On this Passover, anti-Zionists should be ashamed.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that while they pretend to be tolerant, they cannot tolerate a Jewish state.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that while they pretend to be liberal, they support the most illiberal Arab politicians - leaders who are misogynist, anti-gay and intolerant of any dissent.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that on the very holiday where Jews celebrate their freedom from oppression, they want Jews to go back into exile.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that they claim to want people to be free but they are against the self-determination of only one people.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that they claim to be against antisemitism but they publicly and proudly support the world's worst antisemites.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that they pretend to hate racism, but in fact they hate people, and then justify that bigotry by labeling their opponents as racist.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that their supposed love for Arabs and Muslims disintegrates past Israel's borders.
Anti-Zionists should be ashamed that their arguments against "Zionists" echo centuries-old arguments against Jews, and that their cause is just the newest twist on the oldest hatred.
If you are anti-Zionist, you are against the fundamentals of the lessons of Passover - the freedom of a people to be a nation, to be unique, to chart their own course in history, to be a beacon of hope to the world.