The Daily Jang of Pakistan reported this last week; it was expanded by a Saudi Arabian blog:
In a recent interview, the defense analyst and former three-star general, Lieutenant General (r) Ghulam Mustafa, shared what has been more than interesting. According to him Pakistan’s Shaheen-III missile has the capability of destroying Israel’s Tel Aviv in mere 12 minutes.
He said that the Shaheen III is 18 times faster than the speed of sound. He also declared that the enemies are well aware of it and they were afraid on 27th of February that Shaheen III would be launched at them. The Indian media had itself broke this news.
On 27th February two Indian Airforce jets were shot down by Pakistan. The Indian army was planning an intrusion in Pakistan which they failed. Mustafa also claimed that the United States (US), had this rightful fear that Pakistan would attack Tel Aviv as well.
This was the reason to why it handed over its Air-3 missile to Israel on 28th of February. He also believes that the Pulwama attack was a pre-planned one and was actually planned by “India’s premier intelligence agency and Israel” in which the US played a vital role.
To make things clear, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) has issued a statement allowing Mustafa and 25 other retired officers of the armed forces to appear in media as defense analysts. However, whatever they say are their opinions and are not attributable to the institution.
Sure sounds like a threat to me.
(h/t Tomer Ilan)