Monday, March 07, 2016

  • Monday, March 07, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every day in the Arab media there are breathless stories about how a few dozen Jews had the audacity to ascend to their holiest site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

But today the Arab media is claiming that a Jew managed to perform a wedding on the Temple Mount!

Fatah spokesman Raafat Alian warned that "the presence of settlers' feet for the wedding of their children inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a dangerous phenomenon that threatens to escalate tensions on the Mosque."

Alian said in a press release Monday that such a move is considered a new violation to be added to a series of violations of occupation against the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Other Palestinian officials are tripping over each other to condemn the "wedding."

What really happened?

Last Tuesday, Elyashiv Gopstein visited the Har HaBayit before his scheduled wedding that evening.

He is the son of Bentzi Gopstein, an activist for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount.

That's all that happened.

The Palestinians are so anxious to create crises over the Temple Mount that they take non-events and blow them up to become huge "violations".

You can watch the video of the visit: nothing happened. The only singing and dancing occurred after they left the holy spot.

Dozens of Arab media outlets are reporting on this "wedding." Do not be surprised when Jordan and the Arab League issue condemnations.

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