She retweeted to her followers this tweet and video.
في غناء يجمع اثنان من بهايم يهوه (اسراطيزي وسعودي)— يلا نبلغ (@yIODM9zeVqIqoRy) April 27, 2020
هذه مرحلة فرش البساط امام بهايم يهوه وامام عيون الناس بأن هذا هو المشهد القادم الذي يجب التأقلم عليه#تحيا_فلسطين_ويفني_الاحتلال_والخونة#اسرائيل_عدو
The tweet says:
Singing brings together two of the beasts of Jehovah (an Isra-ass and a Saudi). This is the time when the carpet is rolled out in front of the beasts of Jehovah, and it is plain for all to see that this is the scene that we have to get used to.
The original tweeter, and Khoudary, are upset that an Israeli and a Saudi - both long considered enemies - are singing a song of peace together. This makes them "beasts."
Just from this tweet alone shows that Khoudary cares nothing about peace or human rights. (She took the "human rights" part out of her Twitter profile. )
But the religious Jew singing and dancing with the Saudi Muslim, Shloime Zionce, is an American reporter, not an Israeli.
Khoudary assumes that a Jew with peyos (sidelocks) must be an Israeli, because - like most Gazans - she cannot distinguish between the two. (This cartoon from a Gaza site a couple of years ago illustrates this.)
So, yes, she's an antisemite as well.
(h/t Ibn Boutros)