Isi Leibler: Obama is seeking a confrontation with Israel
Yes, there is constant tension and endless recriminations bouncing between the US administration and Israel. And according to Goldberg, there is now even the threat that the US “may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations.”David Horovitz: Obama and Netanyahu: A fractured alliance becomes open conflict
The government has made every effort to avoid aggravating the situation, but Israel is a sovereign democratic nation and there are occasions when it must reject unrealistic or dangerous demands from the US.
Netanyahu should be commended for his extraordinary diplomatic balancing act in withstanding the unreasonable pressure from Obama and Kerry, avoiding outright confrontations and in so doing, retaining the support of American public opinion and Congress.
Israel is a small country and its people are aware that the US is crucial to their survival. But does that oblige us to forfeit our self-respect or sovereignty and fawn on an administration that repeatedly displays its contempt for us and humiliates us? We should display unity by supporting our prime minister’s policy of rejecting further territorial concessions until the Palestinian leaders separate from Hamas, engage in negotiations and display flexibility to enable us to achieve our security requirements. We will not be denied the right to construct homes in our capital or in the major settlement blocs, which will remain within Israel. We seek the support of the US but we must retain our sovereignty.
Netanyahu hopes to outlast Obama’s second term, and hopes the administration will be somewhat constrained in the aftermath of the midterm elections — which may be a major calculation since, while Obama might become something of a lame duck president, that could also mean he would have nothing to lose. The Obama administration hopes (however implausibly) that Israelis will sober up and rid themselves of a leadership it deems to have ducked the “very difficult choices” that Obama urged on Netanyahu in a nastily timed interview with Goldberg in March. (That piece appeared as the prime minister was on a plane headed to meet the president at the White House. Notably, there was no similar Obama interview focused on Abbas’s failures when the PA president visited Washington soon after.)Mordechai Kedar: Behind the Attempt to Assassinate Yehuda Glick
Two leaderships, each interested in seeing the back of the other. Two leaderships of nations that certainly still have shared interests, but no longer consistently find common cause in advancing and protecting those interests. Two leaderships of nations that also used to highlight their shared common values, but with a US administration now making crystal clear that it feels Israel under Netanyahu is moving away from those shared democratic, human rights-upholding, peace-loving values.
Truly a dismal state of affairs, with potentially dire repercussions — most especially for Israel, which needs the US far more (diplomatically, militarily, economically, existentially) than the US needs Israel. Truly a fractured alliance.
Why did Islamists target Yehuda Glick? And what does it tell us about Israeli Arab plans for Israel and Jerusalem?
The plan for the attempted assassination of Yehuda Glick is just one phase of the long term struggle for Jerusalem between an Islam that sees itself as the true religion on the one hand, and the very existence of Judaism (and Christianity) - false religions in Islamic eyes - on the other.
In its own eyes, Islam came into the world not in order to stand alongside Judaism and Christianity, but to supplant them, and empty them of substance, assets and founding figures so that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and John are all Muslims in Islamic discourse. The Temple Mount has turned into a mosque, and several hundred churches (in Ramle, Damascus, Istanbul, Spain and more) were changed into mosques by Muslim conquerors.
In the view of radical Islamists, several setbacks occurred during the twentieth century: in 1948 the Jews, using military might and aided by the Christians (British) conquered the holy land of Palestine and in1967 they won Jerusalem, and we know the next step, they claim - they will build their temple and Judaism will again become a viable religion. That poses a theological danger to radical Islamists whose raison d'être is the destruction of Judaism (and Christianity). Therefore, the radical Islamist struggle for Jerusalem in general and the Temple Mount in particular is a theological one more than it is a political, nationalist or territorial struggle. He who does not - or will not - understand this, is hiding his head in the sand.
PM blames Abbas for inciting shooting of Jewish activist
Netanyahu convened a meeting of top security officials Thursday morning, a day after Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a prominent activist for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount, was shot in an apparent assassination attempt.Ya'alon: Abbas responsible for escalation in violence and terror
“I said only days ago that we are facing a wave of incitement by radical Islamic elements and by Palestinian Authority head Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas], who said that the ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount needs to be prevented by every means,” Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu held the meeting with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Shin Bet security service head Yoram Cohen, Israel Police commissioner Yohanan Danino, Jerusalem Police commissioner Moshe Edri, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, and representatives of the IDF and Justice Ministry, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office.
“I still have not heard one word of condemnation from the international community against this incitement. The international community needs to stop its hypocrisy and act against the inciters, those who are trying to change the status quo,” Netanyahu said.
Ya'alon said when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas spreads lies about the Jewish right to land and to practice religion, the result is terror, like what happened to Glick.Police and Shin Bet kill suspect in shooting of right-wing activist Yehuda Glick
"It is more proof why we are constantly saying: the conflict is not about territory, rather about the refusal of Palestinians to live in Israel with restrictions," he said.
"I am calling for restraint in Jerusalem. Security forces will continue to catch terrorists and hold a strong hand against them."
The suspect police believed attempted to assassinate Rabbi Yehuda Glick outside the Menachem Begin Heritage Center Wednesday night was killed after exchanging gunfire with police at his east Jerusalem home Thursday morning.Suspected shooter worked at Begin Center, vowed to be ‘thorn in Zionist side’
According to police, the suspect, 32-year-old Islamic Jihad member Moataz Hejazi, was released from an Israeli prison two years ago, was found at his home in Abu Tor after an intensive police manhunt.
“Counter-terrorism operations surrounded the house of the suspect, and as soon as officers took their positions they were fired upon by the him,” said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. “Shots were immediately returned by police killing the suspect.”
Rosenfeld said a subsequent raid of the suspect’s home revealed evidence that he was indeed responsible for Glick’s shooting.
The deputy director of the Begin Heritage Center told NRG that Hijazi worked for a company that contracted for the restaurant.Activist was threatened before assassination attempt, friends say
“We check the workers who come in here, and there are security guards like at every other public institution,” Moshe Foxman said.
It wasn’t clear whether background checks had been run on Hijazi before he was hired. Palestinian sources said that Hijazi served 11 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity during the Second Intifada, and was released in 2012. He was reported to have originally been sentenced to six years, but was given an additional five after he attacked prison guards.
In a 2012 interview shortly after his release from prison, Hijazi told the Ramallah-based Al-Quds News outlet that “God willing, I’ll be a thorn in the side of the Zionist project of Judaizing Jerusalem.”
Glick’s father, Shimon Glick, told Israeli media that his son was regularly threatened for his activism in support of Jewish rights on the Temple Mount.Abbas: Closure of al-Aqsa holy site a ‘declaration of war’
“They promised to kill him several times,” he said, claiming the police did nothing to protect him. It was not clear who he was referring to that had threatened Glick.
Glick was in serious but stable condition at Shaare Zedek Medical Center Thursday morning after being shot by an assailant on a motorcycle upon leaving a conference in central Jerusalem Wednesday night.
Abbas’s remarks came after an Arab suspect in the shooting of a prominent right-wing Jewish activist was killed in a gunfight with the police in the mixed Jewish-Arab Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Tor. Police closed the compound early Thursday out of fear of clashes in the wake of the shooting of Yehudah Glick, who campaigned for Jewish rights on the site, and as Israeli right-wing groups vowed to march on the site.Arabs Dance in the Street, Celebrating Glick Shooting
“This dangerous Israeli escalation is a declaration of war on the Palestinian people and its sacred places and on the Arab and Islamic nation,” Abbas’s spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina quoted him as saying.
The director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque called the site’s closure unacceptable.
“It is unacceptable that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is paying a toll for the events in Jerusalem,” he said. (h/t Bob Knot)
Arabs in Jerusalem danced in the streets and handed out sweets, expressing great joy over the attempted murder of Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick Wednesday night. “May Allah bless the shooter,” passerby told Israeli reporters, while while celebratory fireworks went off in the background and music was played.PLO submits resolution to UNSC to ‘end occupation'
According to sources in the Jerusalem Arab community, the shooting of Glick was a good example of a new method of terrorism that will be used increasingly against Israelis – low-organization, largely unplanned attacks against convenient targets. This method would be much harder to prevent, and police will be unable to prevent attacks in advance, they said.
“We are all happy about the shooting,” wrote one community activist and convicted terrorist in Jerusalem on his Facebook page. “May the shooter be blessed and merit great things for his action,” another. “Who will be the next to redeem the honor of Palestinians and punish the Zionists,” a third wrote.
PLO ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour told the Security Council on Wednesday that, at the request of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, he would present a draft resolution that “contain[s] elements of parameters [of withdrawal] with a time frame to end the occupation.”'People of Israel are not occupiers or settlers,' says UN envoy
Jordan called the emergency session to discuss the Middle East and the “question of Palestine,” following a letter from the Palestinians addressed to the Security Council and the UN secretary-general, to meet and discuss the plans to build over the Green Line approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week.
“Israel is still insisting that they are not occupiers in complete contradiction with [the] resolution of the Security Council,” Mansour said in his address. “They are not listening or abiding by your will, and as long as they continue not to listen, peace will not move forward.”
Mansour went on to assert that “east Jerusalem has always maintained an Arab and Islamic identity and will continue to do so.” Illegal Israeli actions “are severely exacerbating the conflict and obstructing the peace,” he said.
Prosor dismissed Mansour's criticisms, telling council members that the Palestinians were propagating "half truths, myths and outright lies about Israel."UN: Ron Prosor on Israel's Occupation (October 29, 2014) (h/t Ori)
"I'm here to convey one simple truth: The people of Israel are not occupiers and we're not settlers," he said. "Israel is our home and Jerusalem is the eternal capital of our sovereign state."
He held up a Bible, which he said detailed 4,000 years of Jewish history in Israel.
Prosor also rejected criticism of Israeli settlements.
"It says a great deal that the international community is outraged when Jews build homes in Jerusalem but doesn't say a word when Jews are murdered for living in Jerusalem," he said. "The hypocrisy is appalling."
Sweden officially recognizes State of Palestine
Sweden officially recognized the State of Palestine on Thursday, making it the first major European Union member state to back Ramallah’s statehood bid in this way.After Sweden's recognition of Palestine, Liberman says 'issues more complex than Ikea furniture'
“It’s an important step that confirms the right of Palestinians to self-determination,” the country’s foreign minister, Margot Wallström, wrote Thursday in a newspaper article (Swedish link). “Sweden’s traditionally close ties with the State of Israel are now complemented by an equal relationship to the other party.”
With the recognition, Stockholm became the first European Union capital to put its full weight behind Palestine.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman spoke out against Sweden's decision to recognize the state of Palestine on Thursday, saying that it was an "unfortunate decision that strengthens extremists."Denmark Will Not Recognize Palestine, Says Country's PM
He said the only way to come to a peace agreement with the Palestinians is through negotiations, and steps like this only reinforce the unrealistic demands of the Palestinians.
"It is too bad that the government of Sweden has chosen to adopt the measure that does a lot of damage and has no benefits. Sweden must understand that relations in the Middle East are much more complicated than self-assembly furniture at Ikea," Liberman said. (h/t Bob Knot)
The Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt has said that Denmark is not ready to follow Sweden’s lead in recognising a Palestinian state, according to The Local.Arab World’s Paradigm on Israel Has Shifted, but Obama’s Hasn’t
Ms Thorning-Schmidt was speaking in Stockholm at a meeting of Nordic and Baltic Prime Ministers ahead of the council’s 66th session in the Swedish capital.
“We all have the same goal of creating peace in the Middle East. In Denmark, we also support a two-state solution, but we have chosen another direction and we stand by that. But it is important to say that every country makes its own decisions on this question but we all agree on the same goal: creating peace in the Middle East,” she said.
In fact, in this new Middle East, a U.S.-Israel spat probably generates more worry than glee in Arab capitals. Once, it was an Arab article of faith that America cared little about Arabs but greatly about Israel. Thus to the degree that Arab and Israeli concerns overlapped, as they do now on issues ranging from Iran to ISIS, America could be trusted to deal with the threat. Now, the Obama administration still appears to care little for Arab concerns; it seems hell-bent on striking a grand bargain with Iran and withdrawing from the Mideast. But the Arab world’s former ace in the hole to prevent such developments–Israel’s influence in Washington–suddenly looks more like deuce.Chickenshit-gate
Yet all these shifting winds seem to have blown right by the Obama administration: It still acts as if America’s position in the Muslim world depends on showing that it hates Israel, too. And thus you reach the farce of a two-day conference in Abu Dhabi where “the only frontal criticism” of Israel’s policies was “delivered by an American diplomat.”
When it comes to Israel, the Arab world has moved on. But the Obama administration remains stuck in the last century.
A third option for those who see that there was an invisible hand behind these insulting comments is that they were tied to Iran.Netanyahu is no Coward, but Obama is a Liar
According to this school of thought, adhered to by some senior Israeli officials, these comments indicate that the US is on the verge of signing a nuclear deal with Iran, and is trying to preempt what is certain to be Netanyahu’s withering criticism by “discrediting the messenger” and saying in advance that he had his chance to act on Iran but blew it because he is a coward.
Or these comments may just be a spontaneous eruption of pent-up frustration by an administration official toward Netanyahu, someone this administration sees as one source of an American Middle East policy in shambles.
Either way, this incident shows that despite how we often perceive ourselves as undisciplined, and not behaving like a “real” or developed country, when it comes to anonymous officials making over-the-top comments, Israel by no means has a monopoly on stupid.
An extremely bad Obama-Iran nuclear deal must be very close at hand. There’s a chance that the Senate may turn Republican, and hence may be a constitutional thorn to consummating an Iranian-nuke deal. Obama may be forced to get the Iran-nuke-deal done after the congressional mid-term elections, but before the Republican majority Senate is sworn in in January. A Republican majority Senate will likely constitutionally demand that any Iranian-nuke deal constitutes a treaty, and, therefore, must be put to a Senate treaty ratification vote.Barack’s Baseless Bibi-Basher
Obama may even have arranged a pre-emptive verbal attack on Israel to give Israel a taste of what may happen if Israel dares complain about Obama’s deal to empower Iran as a nuclear-weapons’ state.
The only silver lining is that Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia have now seen Obama’s betrayal on the Iranian nuclear track. This means Obama is planning an even greater betrayal of Israel over the 'West Bank'. I disagree with Josh Ernst the White House spokesperson, actually the Obama insults were very “productive.” Obama is exposed as a lying Iranian stooge before hoodwinking Israel on the 'West Bank'.
Prime Minister can now show Obama he is the true hero of Israel by building not just a mere 1,000 homes in Judea and Samaria, but by building 100,000 homes in Israel’s sovereign homeland.
Bret Stephens pointed out:White House Distances Itself From ‘Chickenshit’ Insult Leveled at Netanyahu, Stops Short of Apology
The real problem for the administration is that the Israelis—along with all the other disappointed allies—are learning how little it pays to be on Barack Obama’s good side. Since coming to office in 2009, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed, against his own inclination and over the objections of his political base, to (1) recognize a Palestinian state; (2) enforce an unprecedented 10-month settlement freeze; (3) release scores of Palestinian prisoners held on murder charges; (4) embark on an ill-starred effort to reach a final peace deal with the Palestinians; (5) refrain from taking overt military steps against Iran; and (6) agree to every possible cease-fire during the summer’s war with Hamas.
In exchange, Mr. Kerry publicly blamed Israel for the failure of the peace effort, the White House held up the delivery of munitions at the height of the Gaza war, and Mr. Obama is hellbent on striking whatever deal the Iranians can plausibly offer him.
The White House has issued a cautious criticism of the anonymous Obama administration official who called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickenshit” in an interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, but stopped well short of an outright apology.Disability Charity Slams US Official's Netanyahu 'Asperger' Slur
“Certainly, that’s not the administration’s view, and we think such comments are inappropriate and counter-productive,” National Security Council spokesman Alistair Baskey told The Hill. “Prime Minister Netanyahu and the president have forged an effective partnership, and consult closely and frequently, including earlier this month when the president hosted the prime minister in the Oval Office.”
There was no indication that the White House would either name the official who made the remark, nor issue a full apology to Netanyahu for insulting him with various epithets, including the word “coward.”
An article published Tuesday in The Atlantic drew ire from Israeli officials, Republicans and supporters of Israel, after it quoted anonymous senior Obama administration figures describing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as "chickens**t."Report: Kerry to Speak With Netanyahu Over ‘Chickenshit’ Insult
But another part of the article has drawn offense from a different group entirely.
The author of the article in question, Jeffrey Goldberg, claimed he keeps a "running list" of the slurs and personal insults US officials use to describe Netanyahu, which he said include: "recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and 'Aspergery.'"
The Ruderman Family Foundation, an American charity which advocates for and the inclusion of people with disabilities throughout the Jewish community, condemned the latter insult - a reference to Asperger Syndrome - as "derogatory," and called for an official denouncement of its use by the White House.
Speaking at a press briefing, Spokesperson Jen Psaki would not say whether the administration intended to officially apologize for anonymous caustic remarks released in an article by Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic on Tuesday, nor when the chat was scheduled to take place.AP Reporter Hammers Psaki Over U.S.-Israeli ‘Dialogue’ on Iran
“President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry don’t see them as accurate or appropriate,” Psaki stressed, and told reporters at the presser that the unnamed official who spoke with Goldberg did so without a White House okay.
“If this issue comes up we will make sure it is clear it’s not reflective of the secretary’s views,” Psaki said.
The remarks appeared to be part of furious, but calculated backpedaling by the Administration.
Associated Press diplomatic reporter Matt Lee grilled State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki over an unnamed U.S. official who “took pride” in the fact that the U.S. had forestalled an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.Matt Lee Hammers Psaki On U.S.-Israeli 'Dialogue'
“Is the administration proud of the fact that it ‘boxed’ Israel in or out of conducting some type of military operation against the Iranians?” Lee asked.
“No, we are proud of the fact that we reached an agreement that was credible that was able to stall and roll back the program,” Psaki said. “Obviously there’s more work to be done. That’s why we prevented additional action.”
Lee pointed out that even if the Obama administration is not ‘proud’ of boxing Israel out of an attack, it is still proud of the result of that policy.
IDF Comes Under Fire Along Syrian Border
IDF forces conducting a routine patrol along the Syrian border on the Golan Heights came under fire from Syria on Thursday afternoon.Israeli Arab MK Zoabi suspended from Knesset for 6 months
The force reported that it had been targeted by gunfire, and proceeded to conduct a search for the sources of the attack.
No wounds or damage was reported as having been caused by the attack.
Following a fiery discussion, the Knesset plenum rejected by a landslide on Wednesday Balad MK Hanin Zoabi's appeal on the Knesset Ethics Committee decision to bar her from Knesset meetings and discussions for six months.The quiet, controversial partnership between the Israeli and Palestinian police chiefs
Sixty-eight MKs from coalition and opposition parties voted in favor of the ban, while only 16 MKs -- from the Meretz, Hadash and Israeli Arab parties, as well as Hatnuah MK Amram Mitzna -- voted against the ban.
The six-month ban was decided upon following multiple complaints filed against Zoabi by MKs over her anti-Israel statements.
A suspension is the harshest sanction the committee can impose on MKs. A six-month suspension is the maximum period of time the committee can order, and Zoabi is the first MK to be subjected to this punitive measure in full.
When Palestinian police discovered a torched car with Israeli license plates near the West Bank city of Hebron this summer, they immediately suspected foul play. It was only later that afternoon, however, that they learned that the abandoned vehicle was the first piece of evidence in the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the area, according to Maj. Gen. Hazim Attallah, the Palestinian police chief.Labor Laws Set to be Applied in Judea and Samaria
The force then passed that information along to Israeli authorities, in what was the first step in Palestinian police work that helped Israeli authorities identify the land where the bodies of the youths, who were allegedly killed by Palestinian militants, were buried.
To those outside the security agencies, it may come as a surprise that Palestinian and Israeli police continued working closely throughout the tense summer, when the Israeli military swept the occupied West Bank in search of the teens and the suspects and war broke out in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. But in recent interviews with The Washington Post, the chiefs of both forces said their sometimes controversial relationship — forged in secret meetings over the past two years — continues today, even as East Jerusalem seethes with clashes.
The government on Sunday will consider a proposal to expand Israeli labor laws to Judea and Samaria. The laws would apply to workers in those areas as they do to Israeli communities within the 1948 armistice lines, and would apply equally to Jews and Arabs working in Area C, under Israeli security and civilian control.Egyptian nationality stripped from 800, including Palestinians
Among the laws that will be imposed in Judea and Samaria will be laws requiring employers to give dismissed employees compensation as required – generally one month's salary for each year worked. Employers will also have to comply with laws providing workers with sick days and vacation days, minimum wage laws, time off to allow mothers to take care of newborns, and others. In addition, the measures will call for the hiring of more labor enforcement personnel to ensure that the laws are followed.
The laws will apply not only to Israeli citizens, but to Palestinian Authority subjects who work in Israeli-owned businesses in Area C. PA residents will have access to Israeli courts and legal protections in dealing with their employers.
A commission formed by the Cabinet to review pardons and citizenships granted by former president Mohamed Morsy to foreigners has revoked the citizenship of 800 people, including Palestinians, who obtained it illegally, according to security sources.Sarah Honig: Anarchic Reality
Those include Hamas senior leader Mahmoud al-Zahar, the sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm, adding that other persons subjected to the measure are being vetted by security so as to decide whether they have any links to terrorist groups that had committed any assaults against Egypt.
The same sources revealed that President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi had demanded a detailed report about citizenships awarded to up to 13.000 Palestinians since the 2011 uprising, asking to check whether they were affiliated with extremist groups.
Cairo knows full well that Hamas actively aids and abets pro-Brotherhood subversion and sabotage in Sinai and throughout Egypt and has consistently been an obliging source of manpower, munitions and infrastructure for Sinai’s terrorists.Sinai Terror Shows the Danger of Ungoverned Places
The number-one existential danger Israel faces doubtless comes from Iran and its nuclear ambitions. The Islamic State predations in both Syria and Iraq – and the threats they pose beyond – are probably second on the danger list for the immediate future. Yet, although largely ignored at the moment, the power-vacuum in the Sinai should rank right up there as well.
Cairo’s ongoing campaign against the Sinai-based terror-mongers is nothing to sneeze at. In this context, Cairo’s current powers-that-be perforce oppose Hamas, which is an active and uncompromising Muslim Brotherhood offshoot.
The implications for Israel are profound.
Most importantly, the Gaza-Sinai experience must be instructive for both Israel and the wider region. Israelis already look to the turmoil in Syria and consider their good fortune given the failure of both Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert in their misguided efforts to hand over Israel’s Golan Heights buffer to Assad. Similarly, as the wider region becomes more tumultuous and not less, Israelis must be all the more wary of gambling their national security on further territorial withdrawals in the West Bank, not least at a time when the PA has already proved so ineffective at maintaining order in the few localities it is currently entrusted with. And given the weak position of the Hashemite Kingdom in Jordan, it would not be difficult to imagine ISIS rapidly spreading from northern Iraq to the West Bank hilltops overlooking Tel Aviv.Egyptian Tycoon Naguib Sawiris Supports Importing Natural Gas from Israel
Desperate to appear as if it has any clout on the world stage, the EU will continue to push for Israeli concessions in the West Bank. Equally desperate to distract from its multiple failings throughout the region, the Obama administration will also increase its pressure on Israel to give ground. But as the Gaza-Sinai experience shows, creating another area of ungoverned lawlessness and instability on their doorstep is not an option Israelis can afford.
IDF Hires Egypt For Gaza Genocide So No One Will Care (satire)
The world’s apparent apathy at Egypt’s forced relocation of thousands of this city’s residents has prompted the Israeli military to outsource its operations in and around the Gaza Strip to the Egyptian army so that the latter can resort to the necessary harsh measures without the international opprobrium that would result from Israeli operations against the same Palestinians.
Egypt has begun bulldozing hundreds of homes in a buffer zone it seeks to create with the Gaza Strip, evicting residents and offering relocation or compensation only to those whose homes do not contain entrances to tunnels to and from the Gaza Strip. The international community has remained all but silent, leading IDF commanders to conclude that any and all methods of dealing with the threat of violence from Gaza should be contracted out to Egypt, up to and including the ethnic cleansing of the coastal area if necessary. Both nations have faced attacks from Islamists operating from Gaza, but the world has barely reacted to Egypt’s measures to suppress the attacks, while continuously condemning Israel for less audacious or sweeping activities against the militants.