A Brooklyn man who delivered a threat to New Yorkers during a live interview with Fox News on Saturday has been charged with multiple offenses, including making terroristic threats, police said.
During the live interview Saturday afternoon, a man who identified himself as “Ace Burns” threatened to burn down the Diamond District if New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio did not meet with protesters and give the youth “some direction.”
"Today, I'm giving a demonstration from Barclay's Center at 6 p.m. to City Hall, and that's the first stop -- and we're hoping [Mayor] de Blasio and [Gov.] Cuomo come out and talk to us and give the youth some direction," Burns told Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich.
"But if they don't, then [the] next stop is the Diamond District," he said, referring to a block on Manhattan's 47th Street known for jewelry shops. "And gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap. So, we're giving them a chance right now to do the right thing."
Earlier, Burns showed the reporter the initials "FTP" on his arm, which he said could mean either "Free the People" or "Fire to Property, and that's very possible."
Here's the video. Notice that the Fox reporter Jacqui Heinrich and the anchor Arthel Neville don't say a word about the threat that Burns just made on live TV to burn down the heavily Jewish Diamond District.
How stupid can they be? The man just threatened to burn down a Jewish neighborhood in Manhattan and they go on like he talked about the weather.
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