Khashoggi became hot topic in the media when he disappeared on October 2 after
visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. After days of incessant media
coverage, the story suddenly dropped out of the news cycle. Recently it has
made a tentative reappearance but the question is – why?
Most of us
had never heard of Jamal Khashoggi until the media began discussing his
disappearance. We learned that he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul but
did not leave it. Later it seemed that he was removed, in pieces, in the
luggage of the Saudi hit team who came to get rid of him.
media seems to view this story as a Hollywood thriller - and that’s where the
focus on facts ended and narrative began.
The most
popular narrative reads like a movie synopsis: “The
revolutionary, brave journalist went to the embassy to get documentation that
would enable him to live happily ever after with the woman of his dreams, only
to disappear, setting off an investigation that reveals international
involvement with the evil regime that led to his brutal murder. The corruption
goes to the highest levels of government, including the US government.”
·Mohammad Bin
Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and his hit team
·Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan, President of Turkey, the location of the murder
·The media
There are
also “silent players” those who are not “on stage.” They are the audience this
story is designed to influence. Can you guess who they are?
The good
Hollywood thriller has a good guy. The narrative presented by the media says
that Jamal Khashoggi was the good guy - but is that true?
without knowing all the details, asking the most basic questions cause the
narrative to begin to unravel.
values uphold freedom of the press so we assume the abused journalist must be
the “good guy” but did the media make the same fuss for Daniel Pearl (kidnapped
and murdered for being Jewish) or James Foley (kidnapped and murdered by ISIS
for being American)?
Has the media focused similar amount of time on the Yazidi genocide (by ISIS)?
The oppression in Iran? The slave trade in Libya?
No? Why?
Much has
already been written about Khashoggi and who he really was. Anyone interested
can easily find online the information about his connections to Osama Bin
Laden, his membership and vocal advocacy of the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist
organization that gave birth to Hamas and eventually Al Qaeda).
as someone who enjoys her western freedoms and also happens to be Jewish, I
cannot categorize a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, openly and loudly
advocating for Sharia and the Caliphate as the “good guy”. This is a man who
belonged to a terrorist organization, an avid Islamist and a spokesperson for
the destruction of our way of life. Nope. Not good.
So, does
that mean Mohammad Bin Salman is the “good guy”? Before this murder occurred, the media
portrayed him as a great reformer, democratizing Saudi Arabia. This is “good”
problem is that “democratizing” was also a media narrative. Salman passed reforms
that loosened some restrictions on the population of Saudi Arabia however these
have nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with creating a
strategic balance to retain power, so that the young people in his country will
not rebel. There is no actual freedom involved, just a little less oppression.
So why has
the media expressed such shock over the murder of Khashoggi? Is it some
big surprise that Saudi Arabia is an oppressive regime with little (if any)
regard for human rights? Mohammad Bin Salman, has disappeared members of
his own (extended) family. They usually don’t die but go on extended
“vacations” they can’t return from… What’s Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident, in
comparison to family loyalties, particularly in a tribal society like Saudi
reality is that in the Middle East (and in all dictatorial countries),
disappearing political enemies is standard practice. Murder, torture and abuse
is common. In the history of humankind freedom and democracy are an aberration,
not the norm.
This is
also true for Turkey and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The sudden demand for
justice for Khashoggi is laughable in the face of Erdoğan’s own abuse of human
rights, jailing of journalists and disappearance of political adversaries.
The victim
was an avid Islamist and terrorist sympathizer. The perpetrator is a
dictatorial abusive regime. The country crying out in shock and outrage for
what occurred on their soil has no better a track record.
None of
these players are “good guys”.
conflict between the facts and the narrative presented in the media raise
disturbing questions:
·Why did the
media so enthusiastically embrace Jamal Khashoggi, a known avid terrorist
sympathizer, a member of a terrorist organization himself, as an innocent
·Why did the
media first uphold Mohammad Bin Salman as some great reformer democratizing
Saudi Arabia and now try to push for his removal?
·Why is there a
huge push for America to impose sanctions on Saudi Arabia when the same people
violently resisted sanctions on Iran?
·Why the demand
to dissolve the $110 billion dollar arms deal Trump made with the Saudis? What
lies in the balance? Prosperity and jobs for more Americans and arms for the
Saudis to protect themselves from Iran vs some sudden awakening that the Saudi
government is not democratic and doesn’t care about human rights?
Even without knowing all the details behind these obviously contradictory
positions, they raise more questions than answers. That is the point when it is
time to begin asking: who benefits from this narrative? What agenda is being
furthered by this type of reporting?
the Khashoggi story has reentered the news-cycle, this time with a new angle.
Supposedly the technology the Saudis used to track Khashoggi was created by an
Israeli company. This seems to be a tacit way to imply that Israel can be
blamed as an accessory to this murder. Because Israel is always to blame. Or
Not my
circus, not my monkeys
As much as
the media might imply and insinuate, this story, thank God, is not our circus,
not our monkeys. This story isn’t about Israel. It’s not about Jews. It’s not about
America or Europe either. This is a story about Islamism and the internal war
within Islam. This is about dictators and the way things are done in places
that are not free.
problem is that what is being presented as a Hollywood screenplay, is not. Real
lives are at stake as is the balance of power among nations. When Middle
Eastern countries are destabilized the “circus” does not stay “over there,” the
“monkeys” stop being amusing and become very dangerous to people all over the
WE are the
silent players in this show, the audience it is designed to influence. But why?
Who benefits from this narrative? What agenda is being furthered?
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
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This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.
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