If Ilhan Omar has her way, all
tragedies will be equalized, with none being more supreme than any other. That is
the thrust of her influence and voting power on recent resolutions in Congress.
There was the October 29th resolution
recognizing the Armenian genocide by Ottoman Turks during WWI. On this occasion,
Omar offered a rare abstention, in a vote that ran an overwhelming 405-11 in
favor of the resolution.
Then there was the March 7thresolution
that was meant to condemn antisemitism, and in specific, remarks
by Omar perceived by most to be antisemitic. The vote was supposed to give
expression to a more mainstream Democratic Party belief that antisemitism and
Omar’s remarks are wrong. Instead, Omar’s name was left out of the final text
of the resolution, which many called “watered-down” and which condemned all
forms of hatred, including Muslim discrimination.
What happened with the
resolution is that instead of being censured, Omar got off, scot-free. And the
Democrats showed they’re weaklings made of tissue paper. Omar planned things to
come out this way, all the way back to when she said Israel “hypnotized the
world,” and “It’s all about the Benjamins.”
Do you know how Omar
characterized the “antisemitism” resolution in her statement to the media? She
said she was “tremendously proud” of the resolution condemning “Anti-Muslim
“Today is historic on many
fronts. It’s the first time we have voted on a resolution condemning
Anti-Muslim bigotry in our nation’s history. Anti-Muslim crimes have increased
99% from 2014-2016 and are still on the rise,” said Omar in a joint
statement with Rashida Tlaib and Andre Carson.
So there you have it: the
resolution to condemn antisemitism turned into a resolution to condemn all
hatred. But it didn’t stop there. Today it is a resolution that condemns
anti-Muslim bigotry!
In the final draft, moreover,
Omar is neither named nor censured.
The effect of this “antisemitism
resolution” is to make mainstream the idea that Jews are not special and
deserve no category or resolution of their own. If you buy into the “antisemitism
resolution,” the suffering of the Jews in the Holocaust is not a bigger deal or
somehow more significant than that of Muslim suffering in the world today. Or
in fact anyone’s suffering at all, at any time in history.
Jews. Are. Not. Special.
Now let’s look at the vote on
the Armenian genocide. This was long overdue. But it’s tricky, because Turkey
doesn’t like us to talk about its expulsion and murder of some 1.5 million
people. They just play the denial game. And the US relationship with Turkey is
complicated, delicate.
But everyone knows genocide is
bad, (except for Omar, apparently) and so the resolution finally passed in a
big way. Explaining
her abstention, Omar tweeted:
“A true acknowledgement [sic] of historical crimes against
humanity must include both the heinous genocides of the 20th century, along
with earlier mass slaughters like the transatlantic slave trade and Native
American genocide, which took the lives of hundreds of millions of indigenous
people in this country.”
In other words, we can’t talk
about a single genocide, without talking about all the other genocides, giving
them equal time. Because no one’s tragedy is worse than any other. They are all
the same. So if you are wary of Muslims in a world beset by Islamist terror, it’s
exactly like the hatred of the Jews that caused the Holocaust. So all hatred? Equally
bad. Jews not special. Armenians not special.
Muslims, on the other hand, are
maybe a bit more special. Because some animals are more equal than others. We know this because of the September $1,500
donation to Omar’s campaign by top Erdogan ally (and cousin) Halil Mutlu, co-chairman
of the Turkish American Steering Committee (TSAC), just one month before the
vote on the resolution. Hey, “it’s all about the Benjamins,” so why shouldn’t
Omar take money from the Turks to vote against recognition of the Ottoman
persecution of the Armenian people?
“Omar and the activist, Halil Mutlu, were also photographed
together at an event for the Turkish American Steering Committee (TASC), a
U.S.-based nonprofit that has for years waged public relations campaigns in
support of Turkish government policies and Turkish President Recep Tayyip
“Mutlu, who Turkish media outlets have reported is Erdogan’s
cousin, is co-chairman of TASC, according to the group’s website.
“Founded in 2015, TASC has orchestrated a public relations
push to cast doubt on whether the Ottoman empire committed genocide against
Armenians more than a century ago.”
There is no doubt that this
donation was a kind of bribery. $1,500 is, of course, a modest
amount for an abstention on a vote that is important to a Turkey that wants to
revise history to save face. But it is still wrong. And no less than we'd expect from someone like Omar. A woman who commits adultery
while wearing a hijab.
In addition to seeing the questionable nature of her behavior, we need to realize that nothing Omar does is by accident. Her actions regarding the two resolutions is a concerted plan to minimize the power of seminal events like the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide, by saying they are similar to other instances of bigotry and hatred. In this way, lesser events like the Arab Nakba, rise in importance, while the significance of monumental evils like genocide are diminished.
Omar's careful campaign to neutralize and defuse the power of genocide helps discrimination against Muslims gain traction as a talking point. Once that concept takes hold as valid and justifiable in the eyes of the public, it can serve to move forward progressive political aims such as the elimination of the State of Israel. The tautology works like this: In a Jewish state, Jews are sovereign over the land. This means they are preeminent above Muslims, which makes Israel a discriminatory endeavor that must cease to exist.
As society adopts the fallacy that discrimination against Muslims is bigger than it really is, there's a bonus in it for the cunning Omar and her cadre, too. Omar and her ilk will be watching on with satisfied smiles, as voters race to elect yet more Muslims to positions of power. It's the only thing society can do to correct what they now perceive as a huge societal wrong: anti-Muslim discrimination.
Something Omar would have you know, has been too long shunted aside.
Thanks to Jews and their Holocaust.
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