This interesting film follows Abdallah Hany Abu Zayad, a Palestinian Arab who works at the Sodastream factory in the Mishor Adumim industrial park.
It also shows Russian Jews who work at the factory. One, Valery, who works with Abdullah directly, says that "on the outside, they seem to treat me well enough; as for what's in their soul, I have no way of knowing that, now do I?"
The film says that soon after Abdallah started working there, he was personally visited by PA officials who told him he was betraying his country and should quit. He answered that he would be happy to if they could provide a job with the same salary, three times the average salary in the West Bank.
It shows the Arab workers eating what appears to be a company-provided lunch, saying that the chicken is OK that day; sometimes it is very good. It also shows Abdallah praying at the factory.
At the end, Abdallah says that Sodastream chose him to be interviewed by this film crew because they knew he wouldn't say anything bad about them, but at the same time he insists he isn't afraid to say anything negative.
The film ends with a very disturbing poem that Abdallah wrote and proudly reads aloud, describing how women admire him sitting on his throne, but one day "I'll raise my armies in preparation for war....the monster in me awakens, ready to torture and slaughter" - as it shows him working closely with his Jewish colleague.