International law and Judea and Samaria: It’s time to return to the facts
In his November 21 article on “Humanitarian law vs. political choices,” Juan Pedro Schaerer, head of the local delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), repeats the longstanding point of view that Judea and Samaria, what some refer to as the “West Bank,” is “occupied territory.”A culture of anti-Semitic poison at Al-Quds University
In fact, Mr. Schaerer is so certain of this opinion, he invites a public debate on the issue.
However, before stating a contrary point of view, it would be pertinent to begin by debunking Schaerer’s own statements. In the article Schaerer starts, as many opinions do, by quoting Article 42 of the Hague Regulations of 1907, writing: “The facts on the ground were such that they fell squarely into the definition of occupied territory, which is codified in Article 42.”
Nusseibeh is often described as a Palestinian “moderate.” But in a culture as poisoned with vitriolic anti-Semitism as the Palestinian Authority, moderation doesn’t go very far. It doesn’t even go as far as repudiating the Nazi-like salutes and tableaux of dead Israelis during a public rally on an East Jerusalem college campus. Not even to retain the goodwill of an institution as dovish and liberal as Brandeis, a Jewish-sponsored university that was proud of its relationship with Al-Quds.MEMRI: Nazi-Style Salutes and Glorification of Martyrdom at Islamic Jihad Rallies in Al-Quds University
The genocidal values of Islamic Jihad are no anomaly. They are the values of Hamas and the PLO. They are the values that led the Arab League to spurn the UN’s proposed two-state solution in 1947, and to announce that it would crush the newborn Jewish state in “a war of extermination and a momentous massacre.” They are the values that induced Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the leader of the Palestinians in the 1930s, to form an alliance with Adolf Hitler, eagerly collaborating with the fuhrer in the hope of importing the Final Solution to the Jews of the Middle East.
Anti-Semitism is Rife Among America’s Far Left (REVIEW)
If you’ve ever wondered why “do-gooder” is a pejorative label, Stephen Norwood’s book on “Antisemitism and the American Far Left” will enlighten you. Rarely has there been a group of Americans so prone to mistake feeling good about what they are doing for actually doing good, as “far leftists.”Egyptian Nazi Scandal Shows Clear Academic Bias
They comprise Stalinists, Trotskyists, Old Leftists, New Leftists, loyal readers of The Daily Worker, New International, PM, Labor Action, The Nation, Ramparts, Tikkun; members of the CP, SP, SWP, SDS, SNCC, and indeed the whole alphabet soup cooked up by the dissidence of dissent.
Had the conference organizers done their due diligence, they would have had a very clear idea of Jan’s toxic beliefs. After all, we’re not talking about a cloak and dagger espionage operation. A few seconds of Googling would have taken them to a video from 2011, in which Jan and other Egyptian Nazis explained their raison d’etre to a shocked Egyptian television host. Also, the Alwaleed Center has a Facebook account, as does Jan. Had the conference organizers paid a brief visit to the Facebook page of a man they were willing to fly to Washington, they would have discovered that he’d posted several pictures of Adolf Hitler alongside admiring tributes to the Fuhrer.Terror-link group met in parliament
Separately, it can also be revealed that one of the Government’s police and crime commissioners will this week speak on the same platform as a man who has justified the killing of British troops and called for democracy to be replaced by Sharia.Harriet Sherwood misleads on UNRWA statement about Gaza construction ban
The Commons events — held in March and September — involving the group with links to Hamas were organised by the Emirates Centre for Human Rights (ECHR), which says it is a moderate campaign against rights abuses in the Gulf. However, part of its agenda appears to be anticipating the end of the regimes in the region.
Whilst the language in her Nov. 22 report is not completely clear, if Sherwood is claiming that UNRWA characterized the recent Israeli restrictions on construction materials into Gaza as “illegal”, and as a form of “collective punishment”, it is clear that the outgoing UNRWA Commissioner General never in fact made such an argument.Compare and contrast: BBC reporting on cross-border missile fire
Alternately, if Sherwood was merely attempting to characterize the Commissioner General’s opinion on the broader issue of the Israeli blockade, then she failed to reveal that this view was definitively contradicted by the UN inquiry which she herself reported more than two years ago.
On November 21st cross-border mortar fire hit an uninhabited desert area in Saudi Arabia’s eastern province. The attack was claimed by an Iranian-backed militia operating in Iraq. A report on the incident appeared on the BBC news website’s Middle East page on the same day.BBC Monitoring puffs wind in the sails of professional anti-Israel campaigners
Interestingly, part of the BBC Monitoring article focuses on reactions to the amended map provided by the publisher.Fire Friedman – forthwith
Visitors who click on the link to Scholastic’s blog provided in the BBC article will soon realise that many of the writers of the comments there are not mere “readers” as they are described by BBC Monitoring, but veteran – and in some cases, professional – anti-Israel campaigners.
First off the mark is Greta Berlin of the flotilla-organising, Hamas-supporting ‘Free Gaza Movement’ – perhaps more memorable for her promotion of antisemitic material on the internet.
Also popping in to visit was International Solidarity Movement activist Paul Larudee, who was among the organisers of the failed 2012 ‘Global March to Jerusalem’.
Tom Friedman has surrendered every shred of professional integrity in favor of defending an indefensible policy of an indefensible administration.Neo-Nazi’s victory in Slovakia spurs Jewish call for action
He has shown himself to be ill-informed and incoherent; either woefully misled himself or willfully misleading his readers.
But worse, he is exploiting his potent journalistic platform to incite against the Jews, to insinuate–indeed openly accuse – that they are disloyal to their country or, at least, have a greater loyalty to another.
European officials must act to reverse the momentum of neo-Nazi political parties, the head of the European Jewish Congress said following a victory in Slovakia by a neo-Nazi candidate.Egypt: New Book Deals with Jews in Cinema
EJC President Moshe Kantor issued a statement Sunday in the wake of the victory by Marian Kotleba, the ex-chairman of the banned Togetherness National Party.
The book, entitled “Jews and cinema in Egypt and the Arab world” was written by critic Ahmed Raafat Bahgat. It examines the role of Jewish cinema makers and artists in the Egyptian and Arab cinema, according to the report.10,000-Year-Old Home Found at Eshtaol
In its first chapter, the 490-page book discusses the Egyptian film industry in the context of a monopoly and the beginning of domination, studios, domestic production and distribution of foreign films.
Settlement remains were unearthed at the site, the earliest of which dates to the beginning of the eighth millennium BCE and the latest to the end of the fourth millennium BCE.'World's Oldest' Wine Cellar Uncovered in Galilee
The dig at Eshtaol, about 15 km (10 miles) west of Jerusalem, is being underwritten by the Netivei Israel Company. The ancient city of Eshtaol is mentioned several times in the Bible, in the books of Joshua and Judges.
Israeli and American archaeologists have uncovered what may have been the world's oldest wine cellar in the Galilee, Business Standard reports. The cellar is estimated to be about 3,700 years old and to have held up to 2,000 liters of strong, sweet wine.Scientists Find 3,700-Year-Old Wine Cellar
Netanyahu to Meet With Pope Francis
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Italy next Sunday for the annual meeting held between the Israeli and Italian governments, part of Israel’s effort to strengthen ties with European nations.The man who made DiskOnKey a household word
During the trip to Italy, Netanyahu will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican, Israel Hayom reported. It is expected that the prime minister will officially invite the pope to visit Israel. Netanyahu and Pope Francis will also discuss the Iran nuclear program and Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiations.
Equally inconceivable is that Moran considers his sale of M-Systems to SanDisk in 2006 for $1.6 billion as a kind of failure.Apple confirms $350m purchase of Israel’s PrimeSense
“I had thought it would be better to take the company to higher heights. But there was a constellation of factors that necessitated the sale, which benefitted the shareholders.
And when you’re the head of a company, you have to do what is right for them.”
Last July, it was reported that PrimeSense and Apple were in intense negotiations over a possible Apple acquisition.IDF Humanitarian Aid Team: Why We Came to Help in the Philippines
PrimeSense developed the Kinect 3D system for Microsoft. Since then, it has developed 3D sensors for consumer electronics, cars, game devices, digital signage, medical devices, and more. The company’s sensors are installed in over 20 million devices.