Monday, May 26, 2014

  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Q: Who falls forward when they are shot from the front?
A: People who are shot in their legs.

By looking at the video I made recently showing Nadim Nawarah's fall synchronized with CNN's video showing Israeli police shooting what is undoubtedly a rubber bullet*, it is clear that he was hit with something. His fall comes at the same time that everyone else around him reacts instinctively to the sound of the shot; he is not play-acting as too-many Israeli "experts" are claiming.

Nawarah gets thrown off balance by being shot in his right leg or thigh. He takes weight off the injured leg, causing him to fall, breaking his fall with his hands. He then pivots to his back as he is falling to avoid his injured leg being further hurt.

Once you realize that he was not shot in the chest, all the other questions people are raising about this video are answered. He wasn't faking falling - he was really shot, but not by live fire.

A small piece of evidence, not definitive but supportive, comes from the high res photo taken during the two seconds he was alone on the ground. It shows an indentation on his pants that would be consistent with a rubber bullet. I would bet there is a large red welt beneath that indentation.

Now, what happened afterwards? I have no idea. If I am right - and I am convinced I am, at least in Nawarah's case - then you have no choice but to say that either he was shot after this incident in the chest, or another dead body was buried, and either this isn't Nawarah or that other person isn't Nawarah.

It is very difficult to say that he was shot in the ambulance or in the hospital or another body was found (actually, two bodies.) As I've said before, I dislike conspiracy theories. However, to believe that Israeli troops disobeyed orders and shot with live fire is a conspiracy theory as well. One way or another, there is a coverup going on, and Arabs in the territories are far less likely to publicly break with the official line than Israelis are.

This doesn't explain the other people shot, of course. We have one more dead person, Muhammad Salama, and one seriously injured person Muhammad Abdallah ‘Azza both of whom were allegedly shot by live fire. But the Nadim Nawarah scam - because on some level that's what it is - puts questions on the entire narrative.

As far as Muhammed Salama, the youth with the green Islamist flag, is concerned, I am having a hard time reconciling the coroner report with the video of his shooting. Here is the CCTV video of him.

He is allegedly shot from the unseen IDF position, which is around the corner from him from the camera's perspective (h/t Yenta)

The coroner report said "the bullet entered the right side of Muhammad’s back and exited the body from his left parasternal area."

I don't see, from that angle and the direction he was walking, how a bullet could have entered his right side and exited his left, unless it changed trajectory within his body (which is certainly possible.) That is hardly strong evidence that he wasn't shot by live fire from the Israelis, but it is something to research.

A further anomaly is that the CCTV videos show Salama shot at 2:58, still lying there at 2:59, yet the medical report says "Muhammad was admitted to the emergency room at the Palestine Medical Complex at 3:00 pm. Immediately upon arrival, he underwent a thoracotomy in which it was discovered that his heart was damaged. At 3:15 pm, after a failed attempt at resuscitation, Muhammad was announced dead." That seems to be a very short timeframe.

It would be wonderful if all the news agencies who were on the scene would release their full video and photo archives from May 15 so they could be examined by third parties, and not only when they think they can support their own narrative as CNN did.

And I want to make it clear that if the border police did use live fire against regulations I would want to see serious punishments meted out. So far, out of all the footage released from news agencies as well as on YouTube, I have not yet seen a single firing of live ammunition.

(All posts on this topic here.)

*In my video I mistakenly focused on the shooter to the furthest right. As Ray in Seattle notes in the comments, it was actually a shooter to his right/our left that fired the rubber bullet that felled Nawarah. It is equally clear that his gun has the rubber bullet attachment. Since then I have changed this video to now show the correct shooter.

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