Friday, December 15, 2023

  • Friday, December 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
The UN Human Rights X account tweeted something spectacularly stupid:
Israel’s flooding of tunnels with saltwater could have severe adverse human rights impacts, some long term. Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk, as well as widespread, long-term & severe environmental damage. Civilians must be protected.  
Hold on: when they say " Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk," doesn't that mean that they are admitting that Hamas tunnels are warehouses for the aid that the world has been sending into Gaza for the past decades?

Critics of the flooding plan, like Eurasia Review,  also say things like "Flooding the tunnels could damage Gaza’s aquifer and soil, if seawater and hazardous substances in the tunnels seep into them." 

"Hazardous substances" means "explosives."

Now, why might there be explosives in the tunnels?

People don't mind that Hamas definitely places explosives underneath Gaza population centers - only that Israel's plan to destroy the tunnels might cause them to leak into the groundwater.  They don't care that Hamas definitely digs  tunnels underneath civilian buildings - only that those tunnels' collapses could affect the buildings above. 

Anyone see a problem here.

The list of bad things listed in that article that "could" happen if Israel floods the tunnels is almost comical, but the pièce de résistance (so to speak) comes at the end.
Flooding the tunnels could affect the cultural heritage and identity of Gaza, which has a rich and diverse history and culture. The tunnels are part of Gaza’s landscape and memory, and they reflect its character and spirit. Flooding the tunnels could .. affect the cultural expressions and practices of Gaza’s people, such as the art, literature and folklore that are inspired by or related to the tunnels. 
Yes, the terror tunnels must be protected because they are an important part of Gaza's culture!

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