Sunday, June 11, 2023
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
DCI-P, gaza, honor killing, honor/shame, media bias, media silence, Mohammed Tamimi, murder, Mustafa Nahed Muhammad Saqr, NGO silence, No Jews No News
There was a heinous crime in Gaza this weekend.
A two and a half year old child, Mustafa Nahed Muhammad Saqr, was drowned in a barrel of water.
His stepmother admitted to the murder. She was jealous that she couldn't have children of her own so she decided to murder her husband's child to avoid that feeling of shame. It was a twist on honor killing.
There were reports in Gaza media on Friday when it appeared to be an accidental drowning, but now that the mother has confessed, instead of showing more interest in the story, Palestinian media has become mostly silent. I only saw this mentioned in a couple of relatively independent but obscure sites.
Which makes this a double honor crime - one the murder itself, and the other by Palestinian media not wanting to cover a horrific murder because it makes them look bad, and it detracts from the narrative that Israel is the only source of evil in the region.
As of this writing, Defence for Children International Palestine has not mentioned this murder. Chances are they won't. Because they aren't trying to defend Palestinian children's lives - their entire purpose is to demonize Israel.
Western media showed intense interest in the accidental killing of Mohammed Tamimi, who was about the same age as Mustafa when he died last week. Social media erupted with memes and photos of the child, alive and dead. But only the most extreme anti-Israel activists accused Israel of deliberate murder.
Here we have a deliberate murder of a Palestinian child, and Western media will shun the story, a week after they eagerly embraced a story of a Palestinian child tragically but mistakenly killed by Israel.
By any objective standard, the murder of Mustafa is a much more important story.
But there are no objective standards when it comes to media coverage of Palestinians.

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