Obama’s False Choice on Israel
Until the political culture of the Palestinians undergoes a sea change that will make peace possible, talk about what Israel must do is a waste of time. The overwhelming majority of Israelis who, unlike Obama and many American Jews, have paid attention to the Palestinians’ consistent rejection of peace understand this and are prepared to wait until then. Considering that the status quo has lasted for decades after we first heard arguments about it being unsustainable, it is not unreasonable to think that it can go on for a very long time indeed without Israel being obligated to endanger its security in order to avoid its continuation.Dan Joseph of MRC exposes a failed protest against Sabra Hummus
That’s a position that all friends of Israel, whether liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, should be willing to accept even if it goes against our instinctive American belief that all differences can be split in a spirit of compromise that even moderate Palestinians still dreaming of Israel’s destruction don’t share. The only real choices facing Jews and other friends of Israel is whether they are prepared to give the President a pass for his destructive attitude toward the alliance because of his party affiliation or if they are so detached from a sense of Jewish peoplehood that they will tolerate the mainstreaming of anti-Israel attitudes that are growing dangerously close to anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Any argument to the contrary is merely a partisan attempt by Obama apologists to change the subject.
My friend, Dan Joseph, a journalist with Media Research Center recently went to a protest in Georgetown, Washington DC. Dan was kind enough to give me some time out of his busy schedule to tell me what the premise of the protest was and how he was able to get these anti Israel activists to admit their disdain for Israel’s existence. This recent protest was directed at Sabra products which creates hummus and various other types of dips that many people all over the world enjoy. The forecast of these protests is becoming increasingly smaller since Protective Edge. As Dan pointed out to me, people are much more aware of the fact that Hamas perpetrated these attacks directly on Israel, and social media awareness has woken many people up that Israel is not at fault for the deaths of Palestinians in Gaza. We applaud Dan for his unapologetic support for the Jewish people and the state of Israel.Anti-Israel Protestors Target Hummus
“The protest started, and it was raining on and off, it grew in numbers and was there for an hour. I hid camera to side, walked up as objective observer, they tried to stop me from interviewing them. Their line of reasoning behind the protest was that Sabra hummus sends care packages to IDF, Golani Brigade who they accuse of doing all sorts of terrible things, we couldn’t find anything troubling with the Golani Brigade’s involvement in the war in Gaza. Once they figured out who we were it got more hostile and they got defensive about their protest, tried to make it light, get them to say crazy things and that throws them off, “Israel is guilty of genocide and any company does business with them is guilty of genocide.” Dan Joseph
And this:
“One man came out and said “Israel does not have the right to exist.” They’re (the protestors) are very good at hiding and keeping on their talking points, it’s very hard to get them to admit their antisemitism. They will say they have Jewish friends, but that they hate and are against zionism. Once you get them to say the truth of their agenda the truth wins out. “ Dan Joseph
Kevin Vickers to be honoured by Israeli Knesset
Israeli parliamentarians will honour Canada's sergeant-at-arms, Kevin Vickers, on Wednesday for the actions he took during the shootings on Parliament Hill.
On Oct. 22, Vickers, 58, shot Michael Zehaf-Bibeau after the gunman stormed Parliament Hill.
Vickers is being invited to Israel's parliament, the Knesset, to meet his Israeli counterpart and talk about security. While there, he will be recognized by the speaker of the Knesset and will be asked to rise in his seat in the gallery to be acknowledged by Israeli legislators.
Vickers is in Israel to attend a major conference on security in Tel Aviv, a trip planned long before the shootings in Ottawa. He is part of a delegation sponsored by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs that includes other Canadian police and security officials.
Poll: Majority of Israelis support responding to terror with peace talks
In their monthly Peace Index poll, the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University asked a representative sample of the Israeli population whether they believed it was best to prevent terrorist attacks by renewing diplomatic talks with the PA.Kerry to visit Jordan to discuss Jerusalem tensions with King Abdullah
The rates of Israelis calling for renewing peace talks were 57.2 percent among the general public, 52.5% among Jews and 81.2% among Arabs. Less than a third – 28.5% – of the public said to cease diplomatic contacts with the PA, including 33.1% of Jews and 5.7% of Arabs.
The Peace Index poll, which has been taken monthly for more than 20 years, found, as usual, that a large majority among Israeli Jews favors conducting negotiations with the PA even though they do not believe they will lead to peace.
US Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Jordan on Wednesday for discussions with King Abdullah about tensions in Jerusalem and the fight against the Islamic State militant group in the region, the State Department said.How Many Arabs, Jews Live in Judea-Samaria?
Kerry will go on to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Friday to participate in the Sir Bani Yas Forum, an annual private gathering of world leaders focused on international security, a department statement said.
Kerry returns to the Middle East after he attended an Asia-Pacific summit in Beijing on Tuesday. He was in Oman earlier this week for two days of talks on the Iranian nuclear dispute with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and European Union envoy Catherine Ashton.
Different studies show widely differing population counts for Judea-Samaria's Arab population - with a gap as large as over 1 million people.France to vote on Palestinian state on November 28
For example, according to a study by the Department of Information and Research Committee, which relied on the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, there are 2.38 million Arabs in Judea and Samaria.
But Prof. Della Pergola estimated that the number is closer 2.34 million - based as well on some Palestinian Authority (PA) information, which he said "may be incorrect."
Prof. Yoram Ettinger gave a much lower estimate, by contrast, of just 1.7 million Arabs living in the region.
Experts have long accused the PA of inflating the number of Palestinian Arabs recorded as living in the area in a bid to make their case for "statehood" and in order to portray the region as overwhelmingly Arab.
It became evident during the hearing that the Civil Administration does not have exact data on the number of Arabs in Judea and Samaria, and that the CBS data only covers Israelis living in Judea and Samaria.
French lawmakers will vote on November 28 on a proposal by the Socialist Party urging the government to recognize Palestine as a state, a parliamentary source said Wednesday.Secret Begin-Reagan tapes highlight tense relationship
The nonbinding but highly symbolic vote would follow a similar vote in the British parliament and Sweden’s formal recognition of the state of Palestine.
A draft of the proposal states that the lower house National Assembly “invites the French government to use the recognition of the state of Palestine as an instrument to gain a definitive resolution of the conflict.”
France will “obviously at a certain moment recognize the Palestinian state,” Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told AFP on Saturday.
The recordings, which were shared with the New York Post on Sunday, reveal a phone conversation between Reagan and Begin in which Reagan implored the prime minister to further delay an Israeli withdrawal of troops from the central Lebanese district of Chouf till after Rosh Hashanah.Ryan Bellerose: Building Bridges
Reagan believed the delay was necessary in order to give Lebanese forces enough time to replace the Israeli presence and prevent further chaos.
“It’s a call that I have resisted making and did not want to make…[but] the only reason I am making this call now is because the situation has changed in the five days since you willingly agreed to delay and we all had hoped that it’s all we had to ask of you. But there’s been great progress along some lines there,” Reagan said with his trademark candor.
“I’m sure you are aware of the massacre that has taken place there — the men, women and children in that Christian village that were massacred. And I’m afraid of the instigation of the Syrians, we know enough, as I’m sure you know, that the Syrians are very much involved in all of this…
That was when Melanie Philips took the stage and she nailed it.Technology ties, trade prove boycott failing, says UK ambassador
I should admit, I watch her videos quite often, we share a lot of common beliefs about Israel and she elucidates everything I believe in a way that I can’t match. She is clear ,concise and makes airtight arguments. Plus she just sounds smart with her English accent. I think she did a wonderful job. Her speech was a bit long, but it was incredibly important that people hear what she had to say. I don’t want to sound like a fanboy, but I am a fanboy when it comes to her. She not only said everything that needed to be said but she gave us a blueprint to fight back. .
We are not giving up. We have built a group, comprising of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and some Indians. It almost sounds like a “walked into a bar” joke, but I assure you we are no joke. We are Canadians who want to change things and to protect our country and make it the place it was meant to be. We will make common cause with groups who share our values and love of freedom and we will take on those who do not.
Close and strengthening economic ties between the UK and Israel prove that attempts to boycott, sanction and divest from Israel are failing, UK Ambassador Matthew Gould said Tuesday.Turban Outfitters Peddles Terrorism Chic
“If the boycott were getting any popular traction, that would be having an impact on the economic figures,” Gould told a group of economic reporters at his Ramat Gan residence. “I don’t think the boycott is having an effect on the economic relationship.”
Despite headline-grabbing attempts to boycott Israeli goods, particularly during the summer war with Hamas in Gaza, trade between Israel and the UK is up 26 percent this year in comparison to the same period last year. This year alone, eight Israeli companies have gone public on the London Stock Exchange.
Are you a hipster? Mindless in your sartorial and political preferences alike? Desperate to sport some symbolic shorthand that would signal to your herd that you, like them, hold all the correct views, facts and nuance be damned? Think terrorism is vaguely cool? Now there’s a clothing line just for you.Hackers Threaten to Shut Down Israeli Internet Friday
It’s called Turban Outfitters 48, a Michigan-based company whose designs are as subtle as the bad pun in its name. Among its top designs are a T-shirt that reads “Professional Stoner,” and another whose front declares “Peace by Piece” and whose back features a map of Israel broken down jigsaw style and colored in red, green, black, and white, the colors of the Palestinian flag.
The posting was based on a report in Arabic on the Al-Majd new site, and was distributed on several Palestinian Authority web sites as well. The attack, said the report, was Anonymous's answer to “the ongoing Israeli attacks on the Al Aqsa Mosque. We and other groups decided to get together and attack Israeli government sites, bank sites, and all Israeli Internet users.”An open letter to Ben Affleck
The hackers also promised to attack IDF and defense web sites. The attacks, the group said, were “to punish Israel for keeping Arab worshippers out of their mosque.” Last week, officials closed the Mount to both Jews and Arabs in the wake of the shooting of Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick.
Hackers claiming to be from Anonymous have promised such attacks in the past, but other than defacing a few sites that have not installed appropriate software, they have largely failed to stop Internet usage in Israel, security officials said.
Your heart was in the right place, but…Turkish Journalist: Western Feminism Excuses Islam’s Abuses
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you today as a woman who was born and raised in Islam. I saw your discussion with Bill Maher and Sam Harris, and I must say you did me a great disservice that day. Your heart was in the right place, of course, and it was lovely of you to step up and defend ‘my people’.
What you really did though, perhaps inadvertently, was silence a conversation that never gets started. Two people attempted to begin a dialogue and you wouldn’t even listen. Why should any set of ideas be above criticism, Ben?
Why are Muslims being ‘preserved’ in some time capsule of centuries gone by? Why is it okay that we continue to live in a world where our women are compared to candy waiting to be consumed? Why is it okay for women of the rest of the world to fight for freedom and equality while we are told to cover our shameful bodies? Can’t you see that we are being held back from joining this elite club known as the 21st century? (h/t Sara)
Turkish journalist Uzay Bulut succinctly detailed the crisis situation faced by women across the Islamic world. In doing so, she leveled her gaze at Western progressives, particularly feminists, who have a penchant for sweeping Islam’s crimes against women under the rug of “multiculturalism,” to the continued detriment of their sisterhood abroad:Hostile Media Coverage of Israel Fueled Anti-Semitic Outbursts in Australia, Jewish Group Reports
"Statements that come up with “multicultural” excuses to provide cover for the practices of fundamentalist Islam, however, never have, and never will, help to liberate women who suffer under Islamic misogyny, gender apartheid and jihad.
To make a positive change in Muslim countries, we need to be able to speak openly and tell the (too-often criminalized) truth about what Islamic teachings and traditions actually contain. Yet in Muslim countries, it is impossible speak openly about what is in these Islamic teachings and traditions, without putting one’s life at risk."
The “2014 Report on Antisemitism in Australia,” the latest in a series of annual reports going back twenty years produced by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ,) noted a worrying 35 percent rise in anti-Semitic attacks compared with the previous year. The anti-Israel tone of much of the media coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza over the summer was the primary cause, ECAJ said.Shmuley Boteach: Australia Foreign Minister Bob Carr’s Protocols of Zion Paranoia
As well as detailing the specifics of each anti-Semitic episode, the report examines manifestations of anti-Semitism in Australian politics, including the far-right and the Palestinian solidarity movement.
Mainstream media depictions of Jews are a central focus. ECAJ warned of an “escalating use of antisemitic motifs” in the mainstream media, singling out claims by the former foreign minister, Bob Carr, that Australian politics was subject to a “very unhealthy influence” by a Jewish lobby, and a Sydney Morning Herald cartoon in July that revived some of the ugliest anti-Semitic stereotypes.
In April of this year Carr made his bid for continued relevance by signing on to a version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a bizarre claim that Melbourne’s Jewish lobby controls Australia’s Middle East foreign policy. To be sure, a distressed former political figure scapegoating the Jews with claims of Jewish control of governments to get into the news is nothing new. And it usually works. Carr’s book, Diary of a Foreign Minister which, like himself, would have been relegated to obscurity, sold a couple more copies through the press coverage he received with his claims of a Jewish conspiracy. Still, it’s sad to see a once-influential man reduced to crude anti-Semitism to remain relevant.Former NSW Premier Carr's 'Pivot' Away from Israel
But not content to impugn the Jews of Melbourne with the scandalous charge of dual loyalty, Carr has just come out with his newest allegation. Israel is an apartheid state committed to disenfranchising the Palestinians, as evidenced by their expansion of settlements. It is for this reason, Carr claims, that he is turning on Israel and becoming a supporter of Palestine instead.
In this too Carr is wholly unoriginal. If you’re going to savage the Jewish state surely you can do so by saying something novel? But is this all we get, the over-roasted chestnut of Israel as pre-Mandela South Africa?
But in his obsession with Jewish world domination there are things that Carr omits.
Carr’s pivot away from Israel is nothing new. It has been going on since at least 2003 when he presented a peace prize to the virulently anti-Israel Palestinian spokesperson, Hanan Ashrawi.Liberal Party campaigner Scott Harrison a former neo-Nazi
Since then, Carr’s statements about Israel have been increasingly negative, yet strangely inconsistent. For example, Carr has cited the non-binding 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as justifying his absolutist view that ‘all’ Israeli settlements are illegal. (It doesn’t, but that’s another matter). Yet in an interview on SBS Radio on 4 May 2014, Carr strongly defended Israel’s security barrier, even saying it should have been built more quickly. In fact, it was the security barrier that was at the centre of the ICJ’s conclusions about alleged illegal conduct by Israel. There seems to be a double standard in Carr’s thinking about the relevance of international legality in assessing different aspects of Israel’s conduct.
A Liberal Party activist working on the party's campaign in key marginal seats is a former neo-Nazi who claimed in 2010 that the Port Arthur massacre was a Jewish conspiracy.Labor MP Melissa Parke’s support of BDS movement an appalling indictment
Scott Harrison has been vice-president of the Deakin University Liberal Club, and has been working on the campaign of Liberal candidate Tony McManus in Lara. He has also briefly assisted the party's Bellarine candidate, Ron Nelson.
Mr Harrison is a former prominent member of the white supremacist group Church of Creativity. The church was founded in the United States in 1973 by neo-Nazis and has several members in Australia, including criminals.
When contacted by Fairfax Media, Mr Harrison acknowledged his six-year involvement in the neo-Nazi movement but said it had ceased in 2010 and that he now repudiated his former beliefs.
Perhaps it was the pig's head placed in the kosher section of a Johannesburg supermarket by anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activists last week. Or maybe it was the denial of Jewish self-determination inherent in the stated goals of the BDS campaign. Whatever it was, something compelled Melissa Parke to rise in the Federal Parliament to "dispel some of the misunderstandings" about BDS, or in other words, to whitewash its all too evident anti-semitism.NY Times and Haaretz Officially in Cahoots
In her attempt to distinguish between hatred for the Jews as a people and hatred for Jews as a people with a national home, the Labor Member for Fremantle relied on the views of former UN-official Richard Falk.
Falk is known as a "9/11 conspiracy theorist", and was denounced, including by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for vile comments blaming the Boston terrorist attack on "the American global domination project" and "Tel Aviv."
So extreme are Falk's views that the Palestinian Authority requested that he step down from his position as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian Territories because they considered him to be a partisan of Hamas and opposed his deeply offensive references to the Holocaust.
To build the case for BDS, Parke also quotes Peter Slezak, of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network. Just hours after a bus-load of Jewish primary school children were threatened in Sydney with having their "throats cut" and were subjected to shouts of "Heil Hitler" and "all Jews must die", Slezak declared that "Jews are fair game because of their influence and militant support for crimes of [the] Jewish state." Slezak insists that he meant Jews were "only" fair game for criticism, but this is belied by the timing and context of his comment.
So it was less of a shock than it might otherwise have been, but still a surprise to see that the New York Times has now officially teamed up, at least in terms of subscription piggybacking, with Haaretz.Is The PLO Dictating Reuters Content?
Notices were sent out to those on the New York Times email list offering a special: all New York Times readers can now get a 40 percent discount on a one-year subscription to Haaretz, and the new subscribers will pay only $1 for the first month of the subscription.
In addition to revealing how desperate both papers are for additional subscribers, it is worth noting that even people who only subscribe to online news alerts from the Times received the offer. In other words, it is not a stretch to believe that the Times includes those alert-only subscribers in reporting to advertisers the number of its subscribers, thereby inflating the numbers.
But here’s a question: why would readers of the New York Times want a subscription to Haaretz? They are already receiving all the negatively-slanted information about the Middle East from the Times.
If the foreign press is going to call the site by the English translation of its Arabic name, it should be using the English translation of its Hebrew name too. Don’t promote one name over the other. Referring exclusively to the Arab name, as the PLO seeks, creates a steady, drip drip effect diminishing Jewish ties to the holy site in the minds of uninformed readers.UK media lie begins: Jewish prayer rights activists cause Palestinian terrorism
And why refer to the mount as only Jerusalem‘s holiest site? It’s Judaism’s holiest site.
Besides the issue of misleading terminology, this raises a question of transparency: Did Heller make a decision to comply with the PLO warning? Was this snippet an attempt to finesse the issue?
We’re talking about Reuters, whose top executive, Stephen Jukes, coined the unfortunate cliche, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” after 9/11. It’s also the wire service that had a hissy-fit with CanWest in 2004 when the Canadian news chain added the word terror to Reuters copy. Reuters objected, saying the t-word would endanger its reporters. Bottom line: Reuters admitted appeasing terrorists.
Finally, you have to ask yourself: Even if the Palestinian terrorists who’ve murdered five Israelis since Oct. 22nd – Dalia Lamkus (25), Almog Shiloni (20), Jedan Assad (38), Chaya Zissel Braun (3 months), and Karen Mosquera (22) – were to claim that the mere possibility of Jews peacefully praying at the Mount motivated them to kill their victims, would this mean that we are to blame the advocates of Jewish prayer rights for causing the attacks?Nicki Minaj Apologizes And Says Her New Boyfriend Is Jewish
The UK media’s need to impute an Israeli causation for Palestinian violence represents another characteristic denial of Palestinian agency, in suggesting that Palestinians can’t control their impulse to engage in terror attacks on innocent civilians in response to some perceived Jewish offense.
Reasonable people can of course continue to advocate for maintaining the status quo at the Mount – for practical reasons – while still rejecting the liberal racism which insists on treating Palestinians (on a moral level) like children who can’t be expected to behave civilly and responsibly when they don’t get their way.
Following the massive backlash Nicki Minaj received with her new video “Only,” she has now apologized and said she is not anti-Semitic because her new boyfriend, Alex, is Jewish.Youth hockey coach fired for Nazi propaganda on Facebook
Minaj also took to Twitter to explain the back-story to the video and defends herself from the claims that she is anti-Semitic. (h/t MtTB)
A youth hockey coach in suburban Vancouver was fired for posting Nazi propaganda on social media.Illinois prosecutors: Suspect in synagogue vandalism wanted to ‘shoot Jews’
Christopher Maximilian Sandau, 33, was fired earlier this month by the North Delta Minor Hockey Association after refusing to remove the posts from his Facebook page, CTV News reported. He also denies the Holocaust.
Sandau’s Facebook page included images such as a photo of Adolph Hitler with the message, “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told,” and a swastika flag with the message: “If this flag offends you, you need a history lesson,” the Vancouver Sun reported.
Prosecutors in an Illinois county have asked a judge to revoke the bail of a man charged with vandalizing a synagogue because he said he planned to “shoot Jews.”Backstreet Boys confirm May gigs
John White, 40, of Westmont, Ill., was charged last month with a hate crime for allegedly vandalizing Congregation Etz Chaim in Lombard, a Chicago suburb.
White’s attorney on Monday asked Judge George Bakalis of the 18th Circuit Court of Illinois to reduce his bail from $5 million, while prosecutors asked that he be held without bail, the Chicago Tribune reported.
As promised, the Backstreet Boys have made good on their promise to perform in Israel.Israel ‘looking for hi-tech partners in London’ instead of Silicon Valley
The band announced they will perform May 19, 20 and 21 in Raanana.
This past summer, the popular boy band canceled its tour dates in Israel due to security reasons. The Boys had initially planned on one concert in the Raanana ampitheater, but added two more dates after the first one was sold out within hours.
Israel’s chief scientist Avi Hasson said his country’s businesses could be attracted to UK, rather than American, tech start-ups because of factors including shorter distances, similar time zones and Britain being in the EU.Dutch mentors want bigger stake in Israeli gas business
Mr Hasson was in London for a series of meetings with Cabinet ministers and UK companies to discuss Israeli technology and building stronger relationships between the two nations. He described Britain’s tech hub as a “pretty unique animal working very effectively” and praised its “young, energetic” firms. “With companies in Israel there’s a desire to make the shift (to working more with the UK) rather than automatically look at the US,” he said.
The high concentration of tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel — known as Silicon Wadi — is considered second only to Silicon Valley.
Mr Hasson said he could foresee link-ups with London over cyber-security, especially considering the prominence of the UK banking sector.
The Dutch have relied on natural gas for nearly half of their energy, and as a result have gained a great deal of experience in managing gas deposits, while ensuring that the economy did not become overly dependent on sales of fossil fuels, and keeping the environment clean. Accelerated Israel-Dutch cooperation in the energy sector began in 2012, when dozens of energy executives and government officials came over to make deals with the consortium that is developing the Tamar and Leviathan gas fields.World’s biggest nanotube plant coming to the Negev
Last week, another large delegation of 50 top representatives of the Israeli and Dutch natural gas sectors, ranging from pipeline experts to leading offshore companies, met for drinks in Tel Aviv at an event named aptly, if awkwardly, “Dutch Gas Business Drinks.” Representatives of most of the large Dutch gas firms attended, and nine Dutch companies delivered presentations. On the Israeli side, leading companies, experts and policymakers in the gas sector took part. After the presentations, the Dutch embassy hosted an informal network opportunity.
FDA approval for new non-invasive tech that diagnoses heart attacks
Already, nanotechnology – in the form of SWCNTs – is being used in a wide array of products, as scientists take advantage of the “different” rules that apply to nano-sized materials, such as their ability to swarm, conduct electricity without “frying,” attach to many kinds of molecules to change their behavior, and much more. Among some of the promising nanotech applications scientists around the world are developing: strengthening dental implants with the use of titanium dioxide nanotubes, creating artificial muscles made of carbon nanotube-woven yarn filled with wax, using nanotubes to detect bacteria in water, and deploying nanotubes to kill cancerous cells.
Many of the nanotubes used in these projects are likely to have been made by OCSiAl, which is the world’s biggest maker of the tiny SWCNTs. OCSiAl is an international nanotechnology company with operations in the US, UK, Germany, South Korea and Russia, headquartered in Luxembourg. The company employs 160 workers and is expected to hire 30 people for its Negev plant.The OCSiAl announcement comes as the company is set to hold a scientific conference this week together with Bar Ilan University’s Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials. Ziva Eger, head of Industrial Cooperation Authority and Investment Promotion at the Israeli Ministry of Economy, is due to speak at the conference at Bar Ilan. Some of the largest Israeli companies and multinationals will be attending the conference, including representatives from Keter Plastic, Intel, HP, Vulcan Volta, IAI, Rafael, Elbit, 3M, Kodak and many others.
Good news for patients with acute chest pains: The Israeli company BSP, which develops and produces advanced tools for non-invasive diagnosis of heart disease, recently won approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market and sell its HyperQ Rest System.‘Hospitals of Hope’ launched against Ebola
The HyperQ Rest System aids in the diagnosis of patients with chest pain in the emergency room and helps to identify acute coronary events using unique analysis of high frequency ECG signals, recorded during rest.
BSP has proven in clinical trials that its products achieve significant improvement in the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular disease in relation to Standard stress and rest ECG tests. The American Heart Association also recently stated that high-frequency ECG technology, which is used by the company, is an effective method for detection of coronary heart disease during a stress test.
MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, launched Operation Hospitals of Hope this week as its newest weapon to help Africa fight the severe Ebola epidemic.Exclusive Interview with Fashion Legend Martin Greenfield -- On Surviving Auschwitz and Why You Should Have a Custom Suit
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is earmarking NIS 1.2 million to the project, which is part of its ongoing contributions to the global fight against the deadly virus.
Israel will send two containers of medical equipment to each of three countries hard-hit by the virus – Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. The equipment includes mobile clinics with a capacity of 20 beds each, in addition to protective equipment for healthcare workers, a treatment cart and everything needed to set up the clinics quickly and start treating patients immediately.
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked us to help in the international fight against the Ebola virus, and we immediately agreed,” said Avi Buskila, CEO of Sarel Supplies and Services for Medicine. “We helped the ministry with supplies and professional guidance in order to provide, in the shortest possible time, the best and most professional answer to the patients and the medical staff treating them.”
Martin Greenfield is regarded as America’s greatest living suit maker. A Holocaust survivor, Mr. Greenfield is the tailor to America’s most powerful and influential men.
Breitbart News interviewed Mr. Greenfield about his new book, Measure of Man: From Auschwitz Survivor to Presidents’ Tailor.
Why did you write Measure of a Man?
I wrote the book to say thank you to America, to our Armed Forces who saved me, and to honor my parents, grandparents, two sisters, and baby brother who were all murdered during the Holocaust.
Everyone says “never forget,” but some people do. And I worry that we don’t do enough to teach our younger generation about what Hitler did and how American power was used to liberate and bring freedom to the oppressed.
I also wrote Measure of a Man to bring hope and encouragement to people going through tough times. America is dreams. So never lose hope. I survived hell. You can too.
