Thursday, December 24, 2020

From Ian:

Daniel Pipes: Arabs and Muslims increasingly accept Israel even as the global left rejects it
That four Arab states in four months normalized relations with Israel is a remarkable development that opens the possibility that the Arab states’ war with Israel, which began in 1948, is winding down.

But there is more good news, less visible and also potentially momentous: a change taking place among the people who constitute Israel’s ultimate enemy, its Arab citizens. This sector may finally begin to end its self-imposed political isolation and recognize the Jewish state.

First, some background: About 600,000 Arabs fled as Israel came into existence, including most of the educated, leaving 111,000 behind, mostly peasants. That rump population then multiplied many through the decades, supplemented by a steady influx of immigrants (in what I call the “Muslim aliya”); Israel’s Arabs now number 1.6 million, or about 18% of the country’s population.

That population long ago escaped its rural confines, having become educated, mobile and connected. By now, it has included a supreme court judge and a government minister, ambassadors, businessmen, professors and many others of distinction.

Despite this impressive progress, the community has consistently voted for radical and anti-Zionist representation in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset. While its members (MKs) have differed sharply among themselves in ideology, dividing into Palestinian nationalist, pan-Arab nationalist, Islamist and leftist, all reject Israel’s Jewish nature.
Gerald M. Steinberg: Human Rights Watch's Anti-Israel Agenda
Human Rights Watch (HRW) was founded as Helsinki Watch by the late Robert Bernstein in 1978, and has grown to become one of the most influential international NGOs active in this arena. However, the organization and its leaders have been strongly criticized, including by its own founder, Bernstein, for acting against its original mission, and for deep-seated political and ideological bias.

The influence of HRW is reflected in its intense involvement in the UN and the International Criminal Court. Its Israel-focused activities are fundamentally different from its role on other topics and countries on HRW's agenda, and contrast strongly with norms of universality and political neutrality.
The History of Soviet Jewish Hijackers—and Why It Matters
On Dec. 24, 1970, the Leningrad municipal court issued verdicts in the cases of 11 defendants in a case that would transform the Jewish world, the State of Israel, and the Soviet Union itself. The court sentenced two defendants, Mark Dymshits, age 43, a former military pilot, and Eduard Kuznetsov, age 30, a dissident who had already done seven years in the gulag, to death by firing squad. Seven defendants, ages 21 to 30, were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in labor camps, with two receiving shorter sentences. Their crime: attempting to hijack a Soviet airplane in order to escape to Israel. With two exceptions, all the defendants were Jews.

The story of the Leningrad hijacking plot is one of the most powerful stories of Jewish courage and commitment in the last half century of diaspora history. It turns the narrative about passive, silent Soviet Jews on its head, shining a spotlight on the true heroes of the struggle for Soviet Jewry—Soviet Jewish activists themselves. Most important, it offers profound lessons about the meaning and value of Jewish identity, and the need to struggle for it, at a time when such lessons are needed more than ever.

Today, it is American Jews who are being conditioned, in ways subtle and overt, to give up slices of their identity. It is American Jews who are facing an onslaught of anti-Semitic attitudes in their political and cultural homes and workplaces. It is American Jews who are being asked to reject their connection to Israel and proclaim themselves to be “privileged” and “white”—and many are meekly or reluctantly falling into line. The story of these Soviet Jews who responded to anti-Semitic attitudes, assimilationist pressures, and vicious anti-Israel and “anti-Zionist” propaganda not by retreating or keeping quiet but by flinging their windows wide open and screaming for all the world to hear is no longer simply part of history, but also a beacon.

The Leningrad plot was as brazen as it was hopeless. Few of its participants believed they would ever get off the ground, let alone fly across the Soviet border. Most viewed their chief objective not as reaching their preliminary destination—the Swedish town of Boden—but in drawing the world’s attention to the virtual prison that the Soviet Jews found themselves in. Their desperate action and defiant words touched the hearts of millions, moving world leaders to act on their behalf and propelling the nascent movement for Soviet Jewry into high gear.

Melanie Phillips: Enough moaning. Our destiny is what we make it
This is surely why so many non-Jews were so entranced by Jonathan Sacks — because in a society which has told itself that existence is meaningless and individual fate unavoidable, he preached a message of empowerment and hope.

Spending much of my time these days in Israel, I am particularly struck by a phrase Israelis often use. “Hakol yihye beseder”, they say, which means “everything will be ok”.

Is it not extraordinary that, in a country that exists under permanent threat of destruction, where thousands run to bomb shelters or see their fields and crops burn under regular onslaught from missiles or arson balloons, and where families have to send their 17-year-old children into harm’s way as army conscripts to defend the state against genocidal attack, people still routinely say “everything will be ok”?

You might think that’s the only way anyone can survive in such a crazy country. But it’s surely because, even among secular Israelis, the culture has Judaism’s signature message of hope encoded in its DNA.

As readers may know, I enjoy a reputation as a constantly beaming little ray of sunshine. Glass always half-full rather than half-empty? Yup, that’s me.

So in that spirit of hope, here are some things we can all look forward to in 2021. A Joe Biden presidency aka Barack Obama’s third term! A productive and imaginative new relationship with our EU friends, particularly in the English Channel and North Sea! The British economy going gangbusters after a speedy and seamlessly efficient process of mass vaccination!

What could go wrong? Here’s to a better year for all of us.
Has antisemitism been solved?
Hate often looks and feels the same when distilled to its elemental forms and expressions, but antisemitism is atypical in that it targets a group based on perceptions of undue influence rather than inferiority. Needless to say, it’s a narrative quite apart from that which, say, drives a white racist toward prejudice of blacks. It is no intellectual triumph to comprehend that fighting different presentations of intolerance entails different approaches.

One also could not help but wonder whether there was a double standard at play. Had the panel gathered to discuss anti-black racism, and that issue had been treated tangentially in favor of other injustices, would the moderator have been as accommodating? Whatever the answer, in my own estimation, antisemitism and all other forms of bigotry are challenges each worthy of being considered on their own. Perhaps that would be missing the point of “intersectionality” and “allyship” but how, then, to square the increasingly exclusionary stance of progressive movements toward Jews? Could it be that progressive boilerplate like “togetherness” and “solidarity” is more style than substance?

As it turns out, the requisite condition for hosting a constructive dialogue on antisemitism is an interest in actually discussing it. With this detail conspicuously absent, it was no surprise that a moderator like Rabbi Wise, and panelists such as they were, would happily bypass the core issue to dance around progressive themes that, even if they resonated at a politically correct frequency, accomplished little.

Esteemed panelist, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, responded to accusations of antisemitism – for, among other things, once lamenting the toll the Holocaust took on her Palestinian ancestors without mentioning the plight of its Jewish victims – by reminding the audience that their fight was hers and that bigotry would find no quarter under her leadership. She concluded her remarks with words meant, no doubt, to reassure Jews everywhere: “I don’t hate you.”

Well, fair enough, Congresswoman. And know that you are welcomed with open arms in the fight against antisemitism. However, in light of the failure of you and your colleagues to engage in thoughtful conversation, do not be surprised if we have some questions for you in the meantime.
UN Watch: The Top 10 Worst UN Actions of 2020
10. Syria Retains Senior Post at UN Committee Responsible for ‘Decolonizing’ Gibraltar, Falklands, American Samoa
While it was busy indiscriminately bombing four million of its own civilians in Idlib, Syria’s Assad regime won re-election to a senior post on the UN Decolonization Committee, which is charged with opposing the “subjugation, domination and exploitation” of peoples.

UN Watch was the first to reveal the outrage. The story was reported in Canada’s Maclean’s magazine, which quoted Executive Director Hillel Neuer: “There should definitely be an urgent session on the situation in Idlib, but the UN just shrugs its shoulders. The UN Human Rights Council will not act with urgency on Syria.”

9. UN Rights Review Praises Tehran’s Record
When Iran came up for a mandatory UNHRC review of its human rights record, UN Watch exposed the farce of how 85% of the country statements actually praised Tehran’s record.

Syria commended Iran’s “active efforts to increase healthcare.” Russia hailed “Iran’s cooperation with human rights treaty bodies.” China praised “Iran’s efforts to protect the rights of vulnerable groups.” Venezuela cited Iran’s “steadfast commitment to protecting human rights.” UN Watch’s tweets, videos and press release were widely shared on social media and reported in the news.

Examining Raphael Warnock’s Israel Sermon
Curiously, Warnock‘s November 9 op-ed responding to the 2019 letter he signed, included no apology for those remarks or his support for anti-Israel statements. Instead, many in the media and the Democratic Party accepted at face value his woefully lacking explanations. For example, in his November 9 statement on Israel, he claimed his views on Israel had been “misrepresented” by his opponent. Really? How?

In an attempt to explain the sermons, he later said that, “As you might imagine, I’m a pastor. I preach every Sunday — I preach a lot of sermons. And I think that — as I recall that sermon — I was speaking to the issue of activists and human rights and the ability of people to be heard. … At the same time, I have an increasing recognition of Hamas and the danger that they pose to the Israeli people. And so it’s a complicated situation.”

This response is evasive and irrelevant to Warnock‘s lie that Israelis “[shot] down unarmed Palestinian sisters and brothers like birds of prey.” They didn’t.

Warnock says he rejects the BDS movement’s refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist, yet at a December 8 webinar with Warnock hosted by the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), he seemed to be the aggrieved party: “Now it is clear to me that my opponents are trying to use Israel as yet another wedge issue in this campaign. And I think that’s quite unfortunate.”

At the December 8 event, he insisted that, “I do not believe Israel is an apartheid state, as some have suggested” — but failed to explain why he would sign onto a letter that decried “the heavy militarization of the West Bank, reminiscent of the military occupation of Namibia by apartheid South Africa.”

While Warnock may claim “I Stand With Israel” today, can you really trust he will tomorrow, when, as recently as last year, he was comfortable signing his name to the claim that Israel was comparable to multiple racist, totalitarian states?
Pro-Israel Group Torches Warnock in New Ad
The political arm of the largest pro-Israel membership group in the United States launched an ad campaign Wednesday targeting Rev. Raphael Warnock, the Democratic candidate for Senate in the Georgia runoff.

The 30-second spot from Christians United for Israel Action Fund takes aim at both Warnock's record of statements critical of Israel and his recent attack on evangelical Christians, traditionally a staunchly pro-Israel denomination.

The ad calls him "Radical Raphael Warnock" and says he is "preaching a gospel of hate." The voiceover says "Warnock demonized Christians who stand with Israel," a reference to his sermon after the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem in 2018 in which he accused "mealy-mouthed evangelical preachers" of being "responsible for the mess that we found ourselves in … misquoting and misinterpreting the Scripture, talking about peace."

A spokesperson for the group said the ad is backed by a six-figure digital and social media buy targeting pro-Israel voters in Georgia, where the organization has approximately 500,000 members, according to the spokesperson.
New Hampshire Governor Sununu Piles Pressure on GOP State Legislator Who Posted Link to Nazi Website
New Hampshire’s Republican governor has once again condemned a GOP state legislator who caused a furor by posting a link to an article on a neo-Nazi website that included a viciously antisemitic cartoon.

Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, Gov. Chris Sununu implied that he would be unwilling to work with the lawmaker at the heart of the scandal, Dawn Johnson.

Newly-elected representative Johnson shared a Dec. 7 post from the “Daily Stormer” — a website run by an American Hitler-worshiper, Andrew Anglin, that is named in honor of the Nazi gutter newspaper Der Sturmer. At the foot of the piece was a cartoon showing the Republican governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, standing next to a crudely-drawn stereotype of an elderly Jewish man carrying a sign that announced “rent hike effective immediately.” The caricature was accompanied by the caption, “Riggers, Jews…Bad News.”

Sununu had condemned Johnson in the immediate aftermath of the offense, slamming her post as “repugnant and appalling.” Johnson eventually removed the post, in the process describing the “Daily Stormer” as a “source I do not agree with.”

Despite coming under pressure to resign from the New Hampshire legislature, Johnson has so far refused to do so, leaving Sununu frustrated.
An olive branch or an empty promise
SJP argues that BDS against Israel mirrors peaceful protests used against apartheid, a horrible chapter of South African history when black and white citizens were unequal under the law. Black citizens were not given equal opportunities in the workforce or education, and fraternization between the two races was a crime. Conversely, Israel is home to many prosperous communities. The Muslim community is Israel’s largest minority group, making up 21 percent of the entire population. Christians and Druze each comprise 2 percent of the population. Members of these minority groups share equal rights with all other citizens, are integrated into Israeli society, and serve admirably in the military and judiciary. In fact, during Israel’s most recent elections, the Joint Arab List became the third-largest party in the Israeli parliament. While black citizens were not allowed on the same bus as white citizens in apartheid South Africa, in Israel, minority judges and politicians are partners in leading the county.

Later in the letter, Butler SJP shifts focus to Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip, alluding to these areas being run under Israeli oppression. Indeed, Palestinians living in these territories are oppressed, but that comes as a product of their own elected leadership. In 2006, one year after Israel forcefully removed every Jewish citizen from Gaza in a bid for peace, its residents elected the Hamas terror group to lead them. Since then, Hamas has funneled time, manpower and humanitarian aid into building terror tunnels at the expense of new hospitals and other essentials that would improve the lives of its people. Shifting to the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority, led by Mahmoud Abbas, not only funds terrorism but denies Palestinians authorization to receive medical treatment in Israel. In 2019, the P.A. declared it would not allow patients to receive medical treatment in Israel, denying treatment to roughly 20,000 Palestinians who were granted prior authorization by Israel.

No one can deny that many Palestinians in the 'West bank' and Gaza are truly living in poor conditions. Yet it’s important to draw attention to SJP’s fake interest in the plight of the Palestinians. SJP rarely, if ever, criticizes the Palestinian leadership for its numerous abuses, nor does it discuss how the Palestinians have rejected generous offers for statehood on multiple occasions, perhaps the only national independence movement in recent memory to do so. Instead, its members distort information to foster a narrative of good versus evil, in which Israel is the villain. Their mission is not one of liberation, freedom and equality, but rather one of anti-Semitism. If SJP truly wants to make a difference, it must shelve its cries for liberation from Israel and chant “free Palestine from Abbas, free Palestine from Hamas.”

Until then, Israel will quietly continue the work that SJP claims to be doing.
Oxford University Adopts Universal Definition of Antisemitism
Oxford University has formally adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.

The university adopted the definition following UK Secretary of State for Education Gavin Williamson’s suggestion in October that universities could face cuts if they don’t adopt the definition by Christmas.

The IHRA definition says: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Along with Oxford, the University of Sheffield also adopted the definition this week.

The University of Birmingham adopted the definition earlier this month. Lancaster, Cambridge, Manchester Metropolitan and Buckingham New universities have also recently adopted the definition on their campuses.

BBC News website corrects inaccurate claim in article on Sudanese migrants
Towards the end of the article readers were originally told that:
“…the situation is complex for the Sudanese in Israel, who do not feel welcome. Israel says any decision to go home is voluntary – but the migrants face various moves to force them to leave.

For example, the UN says new laws require employers to withhold 20% of net salaries until their departure from Israel.”

CAMERA UK submitted a complaint to the BBC pointing out that the claim had clearly not been properly researched . The Deposit Law is not “new” as Salih stated: it was passed in May 2017. Moreover, the relevant part of it was struck down by the High Court in April 2020:
“The High Court struck down the collection of 20% of migrant employees’ salaries by the state, while upholding the state’s collection of an additional part of the salary paid by employers, which made up 16% of the deposit.

Regarding the 20%, any previously collected funds must be immediately returned to migrants, the court ruled.”

The BBC responded to our complaint as follows:
“Your complaint is correct and we have since amended the article to now say:
For example, in 2017 a law was passed requiring employers to withhold 20% of net salaries until their departure from Israel – legislation which the High Court ruled was unconstitutional in April.
We have also added a correction note at the bottom of the article advising readers of the change.”

That correction note reads:

BBC coverage of the topic of African migrants in Israel has long lacked accuracy, impartiality and consistency. This latest article adds to that record.
Holocaust survivor gymnast, the world’s oldest Olympic champion, to turn 100
Hungarian gymnast Agnes Keleti, the world’s oldest living Olympic champion as well as a Holocaust survivor, is still showing off as she looks forward to turning 100 next month.

“I feel good, but I don’t look in the mirror, that’s my trick! Then I remain young!” Keleti told AFP in Budapest last month.

A five-times Olympic champion, Keleti, who celebrates her birthday January 9, is also Hungary’s most successful gymnast, and one of the most decorated Jewish athletes in history.

While she now has dementia that affects her short-term memory, her feisty spirit remains intact.

Moving in a sprightly manner around her apartment where both her life mementos and Olympic medals are on display, she joked about not being let perform the full-leg splits anymore.

“I’m told by my caretaker that it’s not good for me at this age,” she laughed, while leafing through a new book “The Queen of Gymnastics, 100 years of Agnes Keleti” published to mark her centenary birthday.

Keleti’s life story, including Olympic glory and Holocaust escape, reads like a gripping Hollywood film script.

Veterans Affairs removes German POW headstones with swastikas at Texas cemetery
The Department of Veterans Affairs removed two gravestones bearing swastikas from a military cemetery in Texas.

With little fanfare, the VA removed the headstones of the two German soldiers, American prisoners of war, on Monday morning from Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group that advocates for troops and veterans who report discrimination in the military, had launched a campaign for the removal of the headstones in May after a veteran of Jewish descent saw them.

The VA rejected initial calls to replace the headstones, saying it was not legally permitted to unilaterally remove or alter the headstones under the National Historic Preservation Act. But the agency soon changed course after congressional lawmakers stepped in, announcing in June that it would remove them without setting a date.

The San Antonio Express-News first reported the removal.

It’s not clear why just the two tombstones, among 132 Germans buried in the cemetery’s prisoner of war section, have the Nazi inscriptions. Both of the deceased died in 1943. The tombstones were marked with a swastika inside a German cross and are inscribed, “He died far from his home for the Führer, people, and fatherland.”

Another tombstone with a swastika at a military cemetery in Utah has yet to be removed.
Simon Cowell to join Israeli X-Factor show
The king of the reality music show concept, Simon Cowell, will star as a judge on the Israeli version of “X-Factor.”

Cowell will feature in the fourth season of Israel’s “X-Factor,” produced by Reshet 13. The network said work on the new season, with Cowell, would be getting under way “in the next few days.”

It will be the first time that Cowell will judge on the show he created, outside of the UK and the US.

“Over the years The X-Factor format discovered amazing talents from all over the world, I can’t wait to see what Israel has to offer,” said Cowell.

The role is a bit of a comeback for Cowell, reported, given that the music impresario underwent extensive back surgery following an electric bike accident earlier in 2020.

According to Deadline, Cowell was looking for new opportunities, given that “X-Factor” UK ran its course after 16 years and ran for three seasons in the US, with Cowell as a judge.
‘Cleopatra was Macedonian’: Gal Gadot responds to critics of role
Gal Gadot is pushing back against claims that she is whitewashing Egyptian history by portraying Cleopatra in an upcoming film.

“First of all, if you want to be true to the facts, then Cleopatra was Macedonian,” the Israeli actress said in an interview Tuesday with BBC Arabic. “We were looking for a Macedonian actress that could fit Cleopatra. She wasn’t there, and I was very passionate about Cleopatra.”

After the blockbuster project was announced in October, critics took to social media to argue that the character should be portrayed by an Arab actress. Cleopatra was the last monarch of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, which ruled the country from 305 BC to 30 BC, but she was a descendant of Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general.

“You know, anybody can make this movie,” Gadot said. “I’m very passionate that I’m going to do my own, too.”

Gadot was asked if she saw the possibility for peace between her native Israel and its primarily Arab neighbors. Her answer: I hope so, but we’re not there yet.

“I do think at the end of the day people are people and they just want to live their simple lives in the safest way,” she said. “They want to have food on their table, they want their kids to be able to go to school and be educated and aspire in their lives. I’m a big believer in diplomacy, and I can only hope that we will have two brave leaders that will bring us there.”

All-female IDF battalion has myths about women's combat service in its sights
The IDF's Southern Intelligence Unit, tasked with monitoring the Israel-Egypt border to prevent smugglers and terrorists from infiltrating into the country, is not your average unit, if only because it is all-female.

Israel is one of few countries in the world to conscript women, and women have taken part in its armed forces even before the state was officially founded, fulfilling various roles within the Ground, Naval and Air forces.

"Not a day goes by that there isn't some kind of incident on the border," Lt. Col. Mani Abramov, commander of the 727th Eitam Combat Intelligence Battalion that operates in the southern secotor, told Israel Hayom.

"This border is considered a quiet one, but it can be volatile. When ISIS operates on the other side of the border, you can't simply assume that the situation will remain quiet forever. We closely monitor the border, around the clock," he stressed, noting that the soldiers specialize in using drones and placing intelligence-gathering measures in the field.

Even though the battalion mostly deals with drug smuggling and the occasional gun runner, every incident is treated as a potential act of terror.

"We know the dangers that can emanate from Sinai, from ISIS, for example," Abramov concluded.

"We collect information through covert and overt surveillance," Capt. Stav Malihi told Israel Hayom. She commands the Nachshol Field Intelligence Unit, tasked with monitoring the Israel-Egypt border for suspicious activity. "No matter the incident, the goal is to keep Israel safe."
Jews in the Bible Belt: New museum documents Jewish history in the South
New Orleans can now boast a museum dedicated to Jews' immigration to and settlement in the American South, in their rare fusion of culture and religion, AP reported.

Currently under construction, the team behind the reboot is hopeful it will reopen within the first three months of 2021, after construction was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The museum is a "reboot" of an older one dedicated to the same purpose in Mississippi in 1986. At the time, it was to preserve what life was like for a small community of Jews in Utica, a small town in the southern state. That museum closed in 2012.

The Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience will feature over 7,000 artifacts, as well as exhibits of both a lighter and heavier nature, from food fusions – when "potato latkes and matzo ball soup were met with Southern grits and gumbo," according to AP – to the place of Jews in historical slave ownership, antisemitism and race relations.

One of the interactive exhibits is of a patchwork quilt sewn together by a few Jewish women in 1885 in the town of Canton, Mississippi, AP reported. They did it to raise money for their local synagogue. In full circle, visitors will be able to digitally create their own patch square and add it to a collective quilt.

The history that the museum covers spans more than 13 US states over 300 years. This is what makes it different from the previous "iteration" of the museum: It's not just dedicated to one town, but rather to the legacy, history and unique traditions of all the Jewish South.

Served hotSanta Claus hits the beach for some Christmas volleyball
It appears that Santa Claus has made a Tel Aviv detour this year — for some fun and games.

The city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa marked the Christmas holiday Wednesday with four beach volleyball-playing Santa Clauses.

The two women and two men are players and coaches from Koach Tel Aviv, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing participation in beach volleyball across Israel.

Last year, Tel Aviv marked the start of Christmas with a Santa Claus arriving on a paddleboard.

Down at the Dead Sea, Jerusalem Santa Issanis Kassissieh spent a day relaxing at the lowest point on Earth, including a spot of desert meditation overlooking the region.

Kassissieh, a basketball player-turned-coach, is well-known in Israel as the only “official” Santa in Jerusalem — a graduate of the Michigan-based Charles W. Howard Santa School.

In Christmas Message, Israel’s Netanyahu Says ‘Peace on Earth’ Prophecy Being Fulfilled
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wished Christians the world over a merry Christmas on Wednesday, citing Israel’s recent normalization agreements with Muslim countries as an example of “peace on Earth.”

“I wish Israel’s many Christian friends around the world a very merry Christmas,” Netanyahu said in a video posted on social media. “On behalf of the people of Israel, I thank each and every one of you for your prayers and for your support.”

“This Christmas, the traditional greeting of ‘Peace on Earth’ will once again be expressed by millions across the globe,” Netanyahu noted, “but remarkably, here in the Middle East, we have been actively making progress in realizing the biblical prophecy of ‘Peace on Earth,’ or at least this part of the Earth.”

“After 26 years without a new peace treaty, we’ve had four new agreements in less than four months,” he pointed out. “And this is just the beginning.”

“This is a new and revolutionary change,” Netanyahu asserted. “It will make a better life, a better place for all the peoples of the Middle East. It will make for a better world.”

“And so, this Christmas, when you pray for Israel and you pray for peace, know that your prayers are really being answered. Peace on Earth,” Netanyahu concluded.

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