The American Black-Jewish alliance---a fiction laid to rest
Today there remains a tiny minority in the American Jewish community who continue the charade of promoting the “historic coalition” between Jews and blacks. These Jewish advocates for blacks call themselves Jewish and are funded by Jews, but their organizations are rarely Jewish or support Jewish interests.Culture Corbyn leads fosters the anti-Semitism he claims to condemn
And, perhaps, the death knell of black-Jewish relations has been the result of too many Jewish families whose members have been victims of black violence, including murder. If you do not believe this, just ask.
In America, Jews successfully live side-by-side with so many minority communities, where they share the same values of hard work, family and education. But this was never the reality with blacks and Jews.
Regrettably, the half century of Jews promoting American blacks will prove to have been just one more failing, in the long line of failures among American Jewish leaders.
Yet it is also a measure of what eternal optimists Jews are, to have maintained this fiction of a Jewish-black coalition for over 50 years.
Seeking utopia in our times, Jews have embraced delusions such as communism and socialism. And we learned that the only way to justify the indefensible failures of these utopias was to constantly lie and scream down opponents.
In the same way, it has been only delusions that have held together the “historic coalition” among American Jews and blacks.
Indeed, of the three ‘admins’ who run the group, one – the group’s founder – is a conspiracy theorist who shares material from Holocaust Denial websites; a second identified himself as a ‘9/11 Truther’ and posted a Holocaust Denial article that dismissed the “fictional account” of six million Jews dying in the Holocaust, claiming instead that “somewhere between 100-150 thousand people perished in Auschwitz mainly as a result of disease and starvation”; while a third admin posted an article in the group titled “Israel Control of USA Government” that quoted approvingly from Mein Kampf.
This doesn’t mean that most of the members of this group are anti-Semitic, any more than most people who sympathise with the Palestinians are anti-Semitic. But what it does confirm is the long-held suspicion that some anti-Semites use anti-Israel activism as a socially-acceptable outlet for their anti-Jewish prejudice; and that this includes some of this country’s leading anti-Israel activists.
It also supports the findings of Britain’s largest-ever survey of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attitudes, published last year by CST and the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, which found that the more anti-Israel a person is, the more likely they are to also hold anti-Jewish attitudes.
And because the most active members of this Facebook group also tend to be the more anti-Semitic ones, their views set the tone for the group as a whole. Meanwhile, the other members of the group, including several Jewish anti-Zionists, rarely object to the anti-Semitism posted there. Instead, they just get on with using the group to organise their activities and encourage their comrades. This is how a political culture becomes anti-Semitic, even if most people in that world are not, themselves, anti-Semites.
Needless to say, many of the group’s members support Jeremy Corbyn and have joined the Labour Party since he became leader.
Corbyn has responded, as he always does, by saying he condemns anti-Semitism.
But until he understands that the political culture of which he is a leader fosters the very anti-Semitism he claims to condemn, this problem will only get worse.
Daily Freier: As a Lefty Jew, How Do I Feel About Farrakhan? Hey Look! A Squirrel! (satire)
As a Progressive Jew, Am I Okay with Farrakhan’s speeches where he says that Jews are “Satanic”? Can we change the subject? Because to be honest, I would rather talk about something that doesn’t challenge my worldview. How about right-wing antisemitism? Wouldn’t you rather talk about right-wing antisemitism? That’s much more interesting than Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory defending Farrakhan. Or Congressman Keith Ellison’s long relationship with him. Or President Obama’s meeting with him and having the photo suppressed for a dozen years.
What is that? you want to talk about the Left’s moral blindness to antisemitism in its midst and the Left’s failure to expel antisemites from their ranks? Because I really felt that Caddyshack 2 was a huge disappointment, didn’t you? Just really fell flat.
Wait, you still want to talk about how Linda Sarsour’s anti-Zionism meshes with her support of a man who called Judaism a “gutter religion”? Hey, did you see the season finale of The Bachelor? Wasn’t that a dramatic ending??? OMG!
OK, you still want to know why the Left gives itself a pass on Farrakhan, while it complains about people on the Right using the word “Globalist”? Because quite frankly I would rather get a tooth extracted than talk about this. Let’s talk about something else. How about the weather? Crazy, huh?
Dr. Dore Gold presentation: "Jerusalem: what's at stake" (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Tortured Iranian expat makes documentaries to educate Muslims about Holocaust
As a young boy growing up in Tehran in the 1970s and ’80s, Maziar Bahari remembers asking his mother “What’s a Jew?” and “What’s Jewish?” So she explained that Judaism is a different religion and told him about many famous Jewish people such as Albert Einstein.
It wasn’t a question plucked from the sky. There was a kosher butcher down the street from his childhood home, and a few blocks away stood the country’s largest synagogue.
So maybe it was bashert (preordained) that in 1994 Bahari made a film “The Voyage of the St. Louis” about the famous ship and the fate of its 937 passengers, nearly all Jewish refugees trying to escape the Holocaust.
By that time he was living in Canada, having fled alone from Iran in 1986 at age 19. It wasn’t a short journey — first he crossed into Pakistan and spent 18 months there, before immigrating to Canada.
As an immigrant he was drawn to the stories of the Jews aboard the St. Louis, but his quest to understand the Holocaust didn’t end there. He also made a film about the Iranian diplomat Abdol Hossein Sardari — known as the Schindler of Iran — who saved thousands of Jewish lives in occupied France.
As far as Bahari knows he is the only Iranian to sympathize with and make films about the Holocaust. But while teaching about it on a grand scale is important, Bahari said it is through individual stories that the lessons of the Holocaust can be learned.
So @LouisFarrakhan is fine with Twitter, but @scrowder gets suspended for comedy routines. @jack, you're making an ass of yourself. #FreeCrowder
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 14, 2018
Israeli Scientists Hail Late Stephen Hawking’s Work, Criticize Stance on Academic Boycott
Both scientists, however, expressed polite disagreement with Hawking’s decision to boycott Israel in the 2000s.Roger Waters releases video response to Trump's embassy move
“I thought it was wrong to mix up politics and science because science is universal,” said Kol. “Of course, I also wasn’t happy with a boycott of Israel, it is opposed to the spirit of science and doesn’t help anything. Therefore I was at the top of a letter from Israeli scientists that was sent to him on the issue. We asked him to take it back and we never received a reply.”
Netzer did not sign the letter, but nonetheless stated, “I felt bad about the boycott. Like a lot of scientists I think we have to separate science from politics, but I continued to admire [Hawking] and judge him according to his discoveries.”
Ironically, despite Hawking’s boycott support, it was in fact due in part to an Israeli scientist that Hawking would achieve the breakthrough that brought him fame.
According to The New York Times, Hawking became involved in the 1970s in a feud with Israeli physicist Jacob Bekenstein, then a graduate student at Princeton. Bekenstein theorized that black holes had entropy. Hawking rejected this theory, later writing, “I was very down on Bekenstein.”
Hawking attempted to use quantum physics to disprove Bekenstein’s claims, but the calculations, which Hawking did entirely in his head, “indicated to his surprise that particles and radiation were spewing out of black holes. Dr. Hawking became convinced that his calculation was correct when he realized that the outgoing radiation would have a thermal spectrum characteristic of the heat radiated by any warm body, from a star to a fevered forehead. Dr. Bekenstein had been right.”
This discovery was revolutionary and the black hole emissions came to be called “Bekenstein-Hawking radiation.”
Bekenstein went on to become a professor of physics at Hebrew University. While he never achieved the same level of worldwide recognition as Hawking did, a colleague described Bekenstein upon his death in 2015 as “one of the very few giants in the field of quantum gravity.”
Pink Floyd cofounder Roger Waters released a special video response earlier this week to President Donald Trump’s historic declaration recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, with a reading from Palestinian nationalist poet Mahmoud Darwish.BDS motion defeated at University of Ottawa
Rogers, a perennial critic of the Jewish state and a staunch supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, recorded the reading of Darwish’s “Penultimate Speech of the Red Indian to the White Man” with Trio Joubran, titling the video “Supremacy – A Response to Trump #JerusalemCapitalofPalestine”.
In the past, Rogers has been the target of criticism and accusations of anti-Semitism over his sometimes outlandish performances aimed at delegitimizing Israel, including a 2013 concert in which he released a giant pig-shaped balloon bearing the Star of David.
In addition, the former Pink Floyd frontman has in the past compared Israel to Nazi Germany, saying in an interview, “The situation in Israel/Palestine, with the occupation, the ethnic cleansing and the systematic racist apartheid Israeli regime is unacceptable.”
The Simon Weisenthal Center blasted Rogers over the insulting use of Jewish symbols. “By floating a pig balloon stamped with the Star of David at his concert, Roger Waters has moved to the front of the line of anti-Semites,” the group said in a statement.
“Forget Israel-Palestine. Waters deployed a classic disgusting medieval anti-Semitic caricature widely used by both Nazi and Soviet propaganda to incite hatred against Jews,” charged the center’s Associate Dean, Rabbi Abraham Cooper.
Students at the University of Ottawa rejected a motion to back the anti-Israel BDS movement on Tuesday, the second time BDS activists have pushed for an endorsement from the school's student federation.Did Tariq Ramadan Lie About His University Credentials?
On Tuesday, a vote to add the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement to the policy manual of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) was defeated by the body’s General Assembly.
Before the vote, B’nai Brith Canada warned the SFUO through legal counsel that any endorsement of BDS could trigger serious legal consequences.
In November, the SFUO’s Board of Administration considered but ultimately rejected a similar motion to endorse BDS. Instead, it passed an amended motion committing the SFUO “to do all in its power to peacefully resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” This came on the heels of a failed attempt by activists within the SFUO to revoke the club status of Hillel Ottawa just weeks earlier.
On both occasions, the SFUO’s proposed BDS vote would have violated the notice requirements guaranteed by its own constitution, as well as the student union’s policy on discrimination, which prohibits the SFUO from discriminating on the basis of nationality or religion.
Currently awaiting trial for his sexual misconduct, the French-Swiss Muslim intellectual is alleged to have ‘usurped’ his University of Fribourg credentials. According to French news magazine Le Point and Swiss magazine Le Temps, as well as Dutch outlet TPO, Ramadan presented himself as Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Studies at the University of Fribourg when he was not, in fact, in possession of these titles.George Galloway says he has received “political advice” and now will not sue Jon Lansman for accusing him of antisemitism
On November 13, 2003, on the French TV program 100 minutes pour convaincre, on which political figures and journalists would discuss and debate their perspectives on current events and social issues, host Olivier Mazerolle presented Ramadan as Professor of ‘Islamic studies at the University of Geneva and Philosophy at the University of Fribourg’.
Ramadan went on to publish an article on Le Monde on the theme he had proposed previously on the show – a call for a moratorium on the application of sharia law in the Muslim world – signing it as Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Did he wish to lend weight and authority to his document? At the time of signature, Le Point reports, Ramadan did not hold these credentials, as evinced by the University’s response to a demand for an explanation by Xavier Ganioz, Vice-President of the Socialist Party of Fribourg, as to how Ramadan came to be associated with it.
The rector of the university has since confirmed that Ramadan, indeed, was neither professor nor assistant at the institution – he would offer one-hour lectures on Islam, once a week. It is now being reported also that five female students filed a complaint of sexual assault against him after the single course. The rector added that the university was not responsible for the academic titles attributed to Ramadan after he left in 2004. In 2005, however, Ramadan would continue to present himself in Le Monde as professor. This, despite the fact that his alleged doctorate studies were fraught with controversy.
George Galloway has announced in a four-page statement that he will not be suing Momentum chief Jon Lansman after all, having said he would sue Mr Lansman for accusing him of antisemitism. Mr Galloway insisted that his claim would have been perfectly valid but said: “Acting upon political advice I have concluded that the depth of my knowledge about Jon Lansman, going back nearly 40 years, was more valuably employed in the political attack on him which I shall now make.”
The case had promised to be quite the spectacle, with Mr Galloway claiming that he would call Jeremy Corbyn as a witness. Mr Galloway and Mr Corbyn used to sit together as Labour backbenchers.
In a fiery exchange on Twitter, Mr Galloway, the former Labour and Respect MP had said he would sue Momentum Chair and Labour National Executive Committee member Jon Lansman for calling him out over a now-deleted tweet aimed at Jewish comedian David Baddiel. Mr Galloway had initially tweeted at Mr Baddiel that “There will be no supporter of the Palestinian people marching behind vile Israel-fanatic ‘comedian’ David Baddiel. There will be no opponent of Imperialist wars marching behind Stella Creasy [Labour MP for Walthamstow]. #JustSaying.” This appears to be in reference to a planned protest of Donald Trump’s visit to the UK later this year, which Mr Baddiel and Ms Creasy have both shown support for.
Mr Baddiel took issue with this, pointing out that he has not shown much sympathy for Israel, and that the targeting of him as a Zionist could be based on his Jewish identity, firing back: “Since I’ve always made it entirely clear that my attitude to that country [Israel] is entirely meh, I think we can only conclude that by ‘Israel-fanatic’ George just means Jew. Vile Jew. And that therefore he is an antisemite. Now let him come at me with his stupid f***ing lawyers.”
“Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations” is antisemitic under the International Definition.
.@NicolaSturgeon @RuthDavidsonMSP @COLRICHARDKEMP Have you seen the @BDSmovement #JewHate from @scottishpsc in @VisitScotland ? Time for action! H/T @StandWithUs @StandWithUsUK
— Jewish HR Watch (@jhrwatch) March 13, 2018
Labour MP angry she wasn’t invited into Corbyn’s secret anti-Jewish Facebook group (satire)
Today a very irate Labour Activist is demanding to know why she wasn’t invited to join Jeremy Corbyn’s secret Anti-Semitic Facebook Group “Palestine Live”. An investigation by David Collier uncovered that the Secret Facebook Group “trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, posted articles by Neo-Nazis, denied Israel’s right to exist, and called pro-Israel Jews “Zio-Nazis.” The group included Holocaust Denier Paul Eisen, as well as “the Jew who was too Anti-Semitic for the BDS Movement” Gilad Atzmon. And in a revelation that shocked people who still believe in the Tooth Fairy, the head of Breaking the Silence was also a member of the group…..Well rest assured, Labour Member of Parliament Danielle Lynne-Stephens is quite upset and wants to know why she never received an invite. The Daily Freier stopped by Momentum Headquarters in London to meet up with MP Lynne-Stephens and have a little chat.Guardian op-ed refers to Ahed Tamimi as a “political prisoner”
“I really didn’t want to ‘Go There’, but I can’t help but think there is a bit of sexism in the BDS Community. Honestly, sometimes it feels like the Anti-Israel Left has a Glass Ceiling. I mean, how else to explain why I wasn’t asked to join Palestine Live? I’ve paid my dues. The mob that attacked the Israeli Club at King’s College? I was there……I own 12 keffiyehs….. The Women’s Boat to Gaza? I was First Mate. I mean, until we got lost.….”
The Guardian published an op-ed on March 9th, about the arrest of Palestinian activist Munther Amira, which included the following characterisation of another ‘activist’ – Ahed Tamimi (aka, Shirley Temper):CAMERA Prompts AP Corrections on Palestinian Refugees
Amira was protesting against the detention and alleged mistreatment of Palestinian child political prisoners, including 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi…
The suggestion that Tamimi, who was arrested for assaulting an Israeli soldier and for incitement, by endorsing (on video) armed “resistance”, is a “political prisoner” is beyond absurd. The term “political prisoner” is codified as pertaining only to those detained in violation of “freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and information, freedom of assembly and association”.
Tamimi wasn’t arrested because she expressed an anti-Israel view, but because she engaged in violence and encouraged others to launch lethal attacks on civilians.
CAMERA's Israel office yesterday prompted correction of Associated Press photo captions which erroneously claimed that UNRWA provides services to "some 5 million Palestinian refugees who were displaced during the 1948 war." In fact, the U.N. agency provides services to at most 30,000 Palestinians displaced during the 1948 war. The rest, nearly five million people, are the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on, of those displaced in 1948.Haaretz Deposes Hamas in Gaza
The erroneous March 12 captions follow:
Refugee school girls fly kites during the "Kites of Dignity" event at the UNRWA Rimal Girls Preparatory school in Gaza City, Monday, March 12, 2018. The event is part of a larger fundraising campaign the agency launched in January in response to aid cut by the Trump administration. The agency provides food, education and health care to some 5 million Palestinian refugees who were displaced during the 1948 war surrounding the creation of Israel. (AP photo/Adel Hana)
Refugee school girls hold kites to fly during the "Kites of Dignity" event at the UNRWA Rimal Girls Preparatory school in Gaza City, Monday, March 12, 2018. The event is part of a larger fundraising campaign the agency launched in January in response to aid cut by the Trump administration. The agency provides food, education and health care to some 5 million Palestinian refugees who were displaced during the 1948 war surrounding the creation of Israel. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
As AP itself has previously reported, of those original hundreds of thousands of 1948 Palestinian refugees, only some 30,000 at most are still living, as of six years ago. Thus, contrary to the captions, the agency provides services to at most 30,000 Palestinian refugees who were displaced during the 1948, and not 5 million as reported. (And that maximal figure assumes that everyone who was alive in 2012 is still living today, and that all of those people are receiving UNRWA assistance.)
A prominent pull quote in Haaretz's print edition last week ("The slow death sentence of cancer patients in Gaza," March 7, page six) states, in quotation marks:BBC amplifies Hamas default accusation in PA convoy attack report
"Gaza is controlled by the Israelis, the Egyptians and the Palestinian Authority, none of whom seem to care or take our condition seriously."
Hang on a minute. Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority control Gaza? What about Hamas, which has ruled since June 2007?
The quotation marks indicate these were the speaker's direct words, and not a paraphrase. The purported speaker is Gaza cancer patient Hana (pseudonym), but the Haaretz editor who selected this pull quote did not accurately quote her. This is what Hana actually said, according to the article:
Cancer treatment is not available in Gaza and access to treatment outside of Gaza is controlled by the Israelis, Egyptians and the Palestinian Authority, none of whom seem to care, take our condition seriously or deal with us in urgency.
Hana's statement -- that access to the outside is controlled by Israel, Egypt and the PA -- is more factually accurate than the erroneously rendered pull quote which ignores that it is Hamas which has primary control of the Gaza Strip.
The ToI report also notes that:BBC Arabic film on collaborators promotes Hamas messaging – part one
“Palestinian officials contacted Israel’s military liaison in order to coordinate Hamdallah’s exit from the Gaza Strip following the assassination attempt, The Times of Israel learned.
During the conversation, Israel offered to provide medical treatment to those injured in the attack and some of the wounded were being treated by doctors at the Israeli side of the Erez crossing.”
Although known to at least one BBC journalist, that information did not appear in the BBC News website’s account of the story – “Gaza blast targets Palestinian PM Hamdallah’s convoy“.
In contrast, that report does include the following:
“Hamas condemned what it called an “ugly crime” and said it had launched an investigation.
Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said it believed the attack was carried out by the same people who last year assassinated Mazen Fuqaha, a commander of Hamas’ military wing, and attempted to assassinate Maj Gen Tawfiq Abu Naim, the head of Gaza’s internal security forces.”
Readers may well have had difficulty understanding that somewhat cryptic portrayal of Barhoum’s press release due to the fact that the BBC did not produce any English language reporting on either the assassination of Fuqaha or the attempted assassination of Abu Naim when those incidents took place.
Seeing as Hamas executed the people it claimed had assassinated Fuqaha in May 2017, Barhoum’s quoted claim that “the same people” were responsible for the October 2017 attack on Abu Naim and this attack on Hamdallah obviously lacks logic. So what did Fawzi Barhoum actually mean?
The ‘documentary’ presented by Murad Batal Shishani literally opened with a context-free slur that has long been used by anti-Israel campaigners and BBC journalists alike.BBC Arabic film on collaborators promotes Hamas messaging – part two
Shishani: “It’s been called the world’s largest open prison. The Gaza Strip: penned in by walls, barbed wire and gun turrets. The 1.8 million people living here can only get into Israel with special permission. And even if their lives depend on it, they have to enter through here – the Erez Crossing – the main gateway into Israel. […] This is the story of the desperate choices people have to make. […] It’s the story of how the Israeli state seeks to protect its citizens. […] And of those who now live tortured by shame and regret. […] This is a film about Palestinians who collaborate with the Israeli state: those who work for the enemy.”
Following that introduction, the next four minutes of the film repeatedly and uncritically promoted clips from a video produced by a terrorist organisation.
Shishani: “In May 2017 the ruling Hamas government in Gaza released this video to a shocked public. Some Palestinian men had apparently been caught working for Israel in Gaza. They were explaining how they were recruited. […] Each had been cleverly targeted according to their needs and beliefs. They were then recruited by Israeli agents to kill a senior leader of the Hamas military wing – a man called Mazen Fuqaha.”
As readers may recall when Mazen Fuqaha was assassinated in March 2017, the BBC did not cover the story in English. Hamas immediately blamed Israel for the killing, at one point claiming that the assassins had arrived by sea. The BBC’s English language services also showed no interest in reporting border closures imposed by Hamas following the killing.
In April 2017 the BBC News website correctly reported that “Hamas has offered no evidence that Israel was behind Fuqaha’s death”. In May 2017 the BBC News website reported the executions of three men said by Hamas to have confessed to killing Fuqaha, quoting criticism of the process from an NGO.
The programme’s last interview – once again anonymous – took place in “a provincial Israeli town” with a man described as having “worked in Gaza for the Israelis from the age of 17 – but that was before he had to get out.”Swiss neo-Nazi convicted of antisemitic assault on Orthodox Jew
Unsurprisingly, Shishani’s final interviewee stated that “my past is haunting me” and Shishani then closed the report.
Shishani: “Normality, more than anything, is what people in Gaza crave but for most here, it’s out of reach. Constant scrutiny, suspicion and human need mean that collaboration will keep shaping and poisoning lives and some will continue to work for the enemy.”
Clearly Murad Batal Shishani had a specific story to tell in this programme and nothing was going to get in its way. His uncritical amplification of the stories and interviews – in part obviously Hamas approved – that make up the bulk of the programme was not balanced by his token interview with Avi Dichter or his tepid one-liner presentations of responses from “the Israeli authorities”.
For years Hamas has periodically run campaigns targeting ‘collaborators’ and its extra-judicial executions of people branded as such are a subject only rarely covered by the BBC. Given the cooperation from Hamas that Shishani obviously enjoyed in the making of this programme, it is hardly surprising to see that Hamas’ use of the ‘collaborator’ tag as an excuse for extrajudicial executions did not get any coverage whatsoever in Shishani’s one-sided report.
A 30-year-old Swiss neo-Nazi who in 2015 assaulted an Orthodox Jew in Zurich was on Tuesday sentenced to 24 months in prison.Arsenal Football Club investigating after fan sings “G-d bless Adolf Hitler, ‘cos he tried his best, he gassed six million, now we’ll gas the rest”
In July 2015, the unnamed man performed a Nazi salute, spat on and verbally assaulted a Jewish man. The assault took place during in the middle of the day during Shabbat in Wiedikon, the Jewish quarter of Zurich.
In addition to his sentence, the court also fined the man 1000 francs, roughly $1058, and ordered him to pay 3000 francs ($3175) to the victim.
He had been previously sentenced to 30 months in prison in 2013 for a different assault. He served only 12 months of the original sentence. An amendment in the canton's penal code revoked the prior sentence because of the latest court proceeding.
Arsenal Football Club is investigating after a fan was caught on video singing an antisemitic song whilst walking to the team’s match against AC Milan last Thursday.Israeli firm claims to find ‘critical’ security flaws in AMD chips
The incident was recorded by a fellow fan who uploaded it to Twitter.
In the shocking video, the perpetrator can be heard singing: “Gas them all, gas them all. The [indistinct]. G-d bless Adolf Hitler, ‘cos he tried his best, he gassed six million, now we’ll gas the rest. Gas them all, gas them all.”
Arsenal Football Club confirmed on Monday that they are investigating the incident, which is just one of many recent antisemitic incidents within football.
Last week we reported on how the Chief Executive of the Football Association, Martin Glenn, issued a weak apology for comparing the Star of David to the swastika, and Robert Peston recently tweeted he was “Ashamed to be [an] Arsenal supporter” after witnessing antisemitism at a match.
Security researchers said Tuesday they discovered flaws in chips made by Advanced Micro Devices that could allow hackers to take over computers and networks.UK’s Independent ranks Tel Aviv as top literary town
Israeli-based security firm CTS Labs published its research showing “multiple critical security vulnerabilities and exploitable manufacturer backdoors” in AMD chips.
CTS itemized 13 flaws, saying they “have the potential to put organizations at significantly increased risk of cyberattacks.”
The report, and the company’s conduct in compiling it, was criticized by some analysts who said CTS could be poised to gain financially from its publication. One specialist called it “over-hyped beyond belief,” and others said it could be a marketing ploy by the company.
The report comes weeks after Intel disclosed similar hardware-based flaws dubbed Meltdown and Spectre, sparking widespread computer security concerns and a congressional inquiry.
We’re known as the People of the Book, and it turns out Tel Aviv is seen as the city of readers.Superman actor’s dream to visit Israel comes true
According to a top ten list compiled for World Book Day 2018 by The Independent, Tel Aviv ranks up there with Paris, Dublin, and Seoul as one of the best literary cities, thanks to its streets named after famous writers, and that it is home to poets Rachel Bluwstein and Chaim Bialik, whose former house is a regular stop — and a city museum — on city tours.
Tel Aviv beaches even offer lending libraries with books in multiple languages, given that warm sand and a beach chair — or towel — is a great spot for a read.
Writer Lilit Marcus (whose name has a decidedly Hebrew ring) recommended Etgar Keret’s “The Nimrod Flipout” as a good read when in Tel Aviv, and, as the beloved Keret is a Tel Aviv dweller, that makes sense too.
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s actor Dean Cain of Superman fame.Israel’s fertility rate is far higher than rest of OECD
Cain, the star of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, which ran on American TV from 1993-1997, spoke exclusively to The Jerusalem Post shortly after arriving in Israel on Tuesday about his plans for the trip.
“I have dreamed about coming to Israel for as long as I can remember,” he said. “I always wanted to be here… I love history.
There are few places on earth that have as much historical value.”
Cain is visiting along with Laura McKenzie, a travel writer for USA Today, host of Laura McKenzie’s Traveler and a friend of the actor. They will be filming an episode of the show in Israel, dividing their time between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
The actor also brought along his high-school-senior son, and said they’re excited to visit Christian sites, as well as learn more about Judaism, about which his son is doing a project for school.
Israel’s fertility rate was significantly higher in 2016 than that of any other developed country’s, the Central Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday in a report that also found that Jewish women have almost as many babies as Arab women, continuing a trend whereby that gap has steadily narrowed over the last 20 years.Israel is 11th happiest nation in the world, for fifth year in a row
According to the report, 181,405 babies were born in Israel in 2016 — a 92 percent increase compared to the year 1980. Almost 74 percent of the babies were born to Jewish mothers and 20.7% to Muslim women. Of the newborns, 51.5% were male and 48.5% were female.
Almost 7% of babies were born out of wedlock. Some 4.6% of newborns were born from multiple-birth pregnancies, of whom 97% were twins, the report said.
The overall fertility rate for Israelis was 3.11 children per woman, much higher than any other member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The OECD average is about 1.7 kids per woman, and the second-highest fertility rate for a member of the organization is Mexico with about 2.2.
Jewish women in 2016 had 3.06 kids on average, higher than in 1996 when the number was 2.59. In contrast, the average Arab woman had 3.11 children, significantly down from 4.35 in 1996 and from almost 6 in 1980.
Israel has retained its spot as the 11th happiest country in the world for the fifth year running, according to the United Nations’ annual “World Happiness Report,” published Wednesday.
The “Palestinian Territories” came in 104th place, Lebanon in 88th, Jordan in 90th and Syria in 150th in the listing of 156 countries.
The report, which also for the first time evaluated 117 countries by the happiness and well-being of their immigrants, notes that Jews who immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union have much better lives than before they immigrated, even though they still have problems. It ranks Israel 12th on its list for “happiness for the foreign born.”
However, it also places Israel, which turns 70 in May, among the countries that are less tolerant of migrants, and that do not accept migrants openly.
Israel’s overall No. 11 position was helped by its health system; the report placed the Jewish state in sixth position for improvement in life expectancy, after Japan, Iceland, Italy, Switzerland and Canada.