At the end of a report that Mein Kampf is now out of copyright, the BBC’s Damian McGuinness , in that incorrigible way BBC reporters have in intruding their own leftist propaganda into what should (by the terms of Al-Beeb’s Charter and producers’ guidelines) be neutral reportage, can’t resist labelling Germans who are, understandably, aghast at what has been happening in Germany (and in the process he advances the trope that Muslims are the new Jews, “Islamophobia” the new antisemitism):
‘The shadow of the Nazis is also why the current debate over the sexual harassment of more than 100 women in Cologne on New Year's Eve is particularly difficult. The attackers appeared to be of Arabic or North African origin. For far-right extremists, this is an ideal opportunity to enflame xenophobia using an old Nazi trope: the pure German woman abused by the "foreigner." In the 1930s, for Nazis, it was the Jew. Today, for neo-Nazis, that "foreigner" is the Muslim. Hitler's book may be back in the mainstream. But Germans are determined to make sure that his ideas never are.’ (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35258807)
It is not politically correct to use the term “invaders” of the young men, unaccompanied by family and womenfolk, the usual appurtenances of “refugees,” who have poured into Europe in recent years, many of whom are now behaving like frontline troops in that war against the west foreshadowed by Gaddafi when he pronounced that Europe would be conquered by the wombs of “our women”.
He is hardly alone in that. One of the most recent proponents of that breed-and-conquer theme was a certain delightful imam at the Al Aqsa mosque in September:
‘“Germany is not a compassionate country that wishes to absorb refugees from Syria and Iraq, and Palestinian refugees in the Levant and elsewhere,” the preacher said, according to a translation of the recorded speech published by media monitor MEMRI. “Europe has become old and decrepit, and needs human reinforcement. No force is more powerful than the human force of us Muslims.” Over half a million migrants have arrived in Europe thus far in 2015, the bulk of whom are Muslims hailing from Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea, according to the EU’s external border force. “They are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people, and its refugees,” Ayed continued. “Throughout Europe, all the hearts are infused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead. But they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in their midst.” He thereupon called on his fellow Muslims to “breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries.” “Take the refugees!” he exhorted European states. “We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. Will will say to you: These are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you.” “This dark night will be over, and soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.” (http://www.timesofisrael.com/breed-and-conquer-europe-al-aqsa-preacher-exhorts-muslims/)A manifestation of “Rape Jihad” is what some people are calling the coordinated sexual attacks by Muslim men on women in Germany – as well as in Austria, Switzerland, and parts of Scandinavia – and who can blame them? At the very least, the attacks are a sort of pogrom against women. Perhaps western men have yet to fully appreciate that they, too, are being victimised along with the women: the perpetrators see women as chattels, and in attacking them they are effectively emasculating the male kaffir whose chattels they are. Remember the vow of some Islamic hotheads following the publication in Denmark of the Mohammad cartoons, that vengeance would be wreaked on the Danes by taking their wives as sex slaves?
Predictably, given that perversity and hypocrisy that is the Left’s hallmark, the socialist sisterhood is seething, but not at the Muslim perpetrators:
‘Politicians and the media establishment haven’t connected the events in Cologne and Hamburg to everyday sexist violence. Instead they have focused above all on the alleged perpetrators’ backgrounds and on questions of public security. Where sexual molestation is acknowledged, it is only in relation to the “culture” in the perpetrators’ supposed countries of origin. This has been used from the get-go, in line with a classic racist line of argument, to stereotype Muslims and refugees. Mainstream media and politicians are stoking pre-existing anti-Muslim racism and further strengthening a smear campaign against refugees. The president of North Rhine-Westphalia region Hannelore Kraft said that foreign offenders must be deported. And the Sat1 TV network’s breakfast show featured the demand to “defend our values, way of life and beliefs” against “Muslim men”…. The feminist Alice Schwarzer has long sympathised with conservatives and even expressed “understanding” for the core ideas of the racist Pegida movement. Now she is singing their tune, speaking of a misguided tolerance towards Muslim men, connecting the issue to terrorism and demanding compulsory integration for migrants…. We should demand of the media and the political parties that they take action against the ever-stronger right-wing groups instead of supporting them with untenable arguments….’ (https://socialistworker.co.uk/art/41957/Sexism+is+not+a+foreign+import%E2%80%94German+socialists+respond+to+Cologne+attacks)At least the socialist women featured in that article acknowledged, albeit begrudgingly since the German male is their primary focus for wrath, that the offenders in the present case must be brought to justice. Predictably, far too many if not most of the sisterhood appears to be keeping a studied silence regarding the treatment of women in Europe at the hands of these men. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that Twitter can be searched mainly in vain for even the teeniest condemnatory tweet out of the “big name” leaders of the Women’s Movement.
The London Daily Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson stated the situation rather well last week in observing, inter alia:
‘In Germany … they are still pretending that there is a moral equivalence between racist attitudes and actual bodily harm to women. (Fear of racism trumps feminism every single time.) Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, epitomised that cultural cringe when he warned that anti-immigrant groups were using the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees. "What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women," he said. Nein, nein, nein, mein Herr. Attitudes are not the same as deeds. Women in Europe have not fought for equal rights all these long years only to be told to start modifying their behaviour to avoid being molested. How long before the frauleins of Cologne are advised to stay indoors, or even cover their heads, out of respect to new arrivals? Sharia law shall not be imposed on us by stealth or cowardly accommodation with repellent thugs. And if anyone needs a “code of conduct” it is not German women, but men from conservative societies who must learn sharpish what our values entail, or return from whence they came. I hope that I am wrong, but I fear that the grotesque mass attack on women in Cologne was not an isolated incident, but the first of many battles in a clash of civilisations.’ (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/12087780/Cologne-assault-Cultural-difference-is-no-excuse-for-rape.html)