Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Roseanne Barr called George Soros a Nazi and then apologized. Some of us wish she hadn’t. It was one of those times when Roseanne shot her mouth off and we actually agreed with her; reveled in the bluntness of one of her politically incorrect pronouncements.
We understood why she apologized, of course. She’s already under fire, what with the tweet about Valerie Jarrett, and losing her show. (Talk about a bad day for freedom of speech.)

But once Roseanne referred to George Soros as a Nazi, things went from really bad to worse.

The media rushed to excoriate Roseanne and “correct” the record on Soros. They bent over backward to whitewash the relevant history. But the thing is, there’s a clip—a 60 Minutes clip from 1998, to be exact—in which George Soros outright admits what he did during the Holocaust to his fellow Jews.
In the clip, moreover, Soros says he feels not a shred of remorse for what he did.
Here’s a transcript of the relevant part of the interview:
60 Minutes: [You] went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
Soros: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
60 Minutes: I mean, that’s—that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
Soros: Not—not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t—you don’t see the connection. But it was—it created no—no problem at all.
60 Minutes: No feeling of guilt?
Soros: No.
But don’t take my word for it. Watch the clip.

Seems pretty cut and dried, right? He helped confiscate Jewish property. He doesn’t feel remorse.
But the media must try to spin it, because Soros is their guy.
Vox, for instance, tells you that Soros seems confused by the questions:
Even in that 60 Minutes interview that is pasted across the internet as conclusive evidence of Soros’s Nazi ties, Soros says that he was “only a spectator” to the confiscation of property (though he does say initially that he did help but seems confused by the question).
He didn’t look confused to me. Not in the least. There was no hesitation, no stumbling over words, and no pause. He understood the questions. He answered them. Period.
As to the claim that he was “only” 13, this is utterly meaningless. Think back to when you were 13. Were you that clueless? Would you have helped someone confiscate the property of your neighbors, your people?
There are some things you just don’t do. Even on pain of death. Even at 13.
It is, after all, the age that a Jew becomes a man: becomes bar mitzvah. Old enough to know right from wrong. Old enough to be responsible.
Roseanne was right the first time. Soros was a Nazi collaborator who stole property from his own people. And he doesn’t even feel bad about it.
He was a bad person then and he’s a bad person now and none of us should be afraid to say so.
Here’s to better times, when someone like Roseanne Barr is free to speak her mind without awful consequences and the media doesn’t spin the truth to protect a very wealthy, very bad man who climbed and continues to climb up the ladder on the backs of his own people.

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