This is the beginning of an op-ed in
Al Montasaf, a Yemeni news site that is anti-Houthi.
The Zionist entity state continues to deceive the world by repeating its broken record that its Jewish people are the only people in the world who are killed because of their Judaism.
This deceptive statement sidesteps the truth, and history denies it in form and content, because hatred of the Jews is not because of their religion, but because of their morals and behaviors that are based on crooked dealings, conspiracies, hatred of others, and their old and new bloodiness.
There you go! There's no antisemitism against Jews for their beliefs - it is because they are simply inherently bloodthirsty, lying, hateful people!
The rest of the article gives "evidence" - Shakespeare's Shylock character! And he then lists a half dozen examples of Jews accused of murdering children to consume their blood - the classic blood libel, the most antisemitic slander against Jews throughout history - as if they are all true.
The Houthis are proudly antisemitic - "Curse the Jews" is part fo their official slogan..But this newspaper hates the Houthis, yet is every bit a jew-hating.
And as with nearly all Jew-haters throughout history, including today's "anti-Zionist" flavors, these Arabs swear that they are not antisemitic.
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