Monday, May 26, 2014

  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Apparently, saying that Jews "stole Palestine" is passe. The cutting edge insult is to say that they "raped" it.

Ahmed Al-Sayed El-Nagar is Chief Economist for the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo.

He wrote an article in Al Ahram for "Nakba Day" where he says, 12 times, that Zionists "raped" Palestine.

Whenever the anniversary of the Zionist rape of Palestine comes, Arab memory in general, and Egyptian memory in particular, recalls images of Palestine under occupation or the British Mandate letting hordes of rapists of all nationalities pass to its lands. Nothing unified those hordes except the Zionist dream of raping Palestine. The British Mandate gave them public lands and granted them all forms of assistance with the consent and support of the US and the West in general. It allowed them to have the most advanced weapons to form criminal gangs for intimidating and expelling the Arabs and committing heinous massacres against them.

Memory also recalls Zionist and Western myths around Zionist superiority that established an "advanced state" in a developing region and the myth, which is more false still and mean-minded, about Palestinians selling their lands, as if Zionists established Israel on lands they bought, not through raping the land, state and rights of another people. ...

As a matter of fact, when the vast operation of raping Palestine commenced with Jewish immigration in 1904 on a large scale...

...This obviously means that the Zionists didn't buy Palestine but rather raped it in the 1948 War...

As well as those economically exploited agricultural lands, Israel seized the Negev within the War of Rape in 1948.

...Furthermore, by signing the Haavara Agreement, Nazi Germany supported the Zionist solution to the Jewish problem in Europe. This solution was based on establishing a Jewish state through raping Palestine...

...Since the Zionist flow to Palestine was aiming at raping it, the industry was basically military...

Thus, the West provided the machinery and financing, and even the demand, to vitalise the Zionist military industry. In addition, Zionist gangs provided a permanent and increasing source of demand on the Zionist military industry and its products in Palestine. This demand turned into a flood with Zionist preparation for the War of Rape of Palestine by the end of the British Mandate...
In Arabic, the word for "usurp" and "rape" is the same, and I've seen plenty of auto-translations of Arabic articles that talked about how Israel "raped Arab lands"  but which I assumed really meant (and I would translate as) "usurped."

It looks like I was being too charitable.

And it also sounds like Mr. Nagar is a bit obsessed with rape. In a country where 99.3% of women are sexually harassed, the deliberate, repeated use of that term is ironic.

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