Thursday, December 24, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Elder of Ziyon
PA President Mahmoud Abbas participated in the funeral today Abdel-Rahim Mallouh, who was given full honors.
Mallouh was a major leader of the PFLP terror group and involved with some major terror attacks.,
The funeral was also attended by PA prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, members of the Executive Committees of the PLO, the central Fatah movement, the government, and members of his family.
An honor guard was lined up during the arrival of Mallouh's body to the presidential residence, carrying his coffin on soldiers' shoulders, passing in front of a group of honor guards, and playing the Palestinian national anthem and funeral music.
Abbas placed a wreath on his coffin.
Mallouh was one of the co-founders of the PFLP in 1967. He became a PFLP military commander in 1972 and a PFLP politburo member in 1973, and was promoted to be PFLP Deputy Secretary General in 1991.
Israel arrested Mallouh in June 2002 and was sentenced to seven years in prison for his involvement in the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi.

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