Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails at an apartment building in a flashpoint East Jerusalem neighborhood just hours after it was taken over by Jewish settlers, police said Tuesday.Jews don't buy homes, they "take them over."
No one was injured in the incident in the Silwan neighbouhood late on Monday, which saw a group of Palestinians firing flares and throwing Molotovs at the building, a police statement said.
No serious damage was caused and no arrests were made.
The building was one of two structures housing 10 apartments that were taken over by Jewish settlers before dawn on Monday, sparking fierce local opposition. Such takeovers have also been strongly condemned by the international community, including the US.
Silwan is a densely populated Palestinian neighborhood that flanks the southern walls of Jerusalem's Old City and has been the scene of frequent clashes involving a small group of hardcore settlers, the Israeli police, and Palestinian residents.
Clashes erupted three weeks ago when settlers moved into more than 25 apartments in the area that they had reportedly purchased.
Ateret Cohanim, a right-wing Israeli organization aiming to increase the Jewish presence in East Jerusalem, said the acquisitions would double the number of Jews living in that part of Silwan.
The group claims that particular area was inhabited by Jews from Yemen in the late 19th century.
Arabs don't attack Jews, they are just in the area when clashes spontaneously "erupt."
Jews who want to live in an area that Jews have lived in since the 19th century are "hardcore settlers."
Photographic evidence of the Jewish homes from over a century ago are merely "claims."
For a more accurate description of the incident, see Arutz-7.
While I couldn't find video of this incident, I did find one from July showing Arabs hurling Molotov cocktails at another house owned by Jews in Jerusalem.
The people who live in these homes under constant attack - homes they purchased for far more than market value - are considered the evil aggressors by the world community!
UPDATE: VIdeo of the attacks from the victims' viewpoint. Don't expect to see this on the news.
(h/t Bob Knot)