Sunday, June 18, 2023
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
Amnesty-UK has embarked on what I believe is at least its fourth campaign to get the UK to ban any Israeli goods from communities across the Green Line.
As far as I can tell, Israel is the only country in the world whose consumer products are targeted for boycotting by Amnesty branches.
The current campaign makes claims that are simply false:
Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria have either been built on empty areas that hadn't had any Arab residents or they were built where Jews lived before 1948 (Gush Etzion and parts of Jerusalem and Hebron.)
Israel haters love to paint a picture of Israel depopulating Palestinian communities in the West Bank and replacing them with Jewish communities - and it is simply a lie.
I tweeted Amnesty-UK asking for a list of these communities - certainly, someone must have made such a list like there are lists of communities that Arabs fled from in 1948. But no one has been able to provide the name of even one.

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