A plane carrying over a million surgical masks for the IDF landed in Ben-Gurion airport Tuesday night, in an operation run by the US Department of Defense's Delegation of Procurement.
A plane carrying over a million surgical masks for the IDF landed in Ben-Gurion Airport Tuesday night, in an operation aimed to protect soldiers on the frontlines of preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
What happened? Did the censor pull the story?
No. The Jerusalem Post screwed up royally. They mistranslated, or used Google Translate, a story in Hebrew - possibly this one - where the phrase "In a procurement initiative of the Ministry of Defence’s procurement mission in the United States" was turned into "US Department of Defense's Delegation of Procurement." ..."בפעילות משלחת הרכש של משרד הביטחון בארה"ב"
The haters, being who they are, will never admit that they widely pushed a false story.
But newspapers like The Jerusalem Post need to be more cognizant of how a mistake on their side can prompt a wave of anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment, with hundreds of retweets from people who want to incite against the Jewish state.
(h/t TT)
JVP @jvplive acknowledged the mistranslation - but says that Israel buying masks, with its OWN money, for its OWN first responders, is "morally wrong."— Elder of Ziyon 🇮🇱 (@elderofziyon) April 8, 2020
Let the Jews die.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the "morality" of the anti-Israel mamzerim. pic.twitter.com/Kj0dKOevTl