Nora Barrows-Friedman is an associate editor at Electronic Intifada. She just exposed another
nefarious Jewish plot:
Lmao my college student kid, a member of student gov, was contacted by Hillel who wanted to give her $ to “learn about the Israel-Palestine conflict” via their program for student leaders. This is one way they coerce young ppl into crushing Palestine rights activism on campuses..... This specific offer was for some course or something taught by Hillel staff.
Apparently, to Israel haters, a Jewish college organization offering free money to attend a course is "coercion," forcing people to do their evil Zionist desires against their will.
She's of course proud that her child didn't take the bait. "Needless to say my kid rejected their insipid offer."
God forbid the kid should actually hear about both sides of a conflict. That would violate her human rights!
Especially if she is forced to listen by being paid with dirty Jew money.
Barrows-Friedman herself is clearly very liberal and open-minded herself. I have never written or tweeted about her before now, and yet she has pre-emptively blocked me.
Good to know that she is proud to be teaching her kid to be as intolerant, bigoted and closeminded as she is.