The percentage of Israeli Arabs who recognize Israel’s right to continue to exist as a Jewish and democratic state rose in 2013, according to a study by Prof. Sammy Smooha of the University of Haifa.This completely contradicts the conventional wisdom, which isn't surprising since the conventional wisdom is often created by people with an agenda.
More Israeli Arabs identify themselves as such, instead of as Palestinian, found the study, which was a product of a joint venture between the university and the Israel Democracy Institute.
The report stated that, contrary to popular belief, Jews’ opinions about Israeli Arabs are not undergoing radicalization but demonstrate long-term stability.
While over the past 10 years, Israeli Arabs have become more extreme in their views toward the state and its Jewish majority, the results of the study in 2013 show a change in trend. For example, 53 percent of Israeli Arabs recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, compared to 47 percent in 2012.
Sixty-four percent in 2013 think that Israel is a good place to live, compared to 59 percent a year ago.
A major shift was found this year in the number of Arabs – 43 percent – who favor their Israeli-Arab identity over a Palestinian one. This compared to 33 percent in last year’s study.
Previous years' studies are online, but at the moment it doesn't look like the full report has been published on the web.