Wednesday, May 29, 2019

From Ian:

Caroline Glick talks about growing antisemitism in the realm of fake news
Caroline Glick, author and former Jerusalem Post columnist, is known for her fiery rhetoric about Israeli politics and security. But antisemitism?

Glick sat down with Avi Abelow, CEO and co-founder of the Israel Video Network, to discuss what she described as a growing concern that antisemitic views are being pushed onto the global public through the realm of fake news.

"You use fake facts in order to rationalize violent facts against Jews," Glick explained.

She said antisemitism throughout the ages has manifested itself as fake news or fake facts, such as the idea that Jews make Passover matzah with the blood of Christian children

"That is a fake fact," she said. "So then, antisemites will say, 'It is not that we hate Jews. We are concerned and we need to deal with the fact that these Jews are eating our children.'"

As a result, when people become brutal or genocidal against the Jews, they can justify their behavior, Glick said, as "just taking the normal action that anyone would take if someone were eating their children."

SHAME ON BUZZFEED AND WAPO: Ben Shapiro, Orthodox Jew And Top Conservative Foe Of The ‘Alt-Right,’ Does Not Turn People Into Neo-Nazis
BuzzFeed, facing a torrent of backlash for its blatant, fact-devoid smear, tweeted out a "correction" that instead claimed that the Jew-hating vandal claimed his road to radicalization included his wife reading Shapiro.

But it turns out that this "correction" was just as much a grotesque fabrication as was the original smear. As Daily Wire Senior Editor Emily Zanotti observed, "After looking at the FBI interview doc, it appears the only place [Shapiro's] name appears is in a sentencing document, submitted by the defense, arguing (weirdly) that this guy was radicalized by others and did the crime to please his wife."

In other words, Shapiro's name was only mentioned in a defense attorney-produced sentencing memo. "[The wife] moved on to writings by Ben Shapiro and articles on Breitbart News which bridged the gap to the notorious white supremacist and anti-Semitic propaganda site Stormfront," the memo claimed.

But why on earth would a news outlet report a criminal defense attorney's memo — a document definitionally designed to elicit sympathy for a criminal defense client, to deflect away and mitigate moral culpability, and to lower a sentence as much as possible — as if it were inerrant Gospel truth? A criminal defense attorney has one goal and one goal only: To get the lowest possible sentence for his client. While it cannot be said for sure whether the vandal's wife ever did consume Shapiro's content, it can be said for sure that the defense attorney's incentives, in submitting such a memo during the course of attempting to secure the lowest possible sentencing for his bigoted scofflaw of a client, are not necessarily perfectly aligned with the complete, neutral, unbiased truth. And it can also be said, more generally, that the notion that Torah-observant Jewish lion and adamant Zionist Ben Shapiro could ever be implied as responsible for the vandalization of a synagogue is patently absurd beyond any possibly describable measure.


CAIR-Philadelphia’s Distorted View of Children Singing about Beheadings and of the San Diego Synagogue Attack
In response to the deadly attack at the Chabad synagogue outside San Diego, CAIR-Philadelphia rushed to issue a press release in which it shamelessly disparaged the mainstream Jewish establishment’s support for Israel, castigated Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu for the lack of peace with the Palestinian Authority, blamed President Trump for white supremacy, denied the existence of anti-Semitism on college campuses, and whitewashed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel as “non-violent,” as if its followers are disciples of Gandhi.

And though it is true that white supremacy is a real danger to both Jews and Muslims, after the world witnessed the video that went viral of Islamic leaders in Philadelphia teaching their children to chop off the heads of Jews, is it also abundantly clear that Islamists are a danger to Jews and other people Islamists call "infidels." Yet such activities in Philadelphia, while far more relevant to CAIR-Pennsylvania’s purview, do not garner the same level of condemnation by the staff of CAIR Philadelphia.

While this may have been the first such video to be produced and seen in Philadelphia, videos such as this have been produced and shown on Hamas and Palestinian Authority TV for over twenty years. It wasn’t an “oversight,” as the Muslim American Society’s Philadelphia chapter claims, it was deliberate.

For CAIR-Philadelphia to believe that years of brainwashing Muslim children to hate and encourage head-chopping can be reversed through a CAIR-conducted diversity training program, which they are offering, is a smarmy insult to the Philadelphia community and the world. But then again, what can one expect from the executive director of CAIR Philadelphia, Mr. Jacob Bender, who told the Associated Press that this video, in which children are singing about chopping off heads, “was not an example of radicalization."
Jonathan S. Tobin: Germany’s problem goes beyond the kippah
In the United States, we know that anti-Semitism comes from both the far Right and the intersectional Left. But many partisans prefer to focus on the hate that can be blamed, whether fairly or not, on their political opponents and turn a blind eye to that which can be linked to their allies.

In Europe, threats to the Jewish population come from both the far Right, as well as from the growing population of immigrants from Muslim nations. But too much of the commentary about this situation seems to be influenced by worries about the rise of right-wing nationalist parties, along with a refusal to confront the truth about Muslim hatred of Jews and Israel.

Anti-Semitism from some of its traditional sources on the Right is fueling hostility toward Jews. In Germany, that takes the form of resentment against its “culture of remembrance” of the Holocaust. Unfortunately, not only has that culture failed to eradicate the lingering impact of 2,000 years of anti-Semitic incitement; it has also resulted in widespread resentment at the Jews. All too many Germans don’t seem able to forgive the Jews for reminding them of their grandparents’ guilt.

But that isn’t the only factor contributing to anti-Semitism.

As in many other European countries, the recent massive influx of immigrants from Muslim and Arab countries has created a vast new constituency. There is a long tradition of contempt for Jews in Islamic culture that has only been exacerbated by their resentment about the creation of modern-day Israel. Muslim expressions of hatred for Israel and Jews are now indistinguishable from traditional European anti-Semitic invective. This has created a bizarre alliance between Muslims and leftist academics and other elites who engage in similar delegitimization of Israel, Zionism and the Jews.
Don’t Blame Germany’s Commissioner for Jewish Life for Telling the Truth about Anti-Semitism in His Country
In an interview on Saturday, Felix Klein, Germany’s “commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against anti-Semitism,” stated that he “cannot advise Jews to wear the kippah everywhere or at all times in Germany” in light of the frequency of anti-Semitic attacks. German public figures, led by the popular newsmagazine Bild, have loudly criticized Klein and encouraged German Gentiles to wear kippot in solidarity. Defending Klein, Andrew Mark Bennett contends that he was not encouraging cowardice but simply stating the facts. Bennett has less patience for the wave of sympathizers:

“The kippah belongs to Germany,” declared Bild’s editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt. It’s a nice sentiment, but do the facts support such a claim? And what about the human being wearing the kippah? Does he belong to Germany, too? Even if he does not belong, what about the duty of the state to ensure his religious freedom and personal security? . . . Bild offered a cut-out kippah for Germans to wear in solidarity with Jews. The handful who don the cartoonish paper kippah can congratulate themselves for supporting Jewish life in Germany—without ever bothering to engage with an actual kippah-wearing Jew. This kippah-without-a-Jew is stripped of its traditional (and gendered) significance into a prop for asserting tolerant liberalism.

I do not need or want anyone to rebuke Klein. I want Germany to recognize, exactly as Klein has done, that the average kippah-wearing Jew has hidden his kippah under a hat in Germany for years. . . .

Today, various “neutrality” laws in Germany prohibit state employees in schools and in courts from wearing a kippah in the performance of their public-facing duties. The push for such provisions, buoyed by judicial approval, is only growing. The imagined need for “strengthening religious and ideological neutrality” is apparently of vastly greater importance than a Jew’s religious freedom. Furthermore, these laws tell us plainly that our kippah is not neutral, [but rather] alien to German law and education. . . .

German neo-Nazi parties aggressively push boycott of Israel
Two neo-Nazi parties are stoking the flames of BDS, a sanctions campaign targeting Israel that was classified as antisemitic in May by the German federal parliament. A third neo-Nazi party attacked Israel on Twitter.

The party Die Rechte (The Right) used an election poster for the weekend’s EU parliament vote stating: “Boycott Israel. Stop ethnic cleansing.”

The neo-Nazi party’s election poster also said: “Stop land robbery and expulsion: 8 million Palestinians want their land back.” The poster also showed maps depicting alleged losses of Palestinian territory over decades.

The Right Party used a second election poster that invoked the 19th century antisemitic German historian Heinrich von Treitschke, replacing his slogan of “The Jews are our misfortune!” with “Israel is our misfortune!”

Ursula Haverbeck, 90, serves as The Right’s chairwoman. She is currently serving a two-year sentence for Holocaust denial, which is a criminal offense in Germany.

Daughter of Kindertransport founder criticises May over resignation speech
The daughter of Sir Nicholas Winton, the organiser behind the Kindertransport, has criticised Theresa May over her policies towards refugees after the former prime minister quoted Sir Nicholas during her resignation speech on Friday.

In a reference to members of her party who have refused to vote for her Brexit deal, Mrs May praised the "great humanitarian" Sir Nicholas and quoted him telling her that “compromise is not a dirty word”.

But writing in the Times, Sir Nicholas’ daughter, Barbara, said: “Sadly, such admiration has not led to following in his footsteps in relation to today’s child refugees.

“Like so many others who believe the UK should be welcoming more vulnerable refugee children, I increasingly despair at the situation facing child refugees in Europe today.”

Sir Nicholas organised Kindertransports that saved 669 children from Czechoslovakia.

Mrs May said in her speech: “For many years the great humanitarian Sir Nicholas Winton, who saved the lives of hundreds of children by arranging their evacuation from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia through the Kindertransport, was my constituent in Maidenhead.

“At another time of political controversy, a few years before his death, he took me to one side at a local event and gave me a piece of advice.

“He said: ‘Never forget that compromise is not a dirty word. Life depends on compromise’. He was right.”
Jeremy Corbyn and a party infected by pure poison: JULIA NEUBERGER, the Rabbi whose mother fled to the UK to escape the Nazis, gives her damning verdict on Labour's anti-Semitism shame
Although the majority of my mother's family was murdered during the Holocaust, when I was a child growing up in North London in the Fifties and early Sixties, I was not particularly concerned with anti-Semitism.

If Jews were menaced in Britain, we were certainly not aware of it. We were free to practise Judaism, to walk the streets in fancy dress at Purim, to light our candles at Chanukkah. Nobody turned a hair. But in recent years, our sense of security has been replaced by trepidation.

The man who shoulders a significant portion of the blame for that is Jeremy Corbyn.

I write as the first woman rabbi in Britain ever to run a synagogue, and as someone who has just written a book on anti-Semitism in all its guises around the world — with several pages devoted to the shocking level it has reached in Labour under Corbyn.

When I heard yesterday that the Equality and Human Rights Commission had finally decided to launch a formal inquiry into the Labour Party, I was not surprised — even though it is only the second British political party to be formally investigated for ethnic or religious discrimination. (The first was the BNP in 2009).

The investigation into Her Majesty's Opposition represents a new low in British politics. And Corbyn and his blinkered acolytes should hang their heads in shame.

Yet the fact is the Commission's inquiry is well overdue.

This, after all, is a party that took three years to boot out activist Jackie Walker, a prolific anti-Semite who claimed Jews controlled the slave trade and benefited from the Holocaust — but just 36 hours to expel Alastair Campbell after he revealed he voted for the Liberal Democrats last week.
Equality and Human Rights Commission launches full statutory investigation into the Labour Party following complaint by CAA
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a full statutory investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party following a formal referral and detailed legal representations from Campaign Against Antisemitism, which is the complainant.

The Commission’s investigation will evaluate the Labour Party’s handling of the many acts of antisemitic discrimination and victimisation detailed in the dossiers that Campaign Against Antisemitism has provided in a number of submissions since July 2018.

The Commission, which was created by a Labour government in 2006, is vested with tough powers designed to force organisations to comply with equality and human rights laws.

The decision to launch a statutory investigation under section 20 of the Equality Act 2006 unlocks the Commission’s full range of enforcement powers, allowing it to compel the Labour Party to reveal details of its handling of antisemitism in recent years, including internal communications such as text messages and e-mails. The Commission can also seek court injunctions against the Labour Party to prevent further antisemitic discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and it can also impose an action plan on the Party and enforce compliance through the courts.

The Commission has made the move following a pre-enforcement engagement process with the Labour Party that left it convinced that the Party could not be trusted to resolve its antisemitism problem on its own. During the pre-enforcement engagement process, numerous senior Labour figures called for the Commission to investigate, including Deputy Labour Leader Tom Watson, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry and former Justice Secretary Lord Falconer.

Gideon Falter, Chief Executive of Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: “There are only two reasons that the Commission has taken this extraordinary step. The first is that the Labour Party has repeatedly failed to address its own antisemitism problem. The second is that when the Commission approached the Labour leadership, they still failed to offer to action sufficient to reassure the Commission that the antisemitic discrimination and victimisation would stop.
British Jewish Groups Hail Human Rights Commission’s Decision to Open Labour Party Antisemitism Probe
British Jewish groups have praised their country’s Equality and Human Rights Commission for opening an investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party.

Since far-left anti-Israel MP Jeremy Corbyn was elected as the party’s leader in 2015, Labour has been wracked with antisemitism scandals, some of them touching Corbyn himself. The overwhelming majority of British Jews consider him to be personally antisemitic.

In opening an investigation, the Commission will now be able to compel Labour to be transparent about its handling of antisemitic incidents. It can also enforce a plan to deal with antisemitism on the party.

Gideon Falter, chief executive of the UK-based Campaign Against Antisemitism, said of the news, “There are only two reasons that the Commission has taken this extraordinary step. The first is that the Labour Party has repeatedly failed to address its own antisemitism problem. The second is that when the Commission approached the Labour leadership, they still failed to offer to action sufficient to reassure the Commission that the antisemitic discrimination and victimisation would stop.”

Falter noted that Corbyn and other Labour officials had “refused to listen to British Jews nor even to the MPs, MEPs, councillors and activists who have quit Labour because the Party which for decades was a great anti-racist Party has now become a home for hatred in British politics.”

BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’ fails to challenge misinformation on antisemitism
Much of Clare Short’s contribution focused on promoting one specific false claim which, given her record of anti-Israel activism and her previous statements concerning the Labour party antisemitism scandal, could hardly have come as a surprise to those who solicited her participation.

“…what’s happened is there’s been a widening of the definition of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel. The anyone who’s sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians is called antisemitic. That’s what’s happened.”

“…but what I’ve said about this whole dilemma is true. They’ve broadened the definition to say criticism of Israel, which is in breach of international law, is part of antisemitism. And then people who are active on that issue are being picked on.”

“I am saying that criticism of Israel’s breaches of international law is not antisemitism.”

“…but if the definition has been stretched to include criticism of Israel…”

“Do you think the definition of antisemitism should include criticism of Israel?”

“…everybody should make this distinction: antisemitism is evil. Extending the definition to prevent people having any sympathy for the suffering of the Palestinians is a misuse of that allegation.”

Amid rising anti-Semitism, one university is attracting Jews
With campuses in London, Oxford and beyond becoming increasingly inhospitable to Jews, Birmingham’s university has seen its Jewish population soar so dramatically over the past decade that the Jewish student body now outnumbers the centuries-old Jewish community in the United Kingdom’s second largest city.

“I’d say many Jews come here because the Jewish scene is so active and because it’s a less politicized university than some of the ones in London,” Harris, the former president of the Jewish Society of Birmingham University, said of the institution. “It tends to draw more Jews in.”

Around campus, Harris and others often wear a sweatshirt of their Jewish society, called JSOC in campus jargon and pronounced “jay sock.” It’s emblazoned with a Star of David — often an invitation for abuse on campuses throughout the UK.

Sipping a latte at the busy university branch of Starbucks, Harris said he has never encountered anti-Semitic abuse wearing the shirt in his three years studying political science at Birmingham U.

To Harris, this safety is partly rooted, paradoxically perhaps, in the high visibility of Jews on campus. Elsewhere in Europe and beyond, some Jewish students try to keep a low profile to stay safe.

The problem with doing that is that “eventually people don’t recognize you as a force to be reckoned with,” Harris said.

Jewish life at the University of Birmingham is not low profile.
UK lecturer accused of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial is dismissed
A science lecturer at the UK’s University of Essex has been dismissed after he posted anti-Semitic messages on Facebook and called on students to vote against forming a new Jewish society.

The university said it completed an investigation “into the serious allegations made against a member of staff,” the UK’s Jewish Chronicle reported Wednesday.

“Following a tribunal hearing which considered all the evidence the member of staff has been dismissed,” a university spokesperson told the paper.

Computer science lecturer Maaruf Ali was probed over claims he posted content including Holocaust denial, opposition to the creation of a Jewish society at the university and conspiracy theories about Zionism.

Union of Jewish Students campaigns organizer Daniel Kosky said the decision was “wholly correct.”

“We welcome this positive step in creating an inclusive campus environment, and we hope to see the University of Essex continue this work into the future,” Kosky said. “Those in positions of responsibility and influence must be held accountable for the environment that they create in lecture halls,”

At a vote in February, the university’s student union ultimately created a new Jewish society on campus, but over 200 students cast ballots against the measure during a vote, raising concerns of rising anti-Semitism at the academic institution.
At Haifa University, Pitzer College President Reaffirms Opposition to Israel Boycott, Support of Academic Freedom
The president of Pitzer College in California on Tuesday reaffirmed his opposition to academic boycotts while visiting the University of Haifa — the same institution that a Pitzer governance body attempted to cut ties with some two months ago.

“Academic boycotts of any nation set us on a path of breaking the free exchange of ideas,” said President Melvin Oliver. “To boycott a country on the basis of their policies is by definition a blanket indictment of the nation itself, and by extension its citizens. This is whether we are talking about Israel and its immigration policies or the United States and its Muslim ban.”

Oliver vetoed a resolution passed in March by the Pitzer College Council — which includes faculty, students, and staff — to suspend its study abroad program at the University of Haifa, the only such program Pitzer maintains in Israel. An earlier faculty resolution endorsing the suspension was adopted in November.

In a message announcing his decision, Oliver pointed out the lack of consensus behind the politically-driven measure, the “harm” it would have on the academic freedom of individual students and “the free exchange of ideas,” and the prejudiced stance it took by singling out Israel while maintaining cooperation with universities in other nations.

New York Times Whitewashes Ashkenazim — Again
And what I found, near the very top, was this:
“And though it (the 1992 animated Aladdin movie) is set in a fictional port city in Arabia, its characters were voiced by a majority white cast.”

My first instinct was to brush it aside, thinking “I’ll just take the author’s word for it, I guess”. But then I remembered one very important thing: erasure of Jewish indigeneity to the Middle East is an ongoing problem, and it sure as hell isn’t marginal.

For this reason, I felt compelled to do a bit of digging. And what I found was that not only were two of the main actors non-white, they were in fact Middle Eastern. Specifically, they were Ashkenazi Jews.

So although the above statement is technically true (since a cast of two non-white voice actors vs at least five white actors is still ‘majority white’), I seriously doubt that they meant to include Jews in the non-white category, especially when one of these Jewish actors played the lead character.

But why would the NYT miscast ethnic Jews, an indigenous people of the southern Levant, as “white”? Especially in relation to other Middle Eastern peoples? Could it have been an oversight? Given the cultural and political context in which this piece exists, and NYT’s abominable reputation vis a vis anything Jewish-related, I am fairly certain that the answer is “no”.

***EDIT: On the same day, the Guardian (another prominent newspaper with an equally abysmal track record on antisemitism) described the half-Jewish Jake Gyllenhaal, who played the titular Prince in the 2010 film “Prince of Persia”, as a non-Middle Eastern actor. This is yet another example of cultural/ethnic erasure against Jews.***

In fact, it is part of a wider pattern of refusing to acknowledge the Levantine origins/ethnic identity of Ashkenazi Jews — something no one had ever denied before 1948. The reasons why this is bullsh!t – not to mention antisemitic — have been discussed at length in previous articles.

Accused neo-Nazi launches presidential campaign: ‘This is Argentina, not Israel’
An accused neo-Nazi running for president in Argentina said he would expel the Israeli ambassador.

Alejandro Biondini, a veteran far-right ultranationalist leader, is the presidential candidate for the Patriotic Front party. On Friday, Biondini launched his presidential campaign for the Oct. 27 elections in front of the Italian civil organization, the Unione e Benevolenza, in the center of Buenos Aires.

Biondini has said he will expel the Israeli ambassador from the country.

“I define myself as a clear defender of the Palestinian State,” he tweeted in February. “I repudiate the colonialist genocidal Zionism. I reaffirm it: when I am president I will expel the British and the Israeli ambassadors.”

Argentina fought the British over the Falkland Islands in 1982.

In launching his campaign, Biondinie reiterated his promise and warned the country’s Jewish leadership.

“I said to the DAIA [Argentina’s Jewish political umbrella organization] that this is Argentina … this is not Israel,” to applause and shouts from the crowd. There was violence in the street before the event.

Biondini has openly espoused anti-Semitism and his admiration for Adolf Hitler.
Mexico City's youth department shares tweet with info on Joseph Goebbels
Mexico City’s youth department has removed a tweet with an infographic on the Nazis’ infamous propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

The Mexico City Youth Institute, or Injuve, also apologized after deleting the post about the birth of Goebbels, which featured the text in Spanish “el padre da la propaganda,” or “the father of propaganda,” and the hashtags #Nazi and #Hitler.

“Injuve reiterates its commitment to tolerance, respect for all people, peoples, and diversity. The intention of our posts only seeks to generate historical memory, without exalting or claiming any kind of ideology,” the agency wrote in a new tweet on Sunday.

There was speculation that the agency’s social media specialist would be fired.

The Mexico Jewish community’s central committee reacted Monday in a statement.

“It is unacceptable that an institute in Mexico City makes this type of advertisement of the most racist, anti-Semitic and bloodthirsty political party in the history of the 20th century,” the statement said.

From the webNetApp buys Israeli data protection company Cognigo
Cognigo's 35 employees are joining the US hybrid cloud data services company's Israel development center. The acquisition is for $70 million.

US hybrid cloud data services company NetApp Inc. (Nasdaq: NTAP) has acquired Israeli data security company Cognigo in a deal last month that was not publicized. Sources inform "Globes" that the acquisition was for about $70 million. Following the acquisition, Cognigo's 35 employees are joining NetApp's Israel development center, which already has 80-90 employees.

Cognigo was founded in 2015 by Guy Leibovitz, who served as CEO until the acquisition. The company has raised $11 million to date in two financing rounds. The first was led by Pinhas Buchris, Yuval Baharav and Nir Adler's SOMV and the second by OurCrowd. Other investors in Cognigo include Mivtach Group and the investment fund of Spanish company Prosegur.

Cognigo has developed a platform for data protection and adapting it to the various privacy regulations worldwide such as GDPR. The Israeli company uses AI technology and natural language processing in order to categorize every piece of data according to the regulations required for specific types of data.
How Israel Helps Guatemala — and the World
It was a sweltering day in rural Guatemala. Our small team of Christian pastors made the two-hour journey from Guatemala City to ground zero — the foothills of the towering peaks that form the distant backdrop of the bustling capital.

We had been invited by leaders from Foursquare Guatemala to help train young church leaders, and — because of our interest in Middle Eastern affairs — to witness the growing partnership between these rural communities and MASHAV, Israel’s international development ministry.

Nearly one year ago — on June 3, 2018 — Volcan de Fuego, a soaring strato-volcano, spewed lava, ash, and gas for more than 16 hours on to heavily populated towns and villages.

Eleven months later, we found ourselves on a back road, unmarked by highway signage, traveling towards the areas most affected. As our vehicle moved forward, our view of dry fields was soon replaced by hundreds of mounds of gray volcanic ash several stories high, mangled sheet metal, and the remains of homes, farms, and churches scorched by the intense heat of pyroclastic flows.
Miss Iraq to receive Ambassador for Peace award for promoting tolerance
Geneva-based non-governmental organization United Nations Watch has announced that Sarah Idan, who as Miss Iraq in 2017 faced death threats for posting a photo of herself with Miss Israel, will receive the Swiss organization’s Ambassador for Peace Award.

In recognition of her courageous and extraordinary actions to promote tolerance, build bridges for peace and spread a message of hope and unity, the prize will be presented to Idan at a Geneva ceremony attended by senior diplomats of the U.N. Human Rights Council, during U.N. Watch’s 2019 annual gala dinner on June 13.

Previous winners of the award include Nobel Peace Prize Laureate David Trimble; French Prime Minister Manuel Valls; Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar; Turkish journalist Yavuz Baydar; Chinese dissident Yang Jianli; Antonio Ledezma, the Mayor of Caracas and former political prisoner; Russian dissident and world chess champion Garry Kasparov; Dr. Massouda Jalal, Afghanistan’s first Minister for Women’s Affairs; and Esther Mujawayo, an activist for victims of the genocide in Rwanda.

By awarding Idan with this honor, U.N. Watch executive director Hillel Neuer hopes that the United Nations and human-rights agencies in Geneva will learn from Idan.
Australia Securities Exchange, wooing Israeli tech, seeks dual-listing with TASE
The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has put in a request for Israeli regulatory approvals that will allow companies listed on the exchange Down Under to list in Tel Aviv as well, according to Max Cunningham, executive general manager of Listings at the ASX.

The arrangement would allow Israeli or Australian firms that have listed on the Australian exchange to also list their shares in Israel.

“We have made an application with the securities regulator” in Israel, Cunningham said in an interview in Tel Aviv. The dual-listing of shares is beneficial for companies because it helps firms “access broader pools of capital” from a wider variety of investors, he explained.

Israel Securities Authority chairman Anat Guetta told Reuters earlier this month that Israel may expand the dual listing arrangements it has with exchanges to include Australia, as the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) tries to draw more investors and companies in order to boost dwindling trading volumes. Companies whose shares are traded in New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Toronto are currently allowed to dual-list their shares in Tel Aviv.
Australian billionaire Sir Frank Lowy makes aliyah
Frank Lowy, a Holocaust survivor who fought in Israel’s War of Independence and went on to become a billionaire shopping magnate in Australia, has made aliyah.

“I feel that I’m home. That’s all. Very simple,” Lowy said in an interview aired Tuesday by Israel’s Channel 12.

Born in what is now Slovakia in 1930, Lowy and his family ended up in the Budapest ghetto during the war, where his father Hugo disappeared while trying to find the family a way out. Lowy escaped to France, tried to reach Palestine and was interned by the British in Cyprus before finally arriving and joining the Hagana, fighting in Israel’s War of Independence.

“When I was a lone soldier I didn’t have a penny with me. Everybody was eating hummus with tehina and ate falafel, and I couldn’t buy it. I was a little hungry, but I managed,” Lowy said in Hebrew.

Working as a plumber in Haifa after the war, Lowy decided to join his mother and brother when they got visas to Australia in 1952, anglicizing his name from Pinchas to Frank. In a rags-to-riches success story, Lowy worked his way up and in 1959 co-founded the shopping center company Westfield, which he sold in December 2017 for $33 billion.

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