It starts off with "I would not be surprised in the coming days to see Israelis wearing the Arab turban and robe, sitting in the palaces of the oil sheikhs without fear or shame as if they were the owners of the land, and not trespassers of sacred Islamic and Arab land who displaced and killed our family and still wreak havoc by bombing Gaza and arresting people in the West Bank and filling their prisons with detainees.The conspiracy theory that Israel is behind the Arab spring and infighting has become accepted fact in Arab media over the past couple of years. The idea that Israel is planning the dissolution of Arab states into smaller parts has been around for a while but is getting lots of play lately.
How can the Arab countries deal with an occupier of Islamic lands, while at the same time, these countries claim to support the right of the Palestinian people to return home and live in peace? Quite simply these countries cooperate with representatives of Israel the aggressor Palestinians as the victim are a supporting actor. How can the mind to accept such a contradiction??????
Facts confirm this contradiction even with those countries which do not have a treaty with Israel....Several months ago the defense minister of Israel went on a visit to Dubai for military industries; the Zionist minister with a high-level delegation participated in the exhibition to coincide with the time when his Zionist military Zionism was killing the sons of the West Bank under the direct orders of the same minister. Which contributed to create the impression of the West and the world of the legitimacy of the death and destruction that Israel is doing to the Palestinians without condemnation from the Arab host.
It is a fact that is no longer hidden of the presence of Israeli security companies offering their services in most countries of the Arabian Gulf and who find a viable market in those countries.An announcement by some Israeli newspapers recently notes that one of the indicators adopted internationally to signify the strength and durability of the relations between states is the presence of security coordination between them and that is exactly what we have seen in some Arab countries, relations with the Israeli entity.
Then came the Dubai Film Festival, where the Israeli film was about the the non-eligibility of the people of Palestine to return to their land and their towns and villages. To display such poisonous cultural material is to blow up the march of struggle and resistance for more than sixty years that has killed martyrs that fell from all Arab and Islamic nationalities. How could any Arab view this film in an Arab country, claiming his support for the Palestinian cause.????
These relations recently culminated with an official visit carried out by Silvan Shalom, the Israeli minister at the head of an economic delegation of businessmen Israelis at the official invitation of the government of the UAE, to participate in an economic conference held in Abu Dhabi. It is natural to find Zionists using the opportunity to market their investments and exploit opportunities to increase the strength of their economy, which in turn strengthens their hold on state territories. Linking economic agreements with Arab countries is no less dangerous to Arab security that from non-traditional weapons.
...Israeli politicians roam about in the Gulf states and investigate their goals without the need to announce their relationship with the embassies and consulates as is the case in international relations; they and consider it politically foolish to declare their presence in these countries and reveal their relationship in public so they can implement what they want from behind the curtain.
Israel's policy in the next phase its exercising hegemony is to extend its policy on the Arabs continuing the current fragmentation and weakness with the infighting and rivalry for power going on currently in the Arab countries, without a doubt Israel had the biggest role in the creation and adoption and sponsorship of this infighting to enable them to achieve the dream of Greater Israel and the realization of their verse, "your land, O Israel, from the Euphrates to the Nile."
But Jewish Zionist ambition at this stage has grown to change the motto to "Your Land, O Israel, from the Atlantic to the Gulf."
It is notable that the idea of peace between Israel and Arab states is so heinous to so many Arabs, while it is what Jews dream of. You would think that the Western nations might have noticed this little pattern after 65 years.