A friend is querying their literary agent about their novel which has a pro-Israel element and got this response:
Dear xxx,
Thank you for sending me the manuscript for XXXXX. You write incredibly well and I really enjoyed what you sent me. While the subject is matter is incredibly timely, books that are sympathetic to Israel in any way at the moment are just not selling at acquisitions- I can say this because I have another client with a manuscript we've been out on submission with since Oct. 7 and it's not been going well. I really wish things were different, but feel obliged to let you know the reality of the landscape, in my experience currently. If you get similar feedback and would like to hold off for a little while and resubmit my way, I'd be open to that.
Thank you for the opportunity to read your work, and good luck on this journey.
There is explicit censorship, and there is implicit censorship. Refusing to consider publishing novels (!) "that are sympathetic to Israel in any way" is the latter.
In some ways it is worse. At least an explicit anti-Israel policy can be combatted in court or with publicity; this kind of censorship would be denied and the people complaining would be characterized as being paranoid babies.
This means the next generation will have no opportunity to read any books that are fair to Israel, and plenty of opportunity to read anti-Israel literature. (Unless they specifically buy from Jewish or Israeli publishing houses)
Multiply this by TV shows, movies, and poetry and we have the makings of a generation of Israel haters and, by extension, antisemites.
Which is the entire point.
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