One take: Roger Cohen (who doesn't live there) explains the need for 'my Jewish state'
— Roger Cohen (@NYTimesCohen) January 3, 2014
And the next linked to mine:
Another take (involving a huge amount of research on "Palestinian Arabs")
— Roger Cohen (@NYTimesCohen) January 3, 2014
He obviously doesn't understand why I say "Palestinian Arabs" instead of "Palestinians," which is something Menachem Begin used to be particular about. And I didn't do any real research for the piece beyond what I had already done for years. Which means that, in effect, Cohen is admitting that I posted stuff he was unaware of - as I wrote in the piece.Also, by putting my post and Mondoweiss' next to each other, Cohen is being self-congratulatory that since he is being attacked from both sides the truth must be in the middle where he thinks he is, which is a rather poor assumption.
(h/t DE)