Here's free Gaza co-founder Paul Larudee, one of the awardees above (seated second from the left,) shaking hands with this same terrorist leader:
Now, here is Larudee and other Free Gaza co-founders Kathy Sheetz and Greta Berlin being given another award from the "The San Jose Peace and Justice Center."
Concurrent with this presentation, Congressman Mike Honda sent Certificates of Special Congressional Recognition to each of these terror supporters as well as a letter of commendation recognizing the award recipients for their "peace" work in campaigning tirelessly against Israel.
Guess who wants you to give money to Mike Honda's campaign?
Yes, that "pro-Israel, pro-peace" group J-Street:
J-Street has an interesting definition of "pro-Israel." To them, it means "supporting those who hate Israel."
(Honda's opponent, also a Democrat, doesn't seem to push any particular foreign policy line.)
See also "J-Street endorses candidates who voted against Iron Dome funding."
By the way, the San Jose Peace and Justice Center once hosted an author who defended prominent people against charges of terrorism. They included Hamas leader Khaled Meshal - and Syrian president Bashar Assad!
(h/t Anarcho-Zionist)