The Gaza ministry of agriculture has announced that during 2015 it exported over 13,000 tons of produce, and an additional 3700 tons of exports this year.
During 2015 the sector exported 105 tons of vegetables to Europe, 3700 tons to Arab countries, 3460 tons to Israel and 5750 tons to West Bank Arabs.
This was all announced at an internal Gaza website.
But yesterday the minister of agriculture repeated these statistics to reporters, which would seem unusual. Why have newspapers publish the exact opposite of the impression that they try to give to the world of a suffering, besieged population?
The answer is that this press conference was meant to bash Israel anyway.
You see, the rates of cancer in Gaza have increased in recent years. Palestinians of course blame Israel (pretending that Israel used depleted uranium weapons), an easily provable falsehood, but the media also mentions inconvenient facts like the rate of smoking and the amount of pesticides used in Gaza.
Hamas' Ministry of Agriculture does not want to be blamed for any of the cancer increases in Gaza, so they staged this press event to say that the cancer in Gaza is strictly due to Israeli "experimental weapons". Their proof is that their produce goes through strict Israeli food safety checks before being allowed to be exported!
Mohammed Jadallah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, said "We took samples of the soil with radioactive material and gave them to international organizations asking them to send us the test results, but they refused to help us and this shows the extent of their collusion with the occupation."
What more proof do you need?
In order to avoid being shamed, the ministry was forced to contradict the meme of the siege.
Officials also bragged that chicken farming in Gaza is so successful that they refuse to import any chicken from Israel. Although if the Gaza chickens are eating grain that is contaminated with radiation from Israeli weapons that they claim permeates Gaza, then this means that the ministry is knowingly exposing its residents to cancer.
Too bad none of the reporters, eagerly drinking the Hamas Kool-Aid, thought to ask about that.
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