In a perfect example of how the media reports what it wants to report and doesn't bother to check facts, we see these screaming headlines today:
It takes only a couple of minutes to find the podcast where she made these comments - two weeks ago - do a quick search on the transcript, back up two minutes (to about 1:12:00) and hear what the context was.
Barr was speaking about how social media and regular media is now censoring people and forcing them to only speak what they claim is "the truth."
Host: "There's always been a ceiling on speech, hasn't there?"
Roseanne: "Of course! Nobody wants to hear the real truth. They're horrified now. They're ready to go with bullshit, it's easier... you know I'm glad that they did set up all these guidelines so that we only are allowed to speak 'the truth'. And 'the truth' is that Biden got 81 million votes by winning 36 counties, and that is just incredible it really really is, and that of these 81 million supporters who gave him more votes than any president has ever gotten before. He came with a mandate from these 81 million voters. You know I'm just glad that they were very careful to make sure that nobody could detract from that proven 'truth,' you know what I mean?....You can't even speak on those platforms (like YouTube) . You can't even speak on that in those platforms, no, you can't say that's all a lie. 'The election was not rigged 36 counties can give you 81 million votes, right that's a 'fact!'' So it wasn't rigged. 36 Counties have 81 million people. Yeah, see that's the 'truth' and don't you dare say anything [else] - you'll be off YouTube Facebook Twitter and all the other ones, because we have you know there's such a thing as 'the truth' and 'facts' and we have to stick to it. You know it's scary. That is the 'truth.' And nobody died in the Holocaust either, that's the 'truth', yeah, it should happen if six million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world but it never happened, but it never happened."
While the host Theo Von seems to be not too bright - I took out an aside where he didn't understand what she meant by "mandate"- it is blindingly obvious that Barr was speaking sarcastically, and using the most egregious example of a lie - Holocaust denial - to illustrate the lies that some insist are the truth.
Anyone who follows Barr's career and interviews knows that she is a proud Jew and a proud Zionist. But the media has painted her (falsely, from everything I could see) as a racist - so they are so willing to believe that she would spout antisemitism than they eagerly report it without even spending the two minutes it takes to listen to what she says.
Not only that, but at least in some cases they spent the time to take her sarcastic comments out of context to make video clips of only the sarcastic part! That isn't a mistake .It is willful slander.
It is also not surprising that the ADL would rush in to condemn Roseanne's comments without bothering to check the context - because the ADL's head Jonathan Greenblatt is openly pro-Democrat and Barr is pro-Trump. To him, obviously all Trump supporters must be racist and antisemitic, therefore even proud Jews must be assumed to be antisemitic as well.
I don't agree with Barr's opinion that Trump won the election, but her point about how the truth is often censored is perfectly illustrated by this story itself. We see in this very episode, where Barr complains about how the media distorts the truth to fit a narrative, that the media indeed distorts the truth to fit a narrative.
Whether you are liberal or conservative, pro-Trump or a Trump hater, a fan of Barr or disgusted by her - this episode illustrates how the media itself will not bother to research and report the truth when it conflicts with their agenda. And that is damning.
Full disclosure: Years ago, Roseanne Barr donated to EoZ.
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