Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort, of Chabad at La Costa, in Carlsbad,
California, came to my attention at about the turn of this century. I traded
trees with a distant cousin, and there, smack dab in the middle of a lot of
generic, not particularly Jewish-sounding names was “Yeruchem” married to “Nechama”
and the two had a large number of offspring, all the children having Hebrew or
Yiddish names.
This was interesting, because until now, my two siblings and I had been the only orthodox people in the family. I had to know more about this new third cousin, so I asked for contact information and sent off an email. Thus began a two-decade long relationship with the Eilfort family, who visit us whenever they make the trip to Israel.
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Nechama and Yeruchem on their most recent visit to Jerusalem in January, 2020. |
The seed for the following
interview was planted in the wake of Poway and the murder of Lori Kaye, HY”D.
Naturally, when I heard the news of Poway, I worried about the Eilforts and wondered
how close they were to Poway. Now it seemed, we’d both been hit a little too
close to home: the Eilforts in Carlsbad, so close to Poway, and me with the
Tree of Life massacre where my former up-the-street neighbor, Mrs. Mallinger, HY”D,
had been killed, so close to my childhood home. I decided to speak to Yeruchem
to hear what he had to say about antisemitism and what steps he’d taken to
secure his community:
Varda Epstein: Can you talk a bit about how you came to Chabad? About
your wife and family?
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: I came to
Chabad through Camp Gan Israel, the worldwide Chabad camp system. It showed me
that everything I had previously learned about Judaism wasn’t actually true and
that Yiddishkeit was not something reserved for history books, weekends in the
synagogue, or afternoons in Hebrew School. Instead the Chabad camp experience showed
me that Judaism was about life and how we live it.
My wife comes from a long line
of Chabad Chasidim. Her grandmother, a’h, was a Yerushalmi [Native Jerusalemite
- V.E.] and came from a line of Yerushalmim dating way back. Her grandfather
came from Russia and studied in the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Lubavitch before going
to Chevron [Hebron – V.E.] and learning at the Lubavitch Yeshiva there before
the 1929 massacres.
Regarding our family, we have
eight children, five of whom are married, and we have, Baruch Hashem, twelve
grandchildren, Baruch Hashem! Of the five married couples four of them are on Shlichut,
Baruch Hashem.
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The Eilfort family |
Varda Epstein: When did you receive your Shlichut in Carlsbad?
Can you explain how that works?
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: After
we got married in 1988 we were offered a position in Irvine, which we took
after a few months of living in Brooklyn. The Rebbe, ztz’l, gave us his
blessings to go on Shlichut. A year later we came to Carlsbad in the
summer of 1990. We came to this area for the opportunity to start a new
Upon our arrival in San Diego,
my wife and I immediately started building our community. We went to the local
public library and used the phone book to call Jewish sounding names. We had a
meeting in a family’s living room and engaged the attendees in conversation to
determine how we could be of service to them.
We started by offering High
Holiday services in a local hotel. Then we started having Hebrew school in a
family’s living room. Then we held Shabbat services in various people’s homes
on a monthly basis. By the following summer we moved permanently to the area
and held services in our home every Shabbat.
Quickly we outgrew our house
and needed to rent a space that would become our Chabad House. After 20 years
we were finally able to purchase our property and then we built our building,
which is approximately 12,000 square feet located on two stories.
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Chabad at La Costa in the early days. |
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Chabad at La Costa today. |
Varda Epstein: Can you tell us a bit about what it’s like to be a
Chabad rabbi? What are your duties? Your wife Nechama’s duties? What is a
typical day in the life of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Eilfort? How many people do you
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: Being a
Chabad Rabbi entails wearing many hats. It is a different system where
everything is the responsibility of the Rabbi. I am responsible to raise the
money and pay the bills in addition to giving classes, conducting davening/services, counseling,
fulfilling pastoral-type duties, and making sure the building is in good order.
There are fixed classes that I give every day, but other than that my schedule
is extremely flexible. I spend a lot of time writing – it is one of my
passions, and Baruch Hashem, I am able to spend time learning every day. I also
try not to neglect myself so my wife and I walk daily.
On a typical day I get up
around 5am, I read the news, walk, learn, teach, daven, learn some more, and then by 10am begin my more mundane
duties. Usually, if I don’t have an evening class, I am pretty wiped out by
10-11pm. We oversee three communities touching about 500 Jewish families
regularly, but there are many more who are at least peripherally engaged. We
also are involved with numerous non-Jewish families who are genuinely
interested in the Torah and Judaism.
We have, in fact, tripled the
number of classes that we offer. It has been extraordinarily difficult to
fulfill many of the duties clergy typically offer. We have had to ‘think
outside of the box’ a great deal. For instance, we now deliver weekly “Challah
and Chicken Soup (penicillin for the Jewish soul)” on Erev Shabbat [Literally “Sabbath Eve,” here means Friday afternoon – V.E.], which people love. Many people, who are out of work, volunteer to make
the deliveries plus our three Rabbi/Rebbetzin teams do many deliveries.
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Challoh rolls |
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Chicken soup |
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Shabbos food awaiting delivery |
We do house visits where we
stand by the sidewalk and the people we visit stand by their doorways and we
schmooze. We make a point of continually calling people so that our connection
remains strong.
Pesach was ‘different’ as we
were not able to offer Community Sedarim for the first time in 30 years.
So instead we developed a ‘Seder to Go’ program where we delivered all of the seder
ingredients and a how-to guide to hundreds of local families. We did the same
for Shavuot, though we did offer services to a minimal number of people -
scrupulously keeping the governmental guidelines, like having the minyan [quorum]
outside in our breezeway and making sure the chairs were distanced and everyone
wore masks that we provided.
This is a challenging time, no doubt, as many people have lost their jobs and are scared. We made a giant banner that we posted in front of our building, “This Too Shall Pass!” And it will.
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A sign, "This too shall pass" was put up outside the shul to give people hope during the coronavirus epidemic. |
Varda Epstein: How far away is your congregation from Poway? How did the news of what happened there come to you and your congregation? What did that feel like? What was/is the effect on your congregation? Have you rebounded?
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: We are
located about 30 miles away from Poway. The shooting happened on Acharon
shel Pesach [last day of Passover –
V.E.]. We were just starting Yizkor [memorial service – V.E.]
when a Carlsbad police car pulled into our lot.
My wife, who was outside, went
over to ask what was going on. Details were very murky at first but as time
went on we found out what had happened. It felt like I had been punched in the
That night, motzee Yom Tov [with the conclusion of the holiday – V.E.],
my wife and I went to the hospital to visit Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldstein. We
brought several pizzas with us, as it was Rabbi Goldstein’s custom to make
pizzas at the end of Pesach for his family. She was shaky (and who can blame
her?). He was steady, though it is impossible to understand how. We were in a
state of shock. We knew the victims and we knew the community well. And, when
it hits that close to you, you cannot help but think, “There but for the grace
of Hashem . . .”
We immediately went into full
action mode to reassure our congregants while trying to be supportive of the
Poway community. I was honored with going to the White House as part of an
entourage of rabbis. Since that time we have had to hire an armed guard to
stand in front of our building on Shabbat and during larger events. We also
formed a security committee and had them professionally trained.
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Contingent of Chabad rabbis at the White House. Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort is third from left. |
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Yeruchem gets this close to President Trump |
We have always been very
sensitive to the need to be able to protect ourselves. We have watched and
admired how our brothers and sisters in Eretz HaKodesh [the Holy Land –
V.E.] have dealt with implacable hatred. It has now come to our shores.
Honestly speaking, this trend
started several years ago. The fact is that we are more prepared now and
stronger than ever before. Our community has been extremely resilient. I
encourage our community to be trained so that they can protect themselves and
thank G-d that I live in a country where that is still (largely) legal.
Varda Epstein: What should we, as Jews, take away from the global
pandemic? What should we be doing in response to this plague, as Jews?
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: How
many pages may I use to answer? Seriously, our job as Jews has always been the
same, the only difference has been the strategies we need to employ to fulfill
our mission. Our mission is, as the Midrash states, to make this world into a
dwelling place for the Almighty. This means to reveal the fact that G-d is the
Commander-in-Chief, and that the Torah is His manual and our Constitution.
The pandemic has forced us to
expand our minds and use ever-more creative means in bringing the Torah to the
Jewish people and the world. This offers us the opportunity to really stretch
our minds and consciousness in finding ways to be ‘there’ for the Jewish
I think that people’s minds are
opening up to new possibilities because all of their old assumptions and their
comfort zones are being challenged. The shell of the seed has to rot before the
true growth potential found within can grow. I cannot help but think these are
the birth pangs of Moshiach’s [Chabad-speak
for “Mashiach,” the Messiah – V.E.] speedy arrival!
Varda Epstein: Why has antisemitism proliferated in rece
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: I think
antisemitism has proliferated in recent times due to numerous considerations,
not least of which is the internet. The readily available antisemitism of the
fringe groups (on the left and right) can enter every household. Of course the
potential goodness brought about through technology is also proliferating. The
greater the potential good something brings, the greater the potential evil
that same thing can bring.
This means that we must double
and redouble our efforts to make people understand how beautiful and beneficial
Judaism really is. We must make people into “Judeophiles,” lovers of Judaism.
I believe that coronavirus has
exacerbated the antisemitism. Whenever there is increased pressure, people who
have a predisposition to the fringe are more likely to actually move into that
fringe. When people suffer they look for reasons and often scapegoats.
Unfortunately some feel the
need to find others who they can blame for their misfortune. The Jews are an
easy target in that we stand out, we are relatively few in number, and we are
disproportionately successful. That is why we have to be exceedingly careful
lest we cause a chilul Hashem [Desecration
of God’s name – V.E.].
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The interior of Chabad at La Costa, in Carlsbad, California |
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Aaron HaKodesh (Holy Ark) at Chabad at La Costa |
Varda Epstein: Why does antisemitism exist?
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: The
Torah says that Esav hates Yaakov, but does not tell us why. I imagine that
there it is a combination of factors behind antisemitism. Factors like
jealousy, fear of the unknown, and ingrained behaviors all play a part.
Sometimes, when one has an active conscience that constantly ‘nudges’ him/her
to do more, he/she can come to hate that conscience.
I think that in some way
antisemitism helps us remember that our mission is not yet complete and helps
prevent us from becoming comfortable in this dark galut [exile – V.E.].
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The welcoming exterior of Chabad at La Costa, at night. |
Varda Epstein: Can you talk a bit about the origins of the push for
bail reform in New York? Do you think the new legislation has made things
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: I am
not an expert on this subject and do not know too much about it. The Torah commands
us to be empathetic and sympathetic; it demands ‘colorblind’ justice. However,
there seems to be a strong push in this country to try to explain and justify
unlawful behavior. When duly constituted laws are denigrated, a whole slew of
negative repercussions follow.
The current riots are a perfect
example of this. People are reacting emotionally instead of objectively to what
happened to George Floyd. It appears that he was tragically murdered by a
policeman who had him already subdued. The policeman should face the full
consequences of his actions, and I believe he will.
But as awful as police
brutality is, it is not widespread and when it does occur, other policemen
should not be indicted for the sin of the one or the few. Likewise it does not
justify the wanton destruction and lawlessness that we are seeing. I am all for
giving a person a second chance, but not at the expense of the safety of
law-abiding citizens.
Varda Epstein: It’s easy for Jews, as victims, to point fingers and say
what others should do about antisemitism. Is there something Jews can do about
it on a personal level, other than taking security measures?
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort: I would
recommend the advice offered by the Rebbe [the late Grand Rabbi of Chabad,
Menachem Schneerson, ztz’l – V.E.] as to how to counter antisemitism. We must
all become a dugmah chaya, a living example of how a Jew is to live. By
so doing we make people pro-Jewish, for they will clearly see the blessings we
bring to the world when we fulfill the divine commandments!
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Yeruchem and Nechama Eilfort |
Read more Judean Rose interviews:
Samuels on Shalva, Yossi, and “Dreams never Dreamed”
Roth: Ahlam Tamimi is Not in Hiding. Why is She Free?
Glick and Btsalmo: Unmasking the Disguise and Fighting for the Real Human
Thorball to BDS: Herbalists Have a Right to Professional Neutrality
Collier’s Report on Amnesty International Reveals Its Toxicity and Hate
Landes: The Man Who Gave Pallywood a Name
Milgrom: “I Could Just Feel my Grandmothers Through the Papers”
Chesler: The Radical Feminist Who Refuses Your Intersectional Anti-Israel Slot
Yehudit’s Dr Adva Biton: Finding Strength to Fight for Others
Bellerose: Indigenous Has Nothing to Do with Time and Everything to Do with
Fuld: “I’m Doing This For Me”
Father Speaks Out: The Murder of Malki Roth and the Refusal of Jordan to
Extradite the Beast Ahlam Tamimi (Arnold Roth)
Jewish Indigenous Land Rights: A Conversation with Nan Greer, Part 1
Jewish Indigenous Land Rights: A Conversation with Nan Greer, Part 2
