Palestinian authorities on Sunday condemned last Tuesday's suicide bombing attack against the Iranian embassy in Beirut, stressing that the Palestinian individual involved "does not represent the Palestinian leadership."Wow!
Palestinian authorities reacted to news that one of the suicide bombers was a young Palestinian refugee in Lebanon named Adnan Mousa Muhammad by saying that "the participation of a Palestinian in such cowardly criminal act represents (only) the individual."
"This act serves only the enemies of our cause and the enemies of our nation," they added, denouncing the bombings on Nov. 19 in the strong terms.
Muhammad's family reacted to the news by condemning their son's participation in the attack and praising Iran for its consistent support for the Palestinian cause.
A relative was quoted by the Lebanese National News Agency as saying, "The family condemns in the strongest terms this criminal act ... which serves only the Israeli enemy."
And to think, only a few weeks ago, Mahmoud Abbas was happily posing with people who murdered innocent civilians!

There must have been a major change of heart in the Palestinian Arab leadership in the past few weeks. Surely there isn't any rational way to otherwise reconcile these stories. Surely the PA condemns all terror attacks, no matter who the victims are.
Otherwise, they'd be monsters. And how could a monster be so honored by the international community?
(h/t PTWatch)