They are Jews, demons of mankind ... There is no peace with them and no normalization
We spoke in the previous two parts about the corruption and tyranny of the Israelites from the moment they conspired to kill their little brother Joseph in the era of their father Jacob (Israel) peace be upon them .. and their stubbornness and disbelief .. In the era of Moses and Jesus son of Mary peace be upon them .. And conspiring to kill The last (Mohammed) .. Then revoked the covenants and charters .. In the era of the Prophet peace be upon him ..
In this third part, we shed light on their illusions and tyranny in the modern era.
It is known historically, it has imposed on them humiliation and misery and unhappiness and Diaspora.
Al-Tabari explained that:
"Al-Hasan in saying: hit them with humiliation....God humiliated them, and God made them under the feet of Muslims"
The height of the Jews now, where they control of the world in all political, economic and scientific realms, is no coincidence or random. They have no intelligence or skill or mental genius in them .
These are people who do not understand, do not think is not expected for them to do any creative work, or building a civilization !!!
There did not appear from them, throughout their long history, until the nineteenth century, any scientist or inventor !!!
So, what is the secret? Suddenly, in the last two centuries, many scientists and inventors have begun to emerge from them. Their small, fledgling state, the occupied conqueror, is one of the most powerful countries in the world, financially, militarily, industrially, scientifically and taking control of the world.
The answer is clear and apparent as the sun in the fourth day.
It is Allah the Exalted Wise. He is the one who decided and spent ... at the specified time now .. To support the children of Israel .. And provide them with mental and scientific strength .. And creative and financial strength .. And they ridicule all human beings on earth .. To serve them and support them!
But why does God support them when they are his enemies .. and disbelievers .. And the killers of his prophets .. Hasn't he resolved his anger and indignation on them .. long ago ??? !!!
It is the same support, which was supported by Satan .. who refused to obey the command of God. However, he was allowed to rule over human beings and to glorify bad deeds.
It is a divine measure ...Allah wants to be Jews at this time known .. Introduction to the false messiah .. whose appearance will be the first major sign of the Day of Resurrection ..
The highness of the Jews today .. And tyranny and possession of extraordinary power extraordinary .. And control of the joints of the nations of the world .. And dominate the international resolutions .. And make the world's major powers .. Subject and lay them ..
It is quite similar to what the false messiah Al-Masih ad-Dajjal will have ... from more miraculous powers.
Such as the ability to revive the dead ..And bring the rain and germination of planting .. The flow of rivers of honey with him .. All this by order of God and permission from him .. To seduce people .. And test their faith ..
They are the little Al-Masih ad-Dajjal.
But the most important and most serious question is:
Is it possible to bring down the Jewish hegemony over the world, and its fragmentation and disintegration?
And what is the way to break .. And destroy this Jewish arrogance .. Dominant in the world?
Yes .. We say with all honesty and complete certainty ..
In the balance of faith in God alone .. And loyalty to him alone .. without involving the slaves in loyalty with him .. and rely on him alone .. And the entire religion alone ..
The order to remove this Jewish state and destroy it is easy ...
It needs to create a secure community .. Pure unity .. characterized by the above qualities ..
Tuesday 16 Ramadan
21 May 2019
Muwafaq al-Sibai
Don't worry, he is only anti-Zionist.