Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
1972 Terror, Abu Mazen, Fatah, glorifying terror, Mahmoud Abbas, palestine media watch, Palestinian culture, palwatch, resistance, Terrorism
Mahmoud Abbas held a meeting of his Fatah Central Committee yesterday.
Its main accomplishment, if you can call it that, was a pledge to hold the Eighth Fatah Conference in March of 2022.
Abbas railed against Israel, as usual. And he issued threats, which the Western media will ignore.
He said, "We will not remain silent forever in the face of the intransigence of the Israeli occupation and its refusal to abide by signed agreements. All options will remain open to the Palestinian people and their leadership to preserve the Palestinian rights and principles that we will never accept to be compromised."
What options might he be talking about? For that, we just have to look at the Fatah Platform from the Sixth Fatah Conference of 2009, confirmed in the Seventh Conference in 2016.
In that platform, it says, "The Palestinian people’s right to practice armed resistance against the military occupation of their land remains a constant right confirmed by international law and international legality."
It is worth mentioning that Palestinians even admit that Palestinian culture is one of admiring violence and terror. Only last week, there was the opening of the "Bethlehem: Capital of Arab Culture 2020-2021 week." Here is one of the examples of Palestinian culture:
Palestinian Media Watch tracked down the pictures of the people portrayed on the walls, and calculated that they were responsible for the murder of 184 Israelis. The heroes included the organizers of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre as well as numerous suicide bombings.
Terrorism is Palestinian culture.
At the end of Abbas' address, he thanked the head of the PA Civil Affairs Authority, which led to obtaining approvals for 4000 Palestinians to receive identification papers and passports. Those approvals were given by Israel, not by any Palestinian institution.
If Abbas would thank Israel for the things it has been doing to make life easier for Palestinians (like approving 4G Internet), perhaps that would be more effective than the threats and embracing terror that have led nowhere for decades.

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