One of them asked for money because they had helped to get people to complain to Amazon and Google to remove a violent anti-Israel videogame from their app stores.
I was the first one to report about that video game.
Similarly, I saw an appeal based on an organization debunking the Hamas lie that an Israeli dam had been opened to flood Gaza.
I was not only the first to debunk that myth this year, but I had debunked similar stories years ago.
When you read EoZ, you get many of these stories first, way before the mainstream media - stories that, in some ways, end up making a real difference.
This quarter was no exception:
- EoZ was a major factor in the Jim Clancy meltdown that led to his being let go from CNN.
- I prompted a New York Times (silent) correction where they used the nonsensical phrase "Israel's 1967 borders with Palestine."
- I exposed some truly idiotic BDSers who thought that Sabra hummus was named after the Sabra and Shatila massacres in Lebanon, forcing them to remove their accusations.
- I embarrassed left-wing NGO Gisha into reluctantly mentioning for the first time that Hamas was stopping people from leaving Gaza - supposedly the raison d'etre of the organization.
- I exposed Fatah's poster that showed a pile of skulls with Stars of David, a story that did reach the mainstream media and forced Fatah to distance itself from the image - not very convincingly.
But that isn't all.
I made posters:
I made cartoons:
I critiqued the media. I wrote original analyses, I pointed out hypocrisy, I exposed NGO bias. I explored history. My articles appeared or were linked to from Algemeiner, Jewish Press, TheBlaze and elsewhere. I was interviewed on Voice of Israel. My twitter follower count went past 14,000.
In three months I posted about 500 articles.
And this was a typical quarter for me.
This is besides the daily linkdumps by Ian, which are, hands down, the best daily round-up of stories about Israel and the Arab world that you can find anywhere.
EoZ is also now blessed with three regular weekly columnists: Mike Lumish, Vic Rosenthal and PreOccupied Territory.
If you think that this work is valuable, please consider donating - or, better yet, becoming a monthly subscriber - , using the PayPal buttons on the top-right column of my main webpage. Or, if you prefer, you can help by sending me an Amazon gift card.
Thanks again for your readership and for your support through the years. I do appreciate it.