Monday, June 26, 2023

The latest poll from the Washington Institute of Lebanese people shows that while they still hate Israel (and probably Jews,) they are not fans of Iran,. either.

The poll, taken in April, shows that more Lebanese classify Iran as their enemy than any other Arab country.

Even the Shiites of Lebanon are ambivalent about Iran. 

Among these Shia respondents, only 58% classify Iran as primarily a friend of the country. Meanwhile, a quarter see Iran as either an enemy or a competitor. In the case of Sunni and Christian respondents, those who see Iran as an enemy jumps to 66% and 83% respectively. Notably, the proportion of Lebanese overall who see Iran as an enemy is effectively the same proportion as in Saudi Arabia or the UAE—and a larger proportion than in Egypt, Jordan, or Kuwait. Just 18% of Lebanese overall characterize Iran as first and foremost a ‘friend.’   
Also notable was that 54%  of Lebanese Sunnis disagree that “a major American or Israeli military strike on Iran would be too dangerous, and a bad idea for our country.”

The poll also noted:

The vast majority of Lebanese remain staunchly opposed to relations with Israel, either in the case of humanitarian aid or economic ties. And in contrast to those in the Gulf, a large proportion of Lebanese (62%) believe that Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza on their southern neighbor are a positive development for the region. 

Iranian proxy Hezbollah might still have veto power over Lebanese politics, but their strength among the Shiites is not resulting in any sympathy from the Lebanese population as a whole. 


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