A nutty (and antisemitic) Iraqi pro-Shiite news site "Voice of Iraq" has a new diatribe against Sunni leaders. Excerpts:
Jewish rabbis are leading the jihad in Syria at the time of Arab decadence and cowardice, as Arabs have abandoned all titles of honor and dignity of the Arab and Islamic nation...they are handing their keys over free of charge to international Zionism. ... Events in Syria prove the Gulf Arab rush to compete for the satisfaction of their masters in the Israeli Knesset.I shouldn't reveal that the Shiites are also under control of the rabbis, and we make them write stuff like this to keep them fighting each other. Oops.
We hear from Netanyahu a call for a unification of the Arabs against Syria, Hezbollah and Iran to ignite a war that will burn the region and the world. Israel wants to sow discord and havoc in the region to fragment and weaken the Arabs. This is happening in Syria now with killing of sabotage and attacks.
There have been shuttle visits conducted by many of the political and military leaderships of the Gulf to Tel Aviv, especially after the heroic victories of the Syrian army against the armies of witches and sorcerers of mercenaries and after the breakthrough in the crisis with Syrian and Iranian détente with the United States.
Not only this, there is information that says a lot of the leaders of the so-called Syrian opposition and even Islamic ones go to Israel go kiss her to get all kinds of material and logistical support. Of course, all this support is conditional and under the control of the Mossad, who was recruited rabbis of the Israeli Knesset to issue fatwas to the chieftains of war and terrorism in the region and the world.
It is not strange to see and watch leaders of the Syrian rebels racing to gain a certificate of good conduct from Israel, but what is new is catching chieftains who claim to be advocates of the Islamic religion, but they are shown to be fornicators, not advocates. There are a lot of questions raised about the rush of these rebels and sheikhs towards Israel especially in recent times that made them a laughing stock among nations time.
Did not Saudi Arabia undertake with Al-Qaradawi and sheikhs not to allow what they call the Mujahideen in Syria to attack Israel? Did they not and cheer their mercenaries during the Israeli shelling of some military sites in Syria? Did not terrorist groups send their wounded to Israel and declare from inside the Israeli hospital that they do not hold any hostility to Israel? Didn't the ousted Egyptian President Mursi and the Brotherhood describe Peres as their great friend?