Yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas appointed a new prime minister, who now has two weeks to form a government.
Unlike the last prime minister Rami Hamdallah, this one - Mohammed Ashtayeh - is a member of Fatah, which Abbas leads.
Ashtayeh is an unabashed supporter of Abbas, and together with other political moves Abbas has done recently, power is now completely consolidated under Abbas for every single Palestinian governmental wing.
Ashtayeh is a dean of Arab American University. He was chosen partially because he is seen as a moderate that Europeans and Americans would accept.
If anyone has any doubt that Ashtayeh is a puppet of Abbas, just read the fawning letter Ashtayeh wrote to Abbas when accepting his position:
I have the honor to accept your assignment to me as Prime Minister of your Government, which we hope will be completed in consultation with all relevant national, civil and community factions, forces and actors and then submit them to you for approval and endorsement.
I am honored to accept this mandate, in the name of the Fatah movement, the protector of our national project, the initiator and political realism, the advocate of the independent decision and the leader of Palestinian national unity, within the framework of the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
I am fully aware of the situation in which we are going through politically, economically and financially, and I am aware of the attack on your steadfastness. But, Mr. President, you have been here since the beginning of the revolution with your brothers Abu Ammar, Abu Jihad, Abu Iyad, Abu Al-Saeed, Abu Al- , Abdul Fattah Hammoud and others - what is harder than we are today, and we will move from here with your wise leadership.
You have done so much, Mr. President, in the face of the battle for existence, the battle of representation, and the battle of containment. You have accomplished the recognition of the Organization, which Abu Ammar has dedicated to his nation, and to recognize the State which you have raised the flag of Palestine among the flags of the world at the entrance of the United Nations.
Under your guidance, my brothers in Fatah and the national factions - our partners in the Organization - we will work to embody an independent, sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital on the borders of 1967, and to continue our struggle for the justifications of the right of return.
Today, you and your family in Jerusalem are fighting to protect the city from Judaization, and to preserve it as an Arab Palestinian city, open to the worship of God. The battle to protect Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem is fought by strengthening the steadfastness of its Muslim and Christian people on the land of their holy city.
I thank you, Mr. President, for the trust, and I thank my brothers in Fatah. I trust that I have been and will remain at your best,
May God reward you, and we are with you in the service of our people, and we will remain on the covenant as we entrusted until we reach freedom and independence.
your brother
Dr.. Mohammed Ibrahim Ashtayeh