- Revealing the hypocritical demopathy behind BDS, in their own words,
- Asking why the world ignores the Fatah terror army under Mahmoud abbas' rule
- Proving yet again how Amnesty is more interested in bashing Israel than human rights for Gazans
- Revealing Iran's nuclear energy propaganda site
- A mini-rant on how Israel's peace partner idolizes murderers of Jews
- Showing what complete losers the Mondoweiss crowd is, again
- Expanding on a ZF scoop by finding many anti-Israel sites that use Israeli technology
- A discussion on whether Iran has a "right" to enrich uranium, looking at primary sources
- Following the Brandeis/Al Quds story
- And also the incitement to violence by Palestinian Arabs at SFSU
- Ripping apart Thomas Friedman
- Revealing far more expert information on the Swiss Arafat report
- An exclusive video interview with Dexter Van Zile of CAMERA
- Another post revealing how much Arabs hate Palestinians even when they say they love them
- The only report of how PalArabs make twice the salary from Israeli employers than PA employers
- Finding the real story behind the photo in Khamenei's insulting tweet about Israel
- Showing, using primary sources, how the ICRC is lying about Israel and international law
- Two original editorial cartoons that are getting spread around
- Finding the truth (maybe) about the reported Hamas spy balloons (thanks to Bob K)
- Exposing Oxfam/UN hypocrisy on Gaza (yet again)
(As always, if you think that this information is useful, feel free to donate or subscribe!)
I am looking forward to Shabbat very, very much.
I plan to be in Israel for about 10 days in December. If you have any ideas of stories you want me to cover while I am there, feel free to email me. (And if anyone in Israel has a venue to host the Hasby Awards, that would be great!)
I still have one important video to edit from the last time I was there in February.
Speaking of, the deadline for nominations for the annual Hasby Awards is almost here. Please nominate, or second other people's nominations, at my Hasby post. And check out the latest nominations, too; there is some really good stuff there.
I admit I don't understand the appeal of Xmas window displays, but some other winter decorations in New York City are nifty.
This snowflake is suspended over a busy intersection in midtown: