8 new fatalities take Israel’s COVID-19 death toll to 113
Eight people died overnight and during Monday morning from COVID-19, bringing the coronavirus death toll in Israel to 113.Former Sephardic chief rabbi Bakshi-Doron succumbs to coronavirus, aged 79
An 80-year-old resident of a senior living home was the 12th person from the assisted living facility in Yavne’el, in the north of the country, to die from the virus.
Additionally, an 81-year-old woman and a 96-year-old woman died at the Ichilov Medical Center in Tel Aviv, while a 78-year-old man with preexisting medical conditions died of the disease at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Jerusalem.
A 41-year-old woman succumbed at Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot. The hospital said she had suffered from preexisting illnesses and that it shared the family’s grief.
In addition, an 80-year-old man died Monday afternoon at Laniado Hospital in Netanya, and an 85-year-old woman succumbed to the virus at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center.
No further information on their identities were initially released, and there were no immediate details on the eighth fatality.
Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, the former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel, died due to complications from the coronavirus at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center on Sunday. Israeli leaders mourned his passing, hailing him a great spiritual guide.NYTs: The Mossad: Israel's Not-So-Secret Weapon in the Coronavirus Fight
Bakshi-Doron, 79, who served as chief rabbi from 1993 to 2003, succumbed to the virus five days after checking into the hospital with COVID-19 symptoms. He was tested shortly upon his arrival and found to be a carrier.
The hospital said his condition deteriorated during the day and efforts to revive him in the evening were unsuccessful.
With his death and that of another woman, Israel’s toll rose to 105 Sunday night.
Born in 1941 in Jerusalem, Bakshi was first chief rabbi in Bat Yam and then Haifa, before rising in 1993 to become the Rishon Lezion, a title given to the chief Sephardic rabbi.
During his time as chief rabbi, he devoted efforts to interfaith dialogue, and together with Ashkenazi chief rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, met with Pope John Paul II during his 2000 visit to Israel.
The Mossad, the storied Israeli spy service, has been deeply involved in Israel's fight against the virus, and has been one of the country's most valuable assets in acquiring medical equipment and manufacturing technology abroad, according to Israeli medical and security officials.
Prof. Yitshak Kreiss, the director general of Sheba Medical Center, said, "It is only in Israel that Sheba hospital could have enlisted the help of the Mossad. Can you imagine Mount Sinai Hospital going to the CIA for help?," referring to the New York medical center.
According to Israeli officials, the Mossad used international contacts to avert shortages that might have overwhelmed Israel's health system, enabling Israel to acquire ventilators and testing material that the health ministry had been unable to secure. In some instances, Mossad Director Yossi Cohen personally contacted his counterparts to expedite the purchase of goods. In other cases, Cohen spoke directly to the rulers of particular countries.
IDF's Shayetet 13 develops solutions to compress oxygen to fight corona
The Shayetet 13 naval commando unit is helping in the IDF’s fight against the coronavirus by developing advanced solutions to compress oxygen.
The famed elite unit, which trains divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in underwater breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method and is playing a key role in the fight against the deadly disease.
The unit's research and development teams, in collaboration with the Health Ministry, Yad Sarah and other organizations, have converted an operational production line into a production line for medical oxygen compression systems.
“Apart from the system’s development and supply, the unit will provide a logistical response and will assist in transporting oxygen tanks as needed,” the IDF said.
Amid fears that the number of patients needing respiratory assistance may exceed the number of respirators available, the Defense Ministry has been working to produce Israeli-developed ventilators with defense companies and start-ups in the country.
The Israeli Navy’s commando unit, Shayetet 13, understands how oxygen tanks work better than anybody.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) April 12, 2020
Now they are lending their scuba diving expertise to help supply oxygen to #COVID19 patients.
Everyone has a role to play in this battle. pic.twitter.com/6crl2eQzSx
Israeli defence firm Elbit Systems to produce ventilators
Defence firm Elbit Systems said on Monday it will manufacture thousands of automatic ventilation machines at the request of the Israeli government as the coronavirus outbreak has led to a global shortage.Khaled Abu Toameh: Druze brothers leading IDF battle against coronavirus in Arab sector
Based on technology developed by LifeCan Medical, these machines will enable medical centres to provide initial care to patients suffering from less severe respiratory conditions, Elbit said.
Production of about 300 machines per week is expected to start after the Passover holiday ends on April 15. Initially, at least, the machines will be for use in Israel.
Elbit said it has converted two manufacturing facilities into assembly lines and production will be carried out in shifts to supply a large number of units in a short time.
According to the Health Ministry, Israel has around 3,500 ventilators, or roughly one for every 2,500 citizens.
By comparison, the United States can muster as many as 200,000 ventilators nationwide, according to a March 25 article by the Society of Critical Care Medicine - one for every 1,635 Americans.
Israeli officials have said they aimed to increase their national stockpile of ventilators to 7,000 by next month, both through local manufacturing and procurement abroad. That would bring Israel’s ratio to one ventilator for every 1,245 citizens.
Two Druze brothers from Daliat al-Carmel in the Haifa District are spearheading the IDF’s battle against the coronavirus pandemic in the Arab sector.Israel Experts: ‘Restrictions Can Be Lifted Only When We See Drop to 10 New Cases a Day’
Col. (res.) Saleem Wahaby, 63, is serving as the IDF Home Front Command’s directives instructor for the Arab sector, while his brother, Maj. (res.) Zohar, 55, has been appointed as commander of the liaison unit to the Zemer Local Council in the Triangle Area.
Saleem, who served in the IDF for 44 years, was injured during his service as an officer in the 2006 Lebanon War.
Zohar served for 37 years and fought in the all-Druze Herev (Sword) Battalion infantry unit. He trained as an officer during his reserve service.
Their father, Fahim, was one of the founders of the Israel Police, making it obvious that affinity for military and civil service has passed through the Wahaby family.
The IDF’s liaison units consist of reservists whose job is to maintain continuous contact between the Home Front Command and local authorities.
A report submitted last week by a team of experts appointed by Israel’s National Security Council presented what it said were the necessary preconditions for exiting the nationwide lockdown imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic, cautioning that returning to normal economic activity too soon could lead to another outbreak and the collapse of the public healthcare system.JCPA: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Middle East and North Africa
According to the report, the main precondition for returning to normal is a drop in the infection rate, to 10 new patients per day, with the lockdown being reimposed if the number of infections reaches 40 people per day.
As of Sunday, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases nationwide stood at 10,878, with 103 fatalities. More than 1,300 have recovered from the disease, according to the latest Health Ministry figures.
“It will be possible to gradually ease the social distancing policies, and gradually return to a functioning economy, only after a decrease in the rate of new patients [excluding those returning from abroad] to about 10 per day. Dropping to this rate is necessary to ensure a high level of certainty that we will be able to block a new outbreak without having to re-enact stringent social isolation measures,” the report said.
The report added that it would be impossible to lift restrictions in certain parts of the country while the rate of infection remains high in other parts.
The “golden number” of 10 newly diagnosed patients a day was determined to create a safe margin of error that will prevent the collapse of the public healthcare system in Israel. With that, if another outbreak occurs, it will be feasible to tackle it on a regional basis, assuming it can be measured sufficiently per region, according to the report.
“To avoid the need to reinstate countrywide restrictions in the case of a new outbreak, it is imperative to be able to measure the rate of infections in each area separately,” said the report.
To stop a new outbreak from occurring, the experts also noted the need to improve the epidemiological research.
With the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, how are the region's governments responding to the threat posed?Number of UK Jews to die from COVID-19 rises to 209
Some, like the UAE, have been ahead of the curve, taking a slew of pre-emptive measures to minimize infections.
In others, like Iran and Turkey, inadequate, delayed and fragmented responses have resulted in their becoming epicentres of the spread of the virus.
War-ravaged Libya and Yemen, meanwhile, have no capacity to control the virus. Neither does Tripoli and Aden control the entire country in order to take the necessary steps to curb infections.
What is needed are leaders with the necessary foresight to mitigate the impact of the virus while preparing for a regional and international order.
The number of coronavirus-related fatalities has risen to 209 among UK Jews, up 57 from the last announcement on 7 April.Tom Gross: Boris recovers while Dominic Raab remains Britain’s ‘first Jewish PM’ since Disraeli in 19th century
The figure, released on Monday, covers fatalities both in hospital and beyond, using data gathered from six of the largest Orthodox and denominational burial boards, according to data collated by the Board of Deputies.
They are the Adath Yisroel Burial Society, the Federation of Synagogues Burial Society, the Joint Jewish Burial Board, Liberal Judaism, the Spanish and Portuguese Sephardi Community and the United Synagogue Burial Society.
The Board of Deputies monitors the number of funerals carried out by burial societies, where covid-19 appeared on the deceased’s death certificate.
Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl said: “The effect of coronavirus on the Jewish community is heartbreaking and devastating. We wish the families who have lost loved ones a long life, and pray that their memory should be for a blessing.”
The national death toll rose above 10,000 as of Sunday, according to the government, with a review of lockdown measures due to take place later this week after the hospital coronavirus death toll rose above 10,000.
British PM Boris Johnson leaves hospital to continue his coronavirus recovery at his official countryside residence. Meanwhile acting British prime minister Dominic Raab remains the UK’s first “Jewish” Prime Minister since Disraeli in 1868. (Tom Gross interviewed, April 12, 2020.)
Dominic Raab’s father Peter Raab arrived as child refugee from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in 1938. Peter had lived in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) with his Jewish parents Josef (born in Budapest) and Hilde (born in Fischern / Rybare near Karlsbad). Many of his relatives were murdered in the Holocaust. Dominic Raab’s mother was not Jewish.
Disraeli was of Italian-Jewish descent, the eldest son and second child of Isaac D’Israeli and Maria Basevi. In 1817 Disraeli decided to have his children baptized as Christians so they would have more opportunity in British society. Until 1858, Jews by religion were excluded from Parliament; except for the father’s decision, Disraeli’s political career could never have taken the form it did.
On multiple occasions, Raab has referenced his father’s plight and background. Disraeli was very proud of his Jewish ancestry and often referenced it.
Suspect infiltrates IDF base, stabs soldier - report
An unidentified person infiltrated an IDF base Monday morning, stabbing two soldiers, Channel 13 reported.Israel Transfers Advanced Coronavirus Detection Device to Gaza Hospital
According to Channel 13, the suspect, armed with a wire cutter and a knife, infiltrated a military base on the kibbutz of Mishmar HaNegev in southern Israel, near the Bedouin city of Rahat, north of Beersheba.
The suspect was reportedly discovered by two IDF soldiers who were guarding the base, who told him to stop moving. Continuing to head toward the soldiers, the man was confronted by the two, trying to attack them, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit reported.
After a short fight, the suspect stabbed one of the soldiers. The soldier, who received a minor injury to his arm, was treated at the scene, according to the unit. A Givati infantry force was called to the area and is now reportedly searching for the suspect together with police forces.
An investigation into the incident was launched by Israel Police and the IDF's Military Police.
Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Palestinian Territories (COGAT) announced on Sunday that it had transferred an advanced medical device used to detect coronavirus to the Gaza Strip.Top PA official Al-Habbash: We were the “owners” of this land “for more than 6,000 years,” “Allah, do not leave a stolen homeland unliberated”
The device, called a PCR machine, is used for detection of COVID-19, said COGAT on Twitter, adding that it will arrive at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. The machine, also called a thermal cycler, was donated by an unspecified international organization with help from the World Health Organization to greatly increase the number of coronavirus tests being carried out in the Gaza Strip.
The machine, costing tens of thousands of dollars, was donated by an international organization with the help of the @WHO and will be sent to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City where it will process samples for detecting the coronavirus, doubling the rate of examinations in Gaza. 2/2 pic.twitter.com/HsA9JJ7iG0
— COGAT (@cogatonline) April 12, 2020
According to Gaza authorities, there have only been a few confirmed coronavirus cases in the Gaza Strip so far.
In recent weeks, COGAT has also donated medical supplies, food, drugs and antiseptics to the coastal enclave.
Supreme Shari’ah Judge and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah, Mahmoud Al-Habbash: "They [Israel] know that this land has had people and owners for more than 6,000 years, and that we were here before them, before they were even known in history… He [Israel's PM Netanyahu] wants to express his animosity towards us, and his desire not to see a single living Palestinian. He acts out of a conviction deep in his heart and mind that a good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian… Palestine is ours and will be ours, regardless of how long it takes. It will be liberated, regardless of how long it takes, and regardless of how long the occupation lasts… Allah, 'forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the infidel people.'[Quran, Sura 3:147]... And do not leave a stolen homeland unliberated."
[Official PA TV, Sept. 13, 2019]
PLO: Israel lets “the fangs of the #Coronavirus” threaten Palestinian prisoners
— Pal Media Watch (@palwatch) April 13, 2020
Read more about this here: https://t.co/huQssi76oH pic.twitter.com/9Rv3fUbdmc
PLO libel: Israel deliberately leaves child prisoners exposed to Coronavirus
— Pal Media Watch (@palwatch) April 13, 2020
Read more about this here: https://t.co/huQssioHNh pic.twitter.com/cIN6hsy2hG
Amnesty International Employee Denounced for Getting Gaza Peace Activist Arrested by Hamas for Virtual Meeting With Israelis
An employee of Amnesty International has been denounced for getting a Gaza peace activist arrested by Hamas authorities for holding a virtual meeting with Israeli counterparts.
Journalist Rami Aman of the Gaza Youth Committee held the conference with the Israelis via the Zoom app, which has become popular as a means of maintaining social ties during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Facebook page for the meeting called it “an opportunity to speak with Gazans who not only do not hate us but are working tirelessly to open channel of communication between Gazans and Israelis.”
Hind Khoudary, who at the time of the incident identified herself on social media as an international research consultant for Amnesty, denounced Aman in a Facebook post – now inaccessible – and tagged three Hamas officials. Aman was arrested on Thursday and has not been heard from since.
In response, former Human Rights Watch official Peter Bouckaert told Khoudary, “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
“It is disgusting that a so-called ‘journalist’ got an activist for dialogue arrested by Hamas,” he later said. “Conflicts are resolved through dialogue and understanding, not hatred.”
Khoudary replied to Bouckaert in a tweet, asking, “Being ashamed of myself for fighting normalization with Israel?”
Being ashamed of myself for fighting normalization with Israel? pic.twitter.com/GSYrmmAVAV
— ʜɪɴᴅ ᴋʜᴏᴜᴅᴀʀʏ ﮼هند،الخضري (@Hind_Gaza) April 11, 2020
Hillel Neuer of the watchdog group UN Watch, which fights anti-Israel bias in the international forum and NGO community, commented on the affair, “A human rights group cannot employ an accomplice to Hamas terror, someone who causes peace activists to be jailed and probably tortured, all because they engaged in dialogue. Amnesty should explain why they hired her in the first place, and why before that they had cited her as a supposed journalist.”
“It’s clear from her social media posts that Khoudary has been a long-time and open supporter of both Hamas and Hezbollah acts of terrorism against Israelis,” he added. “Amnesty must conduct an independent inquiry into who at the organization knew of Khoudary’s support for terrorist violence.”
Gaza peace activist Rami Aman, who has disappeared since his arrest by Hamas for "treason" on Thursday—for a Zoom call with Israeli peace activists—is a new kind of Amnesty International prisoner of conscience. Amnesty is the one that made him disappear. https://t.co/7OKyzo3cGR pic.twitter.com/QD3hVsN8im
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) April 12, 2020
1. Here's Hind Khoudary in August retweeting a Hamas call for Palestinian media to "self-censor." (h/t @mishtal)
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) April 13, 2020
2. Amnesty International hired her as a "research consultant."https://t.co/4tTb3WBKxl
3. Amnesty International quoted her as a "journalist." https://t.co/3xit8Vv12d pic.twitter.com/xcr6UTil76
.@amnesty, come and collect your “peace activist”. Check, perhaps Yahya Sinwar will be interested to become your regional director. pic.twitter.com/AQlPdBSBdQ
— Michael Elgort ✡️ (@just_whatever) April 12, 2020
Why the U.S. Must Quit Negotiating with Iran
It is time to abandon the quixotic quest for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian threat, and instead pressure the regime further. For an already paranoid regime, the threat posed by Covid-19, in the assessment of Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, "probably makes them - in terms of decision-making - more dangerous, rather than less dangerous."IMF Must Not Buy the Mullahs' Coronavirus Lies
Talks always sound appealing, especially when one's adversary is weakened. But they must have a clear purpose, and the prospective benefits must outweigh likely costs. Simply reinstating the JCPOA would allow Iran to legitimately expand its nuclear program and procure advanced weapons. In fact, only complete dismantlement of Iran's nuclear program, as Libya conducted 15 years ago, would truly suffice.
The Iranian regime sees diplomacy with the U.S. as a sign of weakness it cannot afford. Actually, as the regime weakens, diplomacy will only bolster it. Talks would also signal that the U.S. is willing to work with an Iranian regime that jails, tortures and kills its own people, demoralizing the many anti-regime Iranians.
The U.S. Embassy wrote in a Facebook post: "The possessions of the current supreme leader Ali #Khamenei alone are estimated at $200 billion, while many people languish in poverty because of the dire economic situation in #Iran after 40 years of rule by the mullahs."
If the Iranian leaders are so concerned about the public health, why they have been ratcheting up their use of lethal force, suppression and human rights abuses against those who have been revealing the truth about the COVID-19 virus in Iran or who have been voicing their concern about the regime's mishandling of the coronavirus crisis?
"The world's leading state sponsor of terrorism is seeking cash to fund its adventurism abroad, not to buy medicine for Iranians. The regime's corrupt officials have a long history of diverting funds allocated for humanitarian goods into their own pockets and to their terrorist proxies." — U.S. State Department Spokesman to CNN, April 9, 2020.
The case against any IMF loan to #Iran is obvious to most Americans. Yet on the eve of IMF spring meeting, the regime's supporters are keeping up the fight. Here's a 'Top 10' (of many) reasons shareholders should oppose along with recent @FDD policy brief. https://t.co/8EPGojoNAq
— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) April 12, 2020
In 2018 Israel captured Iran's nuclear archive. The press, which supports Obama's JCPOA & opposes Trump's Iran policy, claimed that Israel's achievement revealed "nothing new." Now we know it contained, among other things, a secret, undeclared facility: https://t.co/45dAekTSsZ
— Mike (@Doranimated) April 8, 2020
Sanders to Run for President of Iran, Promises Nuclear Literacy Program (satire)
Bernie Sanders has announced his candidacy for President of Iran, where he promises to launch a nuclear literacy program. Sanders’ surprising Iran announcement comes after he recently ended his US presidential campaign.
The Mideast Beast spoke to the almost-octogenarian about his new career path.
“Read my lips, I will become Iran’s first proud post-Jewish socialist president and launch a nuclear literacy program, available to socialist-professing Islamists of all colors, shapes and genders,” Sanders told TMB.
Sanders denied that his slightly diluted Jewish background was somehow reducing his chances of winning the presidency of Iran.
“That’s nonsense. I am much more popular among anti-racist ayatollahs in Tehran than among racist Zionists in Tel Aviv. If Israel ever dares to attack Iran’s peaceful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps on my watch, I will demand that the Anti-Defamation League condemns the Tel Aviv bullies for spreading anti-Semitic violence in the Mideast. Plus, how can me being Jewish hurt my chances when the ayatollahs love Jews, and vice versa.