couple of years ago I saw some guy during the Occupy Wall Street protests holding this sign in downtown Manhattan:
Earlier this month, I saw him (or someone very like him) outside Madison Square Garden with a new yet very similar sign, saying Jews Control Everything and inviting people to Google it:
Well, we cannot disappoint the gentleman.
Google's algorithm happens to really like me, because, well, I'm the freaking Elder of Ziyon and of course I control Google (which is, of course, dominated by my good Jewish billionaire friends.).
Anyway, I'm hoping that within a few minutes of me posting this, when people Google "Jews Control Everything" this post will be on the first page; if I'm lucky it will be the first hit.
The current leader is of course a nutty conspiracy theorist with pretty boring arguments about Jews and the media, banking and so forth in America. He doesn't even mention the Talmud! Slacker.
So my goal is to be #1, which should make this person with huge amounts of free time very happy. After all, the only thing better than proving that the Jews control everything is to find out that a single Jew controls everything!
I just have to write "Jews control everything" a couple more times to help my SEO.
UPDATE: With the quotes around the phrase "Jews Control Everything,", on Google US, my searches have me coming up 3rd less than 15 minutes after I posted. Without the quotes I'm not yet on the front page.
UPDATE 2: After 75 minutes, with quotes this post is #1 on Google and without it is #5. And no one is surprised - because Jews control everything. And I'm not ashamed to say it out loud: Yes, we Jews control everything! Jews control America! Jews control the banks! Jews control the media! And behind all the Jews controlling everything, is ...me!
I must add a "bwa-ha-ha-ha!"
UPDATE 3: Damn - back down to #2. Must have violated an SEO manipulation rule.