchallenged and unpunished. pic.twitter.com/EZz8JcTUKq
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) April 26, 2024
Happy Passover! Passover marks the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. In 2024, it marks the exodus of the Jews from Columbia University. pic.twitter.com/lKb2FWaly0
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) April 27, 2024
Ilhan Omar Paraglides Into Columbia Campus To Lead Protests https://t.co/dw9VL2IkzE pic.twitter.com/0xXer2c974
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) April 27, 2024
The NYT quotes organizers from JFREJ & JVP apologizing for the violent rhetoric of a LEADER of the Columbia protests.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) April 27, 2024
These groups are not ‘the Jewish left.’
They are the Left’s Jews.
They only exist to kosher antisemitism, for people who don’t know any better. pic.twitter.com/rXzJlD5Poa
Professor Caught on Camera Encouraging Violent Revolution to Columbia Students
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report'' shares a DM clip of footage of CUNY professor and fired CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill encouraging violence to the pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia University.
RFK Jr: “I consider myself extremely pro-Palestinian”
— American Values 🗽 (@AmValues2024) April 26, 2024
“I believe the Palestinian people ought to have their sovereignty, their rights, their freedom, and they ought to have their own nation”
“I’m heartbroken by the deaths of civilians in Gaza, but … I don’t see that Israel has… pic.twitter.com/9m0Qo1n9lh
Bernie, you were a Soviet fellow-traveler/sympathizer when it was an overtly antisemitic state, likely the second worst in modern history after the Nazis and their allies. And there is no evidence that you spoke up about said Soviet antisemitism. So you don't get to lecture…
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) April 25, 2024
AOC Praises Columbia Protest Encampment After ‘Student Leader’ Said ‘Zionists Don’t Deserve To Live’
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) visited the anti-Semitic protest encampment at Columbia University this week and praised its leadership, which comes after video went viral of one of the most vocal students in the protest saying earlier this year that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”
Ocasio-Cortez traveled to the school on Friday where the demonstrations have generated national headlines for over a week.
“The leadership you have is so excellent,” Ocasio-Cortez told one of the activists. “It’s really special. It’s really amazing.”
The Daily Wire unearthed earlier this week that Khymani James, who CNN described as a “student protest leader,” openly stated in a live-stream of an official university inquiry in January that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”
James, who was reportedly barred from campus late this week, had claimed in a statement posted to social media on Friday that he was the victim of “far right agitators” who he said posted his remarks on social media “without context.”
In a video stream from January, he made the case for Zionists to die several times and stated “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”
James said he made the comment because he was feeling “unusually upset after an online mob targeted me because I am visibly queer and Black.”
At the Columbia encampment, AOC says: "The leadership you have is just so fantastic."
— Adam Rubenstein (@RubensteinAdam) April 26, 2024
NYT: Student Protest Leader at Columbia: ‘Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live’ https://t.co/5Obf1OCQhc
I had to listen twice to make sure I heard this right because it’s utterly repulsive. @IlhanMN casually calls Jewish students “pro-genocide or anti-genocide.”
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 27, 2024
That’s another way of saying “the unacceptable Jews or the acceptable Jews”pic.twitter.com/4ZCtYAx3MJ
Ilhan Omar Paraglides Into Columbia Campus To Lead Protests https://t.co/dw9VL2IkzE pic.twitter.com/0xXer2c974
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) April 27, 2024
Progressive NY Rep. Jamaal Bowman duped by fake ‘Chief rabbi of Gaza’
Rep. Jamaal Bowman and his campaign were duped by the parody social-media account of the fake “Chief Rabbi of Gaza.”
The phony X account of “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” is infamous for spouting anti-Zionist vitriol to ensnare unsuspecting progressives unaware that it is satirical.
The rabbi messaged Bowman about sponsoring a fundraiser for his Democratic primary campaign.
Under Hamas rule Jews were not allowed in Gaza, and the only ones there now are hostages and IDF soldiers attempting to rescue them — something Bowman evidently didn’t pick up on when he began corresponding with the account.
Bowman, a member of the far-left House “Squad,” has become one of the most vocal critics of Israel and defenders of Hamas in Congress.
He is currently locked in a fierce primary battle with Westchester County Executive George Latimer, with polls suggesting Latimer could beat him badly.
“I really hope you win, I would love to host a fundraiser with you,” Goldstein messaged Bowman in a private X message on April 11. The message prompted a reply from the congressman’s account just 30 minutes later.
“Thank you, how do we get in touch with you?” Bowman asked. Goldstein promised Bowman she has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars before, adding “my anti-zionist community can’t wait to help.”
“Hi Rabbi, this is Bowman’s staff, we’ll have a member of our finance team follow up with you,” read another direct message from Bowman’s account, noting, “We’re grateful.”
Goldstein’s schtick as an over-the-top Palestinian-loving rabbi has won her a cult following.
“I’m organizing an aid convoy to the @Columbia campus,” Goldstein posted last week. “We need: Glamp Tents; Volunteer Baristas; Oat Milk; Keffiyeh’s; Canada Goose Jackets; and Also Leggings.”
In other tweets she has condemned Passover as Israeli “genocide” against Egyptians; and posed with photoshopped terrorists in front of a “Menorah for Justice” made of rockets.
She has urged Hamas fighters to practice social distancing in terror tunnels.
Did they also write all the Hebrew words backwards, like at USC? pic.twitter.com/lvln1hDI0n
— Lahav Harkov 🎗️ (@LahavHarkov) April 27, 2024
Met Police arrest Gaza protesters for racism and hate banner comparing Israel to the Nazis after force admitted Jewish people have been forced to avoid the Tube and hide their identities on demo days
A pro-Palestinian protester holding a banner comparing Israel to the Nazis and a demonstrator who hurled racist abuse at campaigners against anti-Semitism were two people arrested at a huge Gaza march today.
'Hundreds of thousands' marched through the streets of London in a series of protests today, some in support of a ceasefire in Gaza and others to call for an end to anti-Semitism.
An event organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) began at Parliament Square at 12pm, setting off at 12.30pm on a route via Whitehall, Piccadilly and Park Lane and then ending at Hyde Park, where speeches were given.
Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was spotted among the crowds alongside First Minister of Northern Ireland and Vice President of Sinn Féin Michelle O'Neill.
The two pro-palestine politicians were pictured hugging near a large banner.
A counter protest by pro-Israeli groups against anti-Semitism was also held and overlapped in some places with the route of the pro-Palestinian march.
Some protesters on the counter-march reported being subject to antisemitic abuse as the marches crossed paths.
Reverend Hayley Ace who was on the Enough is Enough counter-protest, was misidentified as a Jew while wearing a Star of David cap and was told to 'F*** off to Poland', the Campaign Against Antisemitism reported.
Reverend Ace said: 'Obviously Poland is where the Nazis built most of their concentration camps for the extermination of Jews. Comments like those that I received are common on these marches. How can anyone pretend they are peaceful?'
According to CAA, some pro-Palestinian protesters carried placards promoting conspiracies including one that read 'Our media, TV, radio and Government are controlled by Zionists'.
Another poster showed the Statue of Liberty feeding an Israeli baby with blood, invoking the blood libel.
London has to hide its Holocaust memorials. How long before they also have to hide their Jews? pic.twitter.com/QAKkeXcxxt
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 27, 2024
Yet more chanting for terrorism at today's London hate march. This time right in front of Parliament. pic.twitter.com/B1zgDahZwV
— habibi (@habibi_uk) April 27, 2024
Latifa Abouchakra at today's hate march in London. Just her kind of scene. See her in the video below, celebrating the 7 October atrocities. It is one of the most disgusting clips I have ever seen. https://t.co/3neFoLFYO9 pic.twitter.com/6jVggXSuCp
— habibi (@habibi_uk) April 27, 2024
🚨🚨🚨 A pro Palestine Supporter calls protesting Jews
— Inc.Monocle (@IncMonocle) April 27, 2024
“Scumbag NAZI bastards”
As the counter protests grows in stature, it seems a hardcore on the pro Palestine side are becoming more aggressive and extreme. pic.twitter.com/5IVuMQFhNb
Sameh Habeeb was one of the hate march speakers today.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) April 27, 2024
His record makes him perfect for a hate march. pic.twitter.com/LoMznqyJAC
https://t.co/rC4ZUAX6IH pic.twitter.com/2Ymnv6G4xW
— habibi (@habibi_uk) April 27, 2024
The supporters of #Hamas terrorism support rape and baby kidnapping. What did you expect them to do? They occupy your universities and use your children's minds as hostages—that's simply what they do. They are ill; if you allow it, the virus spreads. Last week, I visited George… pic.twitter.com/7tdovecRtg
— Amjad Taha أمجد طه (@amjadt25) April 27, 2024
Israeli student detained by Border Force and anti-terror police after landing in Britain hits out at his 'disturbing' treatment - after guards at Manchester Airport were blasted for 'demeaning' two survivors of Hamas music festival massacre
A Jewish student has described how he was pulled aside by Border Force and anti-terror police after he landed in the UK and told them he had been on holiday to Israel.‘It’s soul-destroying’: How a malevolent online campaign is targeting Jewish doctors in Ontario
Former Israeli Defence Force vet Neriya Ashwal, 28, was held for more than an hour by officials after flying into East Midlands airport from Barcelona where he is currently studying, for a short break.
It is the second time in a month that Israelis have been held by border officials and questioned by police after landing in Britain. In March two survivors from the Nova Music Festival were allegedly detained at Manchester airport for two hours.
Neriya was pulled aside after he was asked if he had visited Israel recently and when he said he had been to see friends and family last month he was pulled aside for questioning.
Posting on Facebook business studies student Neriya said:' Are you Israelis planning to fly to Britain? Think twice, especially if you are a veteran. You may be delayed in the field.
'So I had a weekend free from studying in Barcelona and Ryanair offered especially cheap flight tickets to the UK.
'Landed at 7am at a sleepy little airport outside Nottingham. Short bus from the plane to the terminal and passport inspection queue. Calm, in the process.
'When my turn comes, a nice policeman asks me the usual questions: where did you come from, why did you come, how long will you stay, etc.
'And then he looks again at the (Israeli) passport and asks: have you been to Israel lately?
Yes. Visiting family and friends 3 weeks ago.
'Hold on a min.' Calling someone, saying that he has an Israeli who has been to Israel recently.
'He nods at the phone, hangs up and asks me to sit and wait on the side. He has the passport.
Dox a doc a day.
As anti-Israel — often anti-Jew — protests violently roil campuses across America, a different campaign dripping with malevolence is specifically targeting Jewish physicians right here in Ontario.
There’s no fig-leaf of divestment from Israel, no camouflage exploiting the horrors experienced by civilians in Gaza. Rather, the doxing has been a directed, co-ordinated crusade aimed at physicians whose only “offence’’ is their Jewishness.
On social media and via pro forma emails sent to hospital administrators and leadership at teaching institutions, these doctors are being harassed, intimidated and professionally compromised. While part of the strategy is to victimize one particular doctor on a given day — lifting names of individuals who signed a letter last November under the banner of Doctors Against Racism and Antisemitism — the undertaking has spreader wider, become far more encompassing.
Of course most of the garbage is anonymous but on literally hundreds of occasions — letters and emails to MPs, for example — signatories of that DARA letter have been appropriated falsely as if they’re the ones demanding politicians take a harsher position on Israel’s military tactics.
“They’re prompting people to make complaints to their places of work, colleges and universities, hospitals, associations, faculty, the College of Physicians and Surgeons,’’ says Dr. Lisa Switzman. “This has been going on since the beginning of November in a systematic, co-ordinated way, with literally a Jewish doctor of the day.’’
Switzman, whose been involved with tracking the attacks, is uncertain how it all began or who triggered the onslaught. “Basically it was put out by someone who is very anti-Israel, saying these are terrible physicians who’ve signed this letter. All the letter said was that we support Israel and we’re Zionists. Being Jews and supporting Israel’s right to exist is really important to us.’’
Anonymous social media accounts joined the swarming on various platforms, postings that were recycled. “It incited very hateful, antisemitic attacks directly to doctors,’’ continues Switzman.
“What was especially upsetting is that they were targeting mainly female family physicians, probably because we’re seen as more vulnerable. At a time of a significant health-care crisis with family physicians, this put added stress on them. Many were quite distraught. Why would you do that to physicians who are saving lives and helping people?’’
The campaign became more heated after pro-Palestinian protesters convened outside Mount Sinai Hospital. “They posted form letters that auto-populated to many more people,” says Switzman. “Because all you have to do is click on it. But that incited other people to send hateful emails to doctors personally.’’
The doxing expanded to physicians who’d never signed the DARA letter.
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) April 27, 2024
Here is proof that “Pro-Palestine” marches are “Pro-Terrorist” Jew hating marches.
Look at the reaction of the crowd when faced with a sign that says “Hamas is Terrorist.@metpoliceuk when will you learn. This has gone on long enough.
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) April 27, 2024
More proof these aren’t “Pro-Palestine” marches they are Pro-Hamas and Pro-Terror.
Hamas supporter rips a sign saying “Hamas is Terrorist” out of Niyak’s hands.
Here you have @OurFightUk being threatened with arrest for holding a sign saying “Hamas is Terrorist”
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) April 27, 2024
The Antisemitic hate-marchers are allowed to roam free while the Enough is Enough counter protesters have been kettled in to a confined space.
Festooned with Nazi slurs, this man is ready for today's hate march in London. pic.twitter.com/doJMPw579D
— habibi (@habibi_uk) April 27, 2024
Matthew Foldi: Columbia University Law Students Issue Demands of Their Own As Mob Rule Reigns
The chaos, insanity, and mob rule at Columbia University isn’t just limited to its undergraduate campus, it turns out — students at its law school, which costs just under $100,000 a year to attend, are demanding that all of their grades be pass/fail because “it is wrong to recognize academic achievement (no matter how deserved) at the expense of other students’ physical, emotional, and mental well being.”Anti-Israel radicals share guide for taking over university buildings
This week, Columbia Law School’s student government sent campus administrators a list of demands that includes the “adoption of a mandatory pass/fail grading system” in the name of “equity” and “well-being,” which they repeatedly misspell in an open letter with enough grammar errors to embarrass even fake lawyers in shows like "Suits."
In the petition itself, which was signed by a number of students, they demand that Columbia “take immediate action to make all law school exams pass/fail, in light of the extraordinary circumstances our student body is facing.” Never mind that the circumstances confronting Columbia are being caused by the radical jihadists that would ostensibly align with these demands. Students who are in law school to learn, and not be arrested, presumably do not want their grades to be pass/fail.
While one Columbia student anonymously wrote that they “cannot study for more than 20 mins straight with everything going on…,” a push for exclusively pass/fail grades would likely do more harm than good for the long-term prospects of Columbia grads. As merely the eighth-best law school in America, according to U.S. News and World Report’s highly problematic, yet prestigious rankings, Columbia needs every way for its students to compete against more prestigious diploma mills, like Yale – which is tied for number one.
Unbeknownst to most outside of higher education, Yale Law School does not award letter grades, like Columbia normally does; instead, its grades are scaled from honors to no credit given. If Columbia switches to universal pass/fail, how will its alums be able to stand apart from their counterparts at other pass/fail schools, like Yale? Grades, it turns out, actually matter–yet, for the sake of supporting another intifada, Columbia activists are trying to sacrifice their futures and those of their classmates.
Just how chaotic is Columbia’s campus right now? Dore Feith, a current law student, described the scene thusly: “The new ‘Liberated Zone’ is a vortex of Jew-hatred, drawing not just Columbia students but outside actors. They scream for Israel’s destruction, banging drums and chanting loudly to celebrate jihadist terrorism. One student threatened that pro-Israel students were going to be Hamas’s ‘next targets.’”
The problems, it turns out, go well beyond Khymani James, the undergraduate activist who infamously said that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Feith continues in his saga about how “another activist, face wrapped in a keffiyeh, waved a photo of Hamas’s flag. Crowds on campus have been chanting ‘Oh Hamas, oh loved one, strike, strike Tel Aviv!’...A visibly Jewish student was assaulted on campus. No police could help him, because Columbia’s administration has refused to allow the NYPD to reenter campus since the arrests last Thursday. When the police were on campus that day, radical students called the officers 'baby killers' and told them to kill themselves.”
A Big Apple anti-Israel group blasted out a how-to guide to seizing buildings as protests rocked universities in Manhattan.
Days after cops arrested over 100 Columbia University students and cleared a large anti-Israel encampment at its upper Manhattan campus, The Peoples Park radicals posted “The Do-It-Yourself Occupation Guide” on its Instagram account, which has 2,300 followers.
“We are sharing educational-only materials on tactical skills like holding down occupations *inside* of university buildings,” read the post, originally penned by the group Palestine Action US, which featured the hashtag “EscalateForGaza.”
The 32-page booklet details tips for breaking into abandoned and commercial buildings; diagrams and step-by-step guides for barricading doors; and advice for how to maintain control of an occupied space.
When “less-destructive methods [for entering a space] don’t work, more aggressive options are abundant. Use a crowbar to open a window. Cheap Milgard latches and latches on older aluminum windows often break in place,” the guide suggests.
It also included tips for how to create shields out of trash cans for protesters to defend themselves during a march onto a property, and advice for handling different alarm systems.
“We look ahead to when we enter the buildings, take over the streets, and occupy the city,” the text reads.
This is Maya Platek. She's Israeli, and she was just elected as the Student Government President at the school for the 2024/2025 academic year!
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) April 27, 2024
“My name is Maya Platek. I am an Israeli rising senior and was recently elected as the Student Body President at Columbia University.… pic.twitter.com/t4s07ESCyH
Yale professor accuses Columbia prez Shafik of plagiarism, ‘intellectual theft’ in resurfaced 1994 research paper
Embattled Columbia University president Nemat “Minouche” Shafik screwed a former underling out of credit on a research paper published 30 years ago, a Yale University professor claims.
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak posted the bombshell allegations in a blistering thread on X early Friday, juxtaposing images of a 1992 report Shafik co-authored for World Bank with researcher Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay, along with a journal published in Oxford Economic Papers two years later in which Bandyopadhyay’s name was removed.
Mobarak, an economics and management professor at Yale, told The Post the findings and research cited in both papers are pretty much equal.
“It got rewritten, but fundamentally it’s the same paper,” he alleged.
“We can’t get in the room and [learn] what sentences did he write and what sentences she wrote, but what we do know is his contribution was sufficient to warrant co-authorship [in 1992],” he added. “What is not common is for someone to be a co-author and then suddenly their name is taken off.”
Instead, Bandyopadhyay is only “thanked” in an acknowledgement section in the back of the 1994 published journal — which screams of “power asymmetry” considering Shafik was then Bandyopadhyay’s boss, alleged Mobarak.
Nemat Shafik - @Columbia Prez only has 1 well-cited publication in her life, in Oxford Econ Papers 1994.
— Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak (@mushfiq_econ) April 26, 2024
This paper is lifted almost entirely from a 1992 report coauthored with consultant not credited in the publication.
This is wholesale intellectual theft, not subtle plagiarism pic.twitter.com/ttqN3C7hFm
Dani Dayan, Chairman of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, calls on Columbia's President Shafik to behave like a leader, not a mid-level bureaucrat. Of course she is not a leader. Very few university presidents are. They are cogs in the great progressive wheel. pic.twitter.com/l2SjtJyRvQ
— Mike (@Doranimated) April 27, 2024
This is being treated by @Columbia as a PR crisis, not an issue of principle & values. https://t.co/rXwEr9sssL
— Dan Senor (@dansenor) April 27, 2024
Breaking: The Provost, John Jackson, of @Penn co-authored a BDS resolution in 2015. The antisemitism @Penn is institutionalized.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) April 27, 2024
For more info:https://t.co/xjo1q0zgo4https://t.co/zQfI7haB2v pic.twitter.com/BhBHuglLKn
NY AG Letitia James condemns Columbia encampment — even as she makes tens of thousands from university
State Attorney General Letitia James offered sharp criticism of Columbia University’s anti-Israel student encampment this week — even as she pockets tens of thousands of dollars as a member of the university faculty.Model-turned DEI manager is fired by university for posing in front of Israeli flag emblazoned with swastikas - and is now suing over claims her free speech rights were violated
“The events that have occurred at Columbia University have been deeply concerning and painful for many,” James said in a statement. “When peaceful protest devolves into hate and antisemitic violence, the line is crossed and will not be tolerated. My office is monitoring the situation closely.”
James has served as the William S. Beinecke Visiting Professor of Public Policy in the Faculty of International and Public Affairs since 2021, according to her faculty bio.
Her class, “Public Management Innovation,” is part of the Executive MPA program for graduate students.
James co-teaches with William Eimicke, a veteran of Gov. Mario Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg’s administrations.
Her office noted the New York Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government had given her the green light to teach the class.
A model-turned DEI manager who was fired because she posed in front of an Israeli flag emblazoned with swastikas is now suing because her First Amendment rights were 'violated'.Jewish GWU student whose grandparents survived the Holocaust is 'terrified' of anti-Israel protestor's haunting Nazi 'final solution' poster and demands action to clear 'dangerous' pro-Hamas activists from campus
Mashal Sherzad, 29, was fired from her position as the diversity, equity and inclusion manager at the University of Minnesota because of now seemingly deleted pictures that she accidentally uploaded onto her public social media of her posing in front of the controversial flag.
Sherzad, who identified as Muslim, and who is in a relationship with a woman, began her role in October, 2023, and travelled to Barcelona to attend a pro-Palestinian rally just two months later. She shared pictures of herself from the rally - including snaps of her posing in front of the swastika-embezzled Israeli flag.
She was removed from her DEI manager job for the university's School of Public Health on January 16 after the Dean, Melinda Pettigrew, said her employment would create a 'real risk of significant disruption.'
Sherzad has since filed a lawsuit against the school for violating First Amendment right to free speech - along with claims of discrimination.
As hundreds gathered at George Washington University to participate in anti-Israel protests Friday afternoon Jewish students told DailyMail.com they have felt afraid, adding that the university is 'accommodating' the 'pro-Hamas' activists.
The demonstrations on campus have been going off and on since the October 7 attack, but recently students - taking a page out of Columbia University protestors' playbook - have established a pro-Gaza encampment that has yet to be taken down.
Protestors set up the encampment early Thursday morning and hundreds later joined in on the demonstrations.
And despite the university demanding the camp be disbanded by 7:00 p.m. Thursday evening, the tents and their occupants still stood in defiance by late Friday afternoon.
One protestor at George Washington University (GWU) Thursday was even seen carrying a sign calling for the 'final solution,' which was Adolph Hitler's plan for the 'annihilation' of Jewish individuals.
'To hear people calling for more violence makes me really afraid to come out of my house out of fear that someone's going to hurt me or do something to me,' Skyler Sieradzky, a Jewish GWU student, told DailyMail.com at Friday's protest.
'As someone whose grandparents were Holocaust survivors, seeing people using the Holocaust as something that we should be striving towards again, it makes me very sad and very scared.'
Sieradzky was one of a few counter-protestors who arrived to support Israel amid calls for its annihilation at GWU Friday.
She draped her self in an Israeli flag, which earned her some disdain and dirty looks from pro-Gaza demonstrators.
'It's very scary to see signs calling for the extermination of the state of Israel, calling for another intifada,' Sieradzky said. 'In the second intifada one of my family members was killed in a suicide bombing.'
mamia abu jamal murdered Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Anyone seeking moral support from a cop killer has officially lost the plot. https://t.co/Dppp4uCxLa
— Bad Hijabi 🇨🇦🍁 (@RukhsanaSukhan) April 27, 2024
“Not to support” the anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian protesters taking over colleges “is sort of anti-American” – @karaswisher on CNN’s Chris Wallace Show pic.twitter.com/vLeFIZ8BxB
— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@BrentHBaker) April 27, 2024
WATCH: Jewish Law Student, October 7 Hamas Attack Survivor, Spit On at University of Texas Protest
Seth Greenwald, who hopes to graduate in May from the University of Texas School of Law, is a fortunate survivor of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Greenwald described his experience in Israel during the horrific attack that claimed the lives of nearly 1,200 people in Israel. During a video interview, Greenwald told Breitbart Texas he was spat on twice and told to “go back to Poland” during a pro-Palestine demonstration on the university’s campus earlier this week.
In the video, Greenwald described seeking shelter as thousands of rockets were launched by Hamas toward Israel early on October 7. He quickly noted his experiences were not as severe as those of friends he had who attended the Nova music festival. Greenwald says several stabbings occurred near his home, but he was fortunate to survive the attack.
During the pro-Palestine protest organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee on Thursday afternoon, Greenwald spoke about the lack of civility towards Jewish students at the University of Texas campus a day earlier. After an order to disperse given by campus officials was ignored, nearly 60 protesters were arrested and charged with criminal trespassing. According to school officials, roughly half of the pro-Palestine protesters were not students at the university. According to Delia Garza, Travis County attorney, most of the criminal cases were dismissed on Thursday for deficiencies in probable cause affidavits.
When asked, Greenwald stated he was not satisfied with the response from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Antisemitic organizations to demonstrations occurring on college campuses across the country. Greenwald says more needs to be done.
Although tensions remained high between the group of Palestinian supporters and several dozen counter-protesters like Greenwald, who were there to support Israel, interactions between the two groups and campus law enforcement officers were much more subdued than on the first day of protests.
🚨 UCLA: “Oppressed” Protestors Violently Assault Actual Indigenous People
— Shirion Collective (@ShirionOrg) April 27, 2024
⚠️ “Native Americans were beaten bloody”.
Telegram report: One person hospitalized after subsequent attack.
📰 In a violent display of EPIC hypocrisy at UCLA, “Free Palestine” pro-Hamas supporters,… pic.twitter.com/W2fZL48ibW
🚨 “We Don’t Like White People”: Racist Exposes True Colors of ‘Free Palestine’ Fraud
— Shirion Collective (@ShirionOrg) April 27, 2024
⚠️ Racist Comments Displayed at UCLA
📰 In a candid moment that shatters the facade, a white Palestinian activist at UCLA was caught on camera bluntly stating to another white woman, “You’re… pic.twitter.com/GVDdgoGFMR
Elizabeth Tsurkov is a PhD researcher at Princeton. She was kidnapped over a year ago by Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq.
— Kareem Rifai 🌐 (@KareemRifai) April 26, 2024
Yesterday, the flag of the sister organization of her kidnappers was raised at the Princeton protests. pic.twitter.com/K5q1bz8zrg
Jewish UCLA student BLOCKED from entering his university campus by masked anti-Israel activists because he is Jewish.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 27, 2024
Two masked activists block his entry telling him “Don’t try to push in. You’re an agitator don’t try to push in.” pic.twitter.com/xxIWwkDQGH
8 people blocked my movement by pushing me and advancing until I was in a corner in the UCLA encampment.
— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) April 27, 2024
Ask yourself: why are they so afraid of journalists, and why are they afraid to show their faces? pic.twitter.com/hSX10fd8pg
Just got attacked by over a dozen people on the campus of the City College of NY for waving an American flag! @benshapiro pic.twitter.com/PvVNQM0tko
— Ami Horowitz (@AmiHorowitz) April 26, 2024
Exposing the antisemitic poison on Western universities (ft. Miles McInnes)
While the students at Columbia University weren't very talkative at the anti-Israel encampment, Gavin McInnes and his brother (or alter ego?), Miles McInnes, weighed in on the demonstration.
Same script.
— Lori Spencer (@RealLoriSpencer) April 27, 2024
Every protester.
Every Professor.
Every campus.
Every city.
Word for word.
Words they read but have no comprehension of… https://t.co/JQozqT0p1m
Update: Student Activists are "peacefully sitting in a circle" at Jefferson Square. pic.twitter.com/lKDparUVDO
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 27, 2024
Refaat's old X account on the left pic.twitter.com/XQOLe3KQAF
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) April 27, 2024
Here’s a great lesson in not being reactionary on the internet.
— TrashDiscourse (@TrashDiscourse) April 26, 2024
Context: https://t.co/cceAEBf2HH pic.twitter.com/p5LIFVYq3L
I am outraged to see this video of my friend Idan who was doing a live interview from the encampment that was set up at @ASU today how is this ok?! They have no right to put their hands on him EVER. I am disappointed that nothing was done and they were allowed to walk away as the… pic.twitter.com/VJRIqpLUnB
— (((Rep.Alma Hernandez))) (@almaforarizona) April 27, 2024
This is what's going on at @Columbia. Must Watch. pic.twitter.com/CVBsHRZTJ1
— Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus (@CampusJewHate) April 26, 2024
More footage from Tufts: pic.twitter.com/tIjbl1xB16
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) April 27, 2024
In life, there are rules. And when you break the rules, you suffer the consequences @unionnick. pic.twitter.com/gyKrjfyEfY
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) April 27, 2024
They are raising generations of Nazis. I’m not going to beat around the bush. They are indoctrinating children to embrace, endorse, and enact genocidal political violence against Jews and Israelis on a global scale. And I don’t care how many “progressive Jews” are egging them on. https://t.co/nDVqQV5CV4
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) April 27, 2024
The absolute state of moral rot this generation was raised on in schools...
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 27, 2024
The encampments will remain as long Israel exists.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) April 27, 2024
Bold move! Let's see how far they can take it! pic.twitter.com/tlo1TkUjkA
If you know anything about Denver then you would know how endlessly funny "Gaza encampment at the Auraria campus" is https://t.co/cD4Rbg8SnP
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 27, 2024
🚨 BREAKING NOW: State Police Quash IU Lawlessness
— Shirion Collective (@ShirionOrg) April 27, 2024
⚠️ Rioters Learn Hard Lesson as Cops Take Zero Tolerance Stance
📰 At Indiana University, the law roared back with a vengeance. State Police tore through the disorder, dismantling Dunn Meadow’s encampment and arresting the… pic.twitter.com/ICxF7IzDr8
The Biden admin has spent uncountable millions 1, combating domestic extremism 2, as fueled by misinformation. They had the US military stand down over it.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) April 27, 2024
Somehow a national movement advocating genocide amped by antisemitic conspiracy theories flew totally under the radar. 🤔 https://t.co/tZFdw4UWgv
‼️ who did this? Intense, deserved trolling of the Hamas rally at @NorthwesternU — spotted on Sheridan Road: pic.twitter.com/4DGxXSlXJ8
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 26, 2024
The Harvard University employee is now walking around near campus waving his toy machete in his newest TikTok video. pic.twitter.com/fk9ZYwlsrx
— Kassy Akiva (@KassyDillon) January 26, 2024
@Harvard is allowing an employee to directly target students and to wave around “fake” weapons to intimidate them. Shameful — and illegal. https://t.co/0vTRfQ73sDhttps://t.co/Qzqg8lnPeN
— Benjamin B@dejo (@BenTelAviv) April 27, 2024
cc: @StopAntisemites @CombatASemitism @BillAckman @RepStefanik @EdWorkforceCmte pic.twitter.com/4wpxUrXXD8
Finally the Greeks come to help the Jews. https://t.co/PyvzVPhDTj
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) April 27, 2024
This is Sydney University where the mob is instructing little children to chant for Intifada.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 27, 2024
This is indoctrination to violence. pic.twitter.com/WV2cYTMe52
Are Jewish Students Safe @UniMelb ?
— Menachem Vorchheimer (@MenachemV) April 27, 2024
Mohammad Sharab (charged over alleged kidnapping, torture & threats to kill) is seemingly attending University of Melbourne pro-Palestine encampment
Is this a risk to student safety & wellbeing ?@theheraldsun @ZionistFedAus @australian pic.twitter.com/7VUKIlFGck
UMW Students are now dancing together. THIS IS VERY ON BRAND. Tents appear to be gone. Time, Place, Manner Restrictions on Free Speech appear to be enforced.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 27, 2024
No students appear to be arrested on the last day of class at UMW. Students hopefully will take advantage of their… pic.twitter.com/xBGT1Bv5nC
One of the six suspended students at George Washington University spoke at tonight's encampment.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 27, 2024
His suspension makes him feel vindicated that he is right in his fight to free Palestine.
"What does it say about them that they believe [suspensions could] ever be sufficient to… pic.twitter.com/RfaTgRXVxE
BREAKING: Students and outside activists are now blocking the police vehicles from leaving with the arrested students at Northeastern University. pic.twitter.com/dOaQA2Jdc3
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 27, 2024
BREAKING: A look inside "Intifada Hall" at Cal Poly Humboldt. Students have "occupied and barricaded" two buildings and have encamped around them. pic.twitter.com/eFJxrDGADE
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 27, 2024
This man was found guilty for PROVIDING MATERIAL SUPPORT to the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
— Shai Davidai (@ShaiDavidai) April 27, 2024
His son-in-law (a Professor of Islamic Studies at @Georgetown) has said that rape and slavery can be excused and justified.
His wife has been let into the illegal… https://t.co/9aomhp2jY3
If you watch the opening scene of 3 Body Problem and are unsure of how things ever reached that point, just look at the mob below. This is where they want to take us. https://t.co/TiuANyzbjg https://t.co/tHQVErPUag
— AG (@AGHamilton29) April 27, 2024
Notice the person who started the misinformation about this arrest is alleged journalist Robert Mackey with a post claiming that her asking a question was why the officer arrested her.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) April 27, 2024
Unsurprisingly, he has me blocked despite us never having interacted. pic.twitter.com/ItwRAftsPY
Here are your “peaceful” college campus protests.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) April 27, 2024
Statement from Northeastern University:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 27, 2024
They’re breaking up the encampment because it includes outsiders and because of antisemitic slurs, including “kill the Jews.” https://t.co/Q6Cv3fULp6 pic.twitter.com/dKzOoiaN9q
#BREAKING Video posted shows the inside of "Intifada Hall" at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, after protesters stormed it and defaced it, creating inside encampment for Palestine pic.twitter.com/hAl9Vu4Tzk
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) April 27, 2024
Protesters were seen walking down the nearby streets with the tents and camp gear, after they disassembled the encampment following police stand off.
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) April 26, 2024
Video by Steve Sanchez Desk@freedomnews.tv to license pic.twitter.com/r8Qq3ygR0G
You know who else doesn’t have access to their medications? The hostages Hamas has been holding in Gaza for 204 days. https://t.co/zSOmgHMhMO
— Lahav Harkov 🎗️ (@LahavHarkov) April 27, 2024
Everything about this is textbook. He took the right pass rush angle to avoid the offensive line but not let the QB step up in the pocket. He waited until he was close to lower his shoulder and drive the QB into the ground.
— Three Year Letterman (@3YearLetterman) April 26, 2024
I fully support this behavior.
— The Flag Guy (@TheFlagGuy_) April 27, 2024
It’s about time Palestine flags got ripped down, instead of American ones. https://t.co/1FJJAxhWso
🚨 Wow! Germany police taking things seriously.
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) April 27, 2024
Germany knows a rise in Nazism when they see it. They aren’t messing around.
Jew hatred and support of terrorism has no place there.
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) April 27, 2024
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) April 27, 2024
The Babylon Bee doesn't even need to come up with headlines anymore.
— Shelley G (@ShelleyGldschmt) April 27, 2024
They just need to quote Mehdi Hasan, Ilhan Omar, AOC, HuffPost, etc. pic.twitter.com/a5uHXgQ6NY
Meanwhile at #ColumbiaUniversity pic.twitter.com/lV5k8RbLAx
— Dani Buller (@askdani__real) April 26, 2024
On Saturday, a white supremacist group marched through the streets of Charleston, West Virginia in broad daylight. This is beyond unacceptable. Hate is no longer hiding in the shadows, but is out in the open. Especially now, we must all unite against hatred, no matter where and… https://t.co/mPUmgA0rZL
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) April 27, 2024
Al Jazeera helps Hamas and can't be trusted for reporting on Israel
When Al Jazeera first opened its bureau in Jerusalem’s technological park 18 years ago, I enjoyed the novelty of getting interviewed on the Qatari network.
Their interviewers were never particularly fair, but that made it more of a challenge and more gratifying than a typical interview with Fox News or a speech to AIPAC or the Jewish National Fund.
I hoped that by presenting Israel’s side to the Arab and Muslim world, I was making a difference. If the rest of the panel, the host, and the callers were all Arabs – as often happened – proving them all wrong made me feel like an underdog boxer who had won against all odds.
Full disclosure: Al Jazeera, unlike CNN and most news networks, provides a stipend for interviews, and I have therefore been paid by the same Qatari government that funds the Hamas terrorists who are trying to kill me and my loved ones right now. I never turned the money down, but I swear I would have done it for free.
When Israeli governments chose to boycott Al Jazeera, I still kept interviewing there more than any other network and connecting the network’s Jerusalem- and Doha-based producers to Israelis from across the political spectrum who presented different sides within Israeli democracy.
I insisted on explaining news developments in Israel without taking any side in internal Israeli political debates or taking a side on the Israeli government’s policies.
No matter how many times my words were twisted or my time to speak on a panel was limited unjustly, I never felt particularly guilty about my years of cooperation with Al Jazeera.
Until this war.
What makes @tomfriedman think that Palestinians don't want a forever war?
— Hussain Abdul-Hussain (@hahussain) April 27, 2024
Judging by what we see on U.S. college campuses, Palestinians not only want to war until #Israel is annihilated, but until America itself apologizes that George Washington ever lived.
Until then,… pic.twitter.com/NtImN4XUkl
Understandable, you’re just a NYTimes reporter. Columbia students made a handy map for you though. https://t.co/gOcGHX1yyC pic.twitter.com/sFTbtAVFuQ
— sentient bloomberg terminal (@kayrosso1) April 25, 2024
BBC has turned into modern day Joseph Goebbels
My intuitive guess supported by years of research is that rabid anti-Jewish state bias morphing into true Jew hatred really began with the era of the Dimbleby brothers or thereabouts. How perverse that the sons of the morally decent Richard Dimbleby who was the first British correspondent working for the BBC to witness the horrors inflicted on Jews in the concentration camps should be the ones who, probably, knowingly facilitated antisemitism within the BBC. Even more perverse is during their reign their BBC propaganda output ignored several genocides in Africa including Rwanda.
Their father must be turning in his grave watching from heaven the garbage output produced by those reared from his loins. We thought we had persuaded them, the BBC, to take seriously our concerns on Jew hatred and they did indeed request an independent journalist to investigate which he did in 2004. The results of the investigation, the Balen Report, have never been made public despite several legal attempts and costing the taxpayer millions of pounds in efforts to stall publication. The organization despite huge legal costs, hundreds of thousands of man hours, meetings with lawyers, internal news staff and pressure groups have successfully weathered the pressure and obstructed exposure of the report to those who fund the organization. Since then the problem has multiplied and is now beyond control let alone repair.
Jew hatred within the BBC foreign, domestic and regional news outlets and related output is now so ingrained within the BBC that news staff would not be employed if they were not the subservient, sycophantic stooges required by the organization to continually promote the biased agenda. Jew hatred runs deep within the veins of BBC news verified by decades of totally, distorted, dishonest and disproportionate negative coverage concentrated on the only Jewish state in the world, the nation state of Israel.
Watching programs such as Question Time hosted by David Dimbleby and Any Questions (the BBC radio equivalent) hosted by his brother Jonathan for thirty plus years it was obviously apparent that the BBC news editors and their program hosts created and knowingly facilitated an agenda designed to promote hostility to Israel.
The stooge audiences, the ideology of the guests, the designed questions and the unbalanced concentration on the subject of Israel created unsubtle propaganda which further indoctrinated an intellectually imbecilic mob orgasmically feeding themselves on the vomit spewed by the vast majority of invited guests and audience alike.
A similar agenda was regularly provided by other BBC news channels, TV, radio and online. Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels knew only too well that if you told lies enough times to an illiterate audience, the mythology would become facts. The BBC unsurprisingly and without any subtlety still promotes the Goebbels methodology – telling lies, promoting false narratives and propaganda to its taxpaying audience continuously and unchallenged. The audience is influenced, indoctrinated and believes. And hence Jew hatred flourished and continues to flourish.
.@LBC is now employing a conspiratorial antisemite. @_NatashaDevon @ofcom
— Felix Unger (@Husker_Ju) April 27, 2024
Rape denying gaslighter in the mould of Owen Jones. pic.twitter.com/ImEh2v5ehy
We have informed @Google and Apple of this and nothing has happened. Please report the app.
— GnasherJew®גנאשר (@GnasherJew) April 27, 2024
Details here 👇 https://t.co/kU5weagdX9
Here's a PIJ document with Hamza's name on it, along with the IDF's fully statement about his death:
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) April 27, 2024
"Hamza al-Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuria Identified as Gaza terror operatives
Recently (7.1.2024), IDF troops detected a hostile drone near Rafah, an immediate threat to nearby… pic.twitter.com/KbD3zeJ8kc
And a post from May 2021, during a mini-war between Israel and Hamas, when Hamza posted "Gaza is victorious" and a video of people cheering with Hamas flags pic.twitter.com/EV00mZnCMh
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) April 27, 2024
And a post from May 2021, during a mini-war between Israel and Hamas, when Hamza posted "Gaza is victorious" and a video of people cheering with Hamas flags pic.twitter.com/EV00mZnCMh
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) April 27, 2024
A main leader of the Columbia protests wants all Zionists dead and says we are lucky he doesn't murder us himself but she thinks the *most* antisemitic thing is that such antisemtism may give Republicans a political advantage. Note: wouldn't be a problem if Democrats were out… https://t.co/K6Ko3l6DRF
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) April 26, 2024
Meanwhile at #ColumbiaUniversity pic.twitter.com/lV5k8RbLAx
— Dani Buller (@askdani__real) April 26, 2024
The Israeli flag has been photoshopped into this photo from August 17th, 2017. https://t.co/SWJWU9yKpW pic.twitter.com/X2pmHnbjHe
— Tal Hagin (@talhagin) April 27, 2024
Olympics chief says Palestinian athletes to compete in Paris even if they don’t qualify
Between six and eight Palestinian athletes are expected to compete at the Paris Olympics, with some set to be invited by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) even if they fail to qualify, its head Thomas Bach said.
Bach told AFP on Friday that qualification events for the Paris Games, which start on July 26, were ongoing for a number of sports.
“But we have made the clear commitment that even if no [Palestinian] athlete would qualify on the field of play… then the NOC [National Olympic Committee] of Palestine would benefit from invitations, like other national Olympic Committees who do not have a qualified athlete,” he said in an interview at IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland.
He said he expected the Palestinian delegation to number “six to eight.”
Bach said that the International Olympic Committee “from day one of the conflict” in Gaza had “supported in many different ways the athletes to allow them to take part in qualifications and to continue their training.”
Egypt lets all Gazans leave Gaza via Rafah border crossing, as long as they pay $5000.#TheGazaYouDontSeehttps://t.co/k2ct80VT2L https://t.co/rGYkqDun7j pic.twitter.com/KgFrnFjuHR
— Imshin (@imshin) April 27, 2024
Egypt lets all Gazans leave Gaza via Rafah border crossing, as long as they pay $5000.#TheGazaYouDontSeehttps://t.co/k2ct80VT2L https://t.co/rGYkqDun7j pic.twitter.com/KgFrnFjuHR
— Imshin (@imshin) April 27, 2024
Egypt lets all Gazans leave Gaza via Rafah border crossing, as long as they pay $5000.#TheGazaYouDontSeehttps://t.co/k2ct80VT2L https://t.co/rGYkqDun7j pic.twitter.com/KgFrnFjuHR
— Imshin (@imshin) April 27, 2024
It seems every Gazan on TikTok is a charity right now, asking for donations online so they can buy the goods entering Gaza as free aid, to distribute to the displaced in South Gaza Strip.#TheGazaYouDontSeehttps://t.co/nylk6Xbym2 pic.twitter.com/tIHyTeBOyd
— Imshin (@imshin) April 27, 2024
Our U.S. tax dollars paid for everything in these pictures, and we got an Egyptian soldier explaining “the way to fight” an Israeli tank.#Egypt is a work of art. https://t.co/jqNXQXe66O
— Hussain Abdul-Hussain (@hahussain) April 27, 2024
— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) April 27, 2024
Christians being attacked in Egypt after they were given permission to build a new church.
A huge Islamist mob invaded their village, vandalized it, burnt down the building and assaulted locals.
An ethnic cleansing of Christians happening.pic.twitter.com/J0uy9KYllF
I hate to say it, but I told you so…
— Mariam Wahba (@themariamwahba) April 27, 2024
Orthodox Holy Week starts this, Easter is one week from today. We will see more of this.
Egypt needs to step up. https://t.co/lbS2KZuVqV
The Iranian government and its ultra-hardline supporters advocate adding Thursdays as the second official weekend day, allegedly to avoid the Jewish Sabbath, despite the private sector's arguments for choosing Saturdays.https://t.co/B01zF3WS2g pic.twitter.com/VTP9P1aTGV
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) April 27, 2024
The Rise of the ‘Survivors’
If the undergraduates in my “Postwar Jewish Experience” seminar are any indication, and I believe they are, a startlingly large percentage of young American Jews are taken aback to learn of the liminal space of the displaced persons camp. From what they’ve been taught (or, more to the point, not taught), it’s almost as if what remained of European Jewry made one big and speedy leap from the hellishness of the Shoah to tilling the soil in Israel or adjusting to life in the New World.Murder and rape in the dunes of pre-state Israel: The story of a hike turned horror
This gap, as much a historical as a linguistic phenomenon, shortchanges opportunities to deepen our understanding of the means by which the Jewish polity reconstituted itself in the face of insurmountable odds, highlighting the role of resilience at the grassroots and with it, the extraordinary efforts of the Joint Distribution Committee, ORT, and the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Inc., among other Jewish communal NGOs, as agents of regeneration.
At war’s end, an archipelago of hastily built or repurposed facilities, among them former concentration camps and Nazi youth summer camps, housed an estimated 1 million people left homeless. Though not all displaced persons were Jews, all surviving Jews were displaced persons, consigned by nationality to live among their tormentors. Once this and other untenable conditions came to light, a consequence of the harrowing revelations of the 1946 Harrison Report detailing the abysmal physical environment in which Jewish victims of the war unwittingly found themselves, they were relocated to displaced persons camps populated entirely by their own kind. Between 1946 and 1951, Jewish DPs lived among their own kind, anxiously awaiting their collective fate. Since returning home was no longer an option, and the nations of the world remained inhospitable, to put it mildly, where, oh, where were they to go? What “exit options” were at hand?
While in limbo, Jewish displaced persons actively documented what had happened to them, married, had babies—in 1946, the Jewish DP camps were said to have the highest birth rate in the world—put their faith in Zionism, made themselves heard, and planted themselves in the world.
When the history of the displaced persons camps, then, is fully acknowledged and taken into account, the factors that made for the elevation of the term “survivor” become clearer still. Ultimately, its claim to fame rests on the difference between a name conferred, even thrust upon, a population, and one generated from within; between a form of classification and an expression of identity. Where she’erit ha-peletah, lebn-geblibene, and “survivor” were of the Jews’ own devising, the label “displaced person” was not—at least not until 2001, when Joseph Berger of The New York Times published Displaced Persons: Growing Up American After the Holocaust, his poignant, textured, coming-of-age memoir as the son of Rachel and Marcus. By situating that designation within the context of the New World rather than the Old, he reclaimed it as his own. Until then, “displaced persons” functioned as a stigma, rather than a salute. “DP. We hated that word,” Benjamin Harshav recalled. “We were never anybody’s displaced persons … DP was a label, a category for bureaucrats.”
“Survivor,” on the other hand, was all theirs. It had their name on it.
It was to be a two- or three-day hike from Tel Aviv to Herzliya. But they never finished their trek.
They were friends and perhaps wanted to become lovers. They also loved the Land of Israel and set out to walk through it. Tragically, their walk was horrifyingly interrupted.
Yochanan Stahl was born in 1908 in Germany and was orphaned from his mother in 1925. His high school education was in an agricultural school at Ladenburg, east of Mannheim, and he joined a socialist-Zionist youth movement. He applied and received an immigration certificate for Mandate Palestine and arrived in late 1929, despite family opposition and leaving behind a girlfriend, Anna.
Stahl first worked at Kibbutz Beit Zera, and then Kibbutz Sarid in the Jezreel Valley but, in December 1930 moved on to Givat Brenner and worked in the orange groves near Rehovot. A relative described him as not that tall, curly haired, with blue eyes.
Celia/Sarah Zohar (Zonnenshein) was born in Chodorów, southeast of Lviv – then Galicia – in 1902. At the outbreak of World War I, the family moved to Vienna. Her brother was Dr. Zvi Zohar, a founder of Hashomer Hatzair, the Tarbut Hebrew school system, and Shomriya, the educational institution at Mishmar Ha’emek. She also joined a Zionist youth movement and studied pediatric nursing.
Zohar made aliyah in 1928, first working at the Ben Shemen Youth Village and then moving to Sarid, just west of Migdal Ha’emek and south of Nahalal. Prof. Ezra Sohar, her nephew, recalled that Celia and Yochanan met at Sarid.
While Celia was on a family visit to Poland, Yochanan wrote to her that he had found a spot some “30 meters high; to my right Sidna-Ali, to my left Jelil village [today, south of the Dan Accadia Hotel], behind me Herzliya and before me – the sea. I promise that when you return, we’ll hike to this place.”
Murder and rape in the dunes of pre-state Israel: The story of a hike turned to horror.
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 27, 2024
Yochanan and Celia were friends and perhaps wanted to become lovers. Tragically, their hike through the dunes of pre-state Israel was horrifyingly interrupted.https://t.co/6mMtkUOmln
Champion 💙🇮🇱: Israeli Judoka Raz Hershko won her first gold medal at the European championships in Zagreb.
— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) April 27, 2024
Mazal Tov Raz 🥇
📸 European Judo Union pic.twitter.com/nkJTPQqaJG
A HUGE ‘Mazal Tov’ to Israeli Judoka Raz Hershko for winning the gold medal at the European Judo Championship in Croatia! We couldn’t be prouder! 🇮🇱🥋 pic.twitter.com/LLGaa6V94L
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) April 27, 2024
Major announcement Col Richard Kemp to visit Australia
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) April 27, 2024
Col Richard Kemp will be joining the events AJA has organised for the premiere of the film, 'Whose Land' directed by Hugh Kitson.
Col Richard Kemp is former commander of British forces in Afghanistan and an expert analyst… pic.twitter.com/TKOaD1liO9
Former Australian senator, Olympic medalist and all around amazing Aboriginal woman @NovaPeris will not sit silently while antisemites claim that Jews have no connection to Israel.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) April 27, 2024
Thank you Nova ❤️ pic.twitter.com/FjSRP6v0C8
Goldstar, Israel’s most popular beer, now has the names and symbols of various IDF corps and brigades in the spirit of wartime patriotism.
— Oren Kessler (@OrenKessler) April 27, 2024
These two have the Armored Corps and Kfir (Infantry) Brigade. pic.twitter.com/TXASxUKoH2
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