Monday, October 25, 2021

  • Monday, October 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
In The Atlantic, Susie Linfield writes,

Israel is unusual in that it existed as an idea before it existed as a nation-state. Today, it is also unusual, even remarkable, for lacking internationally recognized borders—an indispensable marker of sovereignty—and for decades it has been depriving Palestinians in the occupied territories of political rights and freedom. 
Is that last phrase accurate? Do Palestinians have no political rights or freedom, and is Israel depriving them of those?

At last count, out of 195 UN member states, 138 recognize the "State of Palestine." 

The Palestinian passport is recognized as a travel document in nearly every nation on Earth, with the curious exceptions of Georgia, Madagascar and Syria.

Israel does control the borders as well as the population registry. But those don't affect the political rights of the 95% of Palestinians who live under Palestinian control. 

Palestinians are free to set up their own elections in areas under their control. They have representation in numerous UN and international bodies, as well as sporting events. They have a pavillion in the Dubai Expo. 

Palestinian leaders proudly publish news in their own media about their diplomatic gains worldwide. 

And if they would have accepted any of the peace plans Israel offered, they would have defined borders as well and full statehood recognized by all. 

The funny thing is that a couple of paragraphs later, in this very same essay, Linfield quotes  Israeli American writer Joel Schalit: “The reality of Israel is, in large measure, a projection of fantasies, both by those who want to love the place and those who are consumed by hatred for it.” 

Linfield herself doesn't fit either of those paradigms of loving or hating Israel, yet she too feels compelled to project her own fantasies on the Jewish state.

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